标题页 Title Page C E 公司名称 Company Name 报告者姓名 Reporter Name 报告起始日期 Reporting period start date: 报告结束日期 Reporting period end date: C E 合并方法 Consolidation Approach 使用者可以点击help键得到更多的说明 The user can click on the help boxes for additional instructions to appear 内容 Contents Worksheet 2.现场燃料使用 2. On-site fuel use 3.逸散性排放 3. Fugitive Emission 4.能源购买 4. Purchased Energy 5.原材料投入 5. Material Inputs 6.入场物流 6. Inbound Logistics 7.出场物流 7. Outbound Logistics 8.差旅 8. Business Travel 9.员工通勤(上下班往返) 9. Employee Commuting 10.废弃物和水 10. Waste and Water 11.客户分摊 11. Customer Apportionment 12.产品分摊 12. Product Apportionment 13.结果 13. Results 14.结果-百分比 14. Results - percentage split Operational Control 运营控制 tional instructions to appear User Instructions 请输入现场燃烧和运输的燃料消耗 Enter fuel consumption for on-site combustion and on-site transport 请输入在生产过程及制冷过程中直接排放到大气的气体 Enter gases released directly into the atmosphere from processes and refrigeration 请输入电力总消耗量与购买的热力、蒸汽及冷力的数量 Enter total electricity consumption and quantity of heat, steam and cooling purchased 请输入用于现场制造所使用的原材料 Enter materials used on-site for manufacturing 请输入将原材料运送到生产地点的运输信息 Enter transport to bring materials to your site 请输入将产品运送出生产地点的运输信息 Enter transport to take products from your site 请输入与员工差旅相关的信息 Enter information relating to employee business travel 请输入员工通勤相关的信息 Enter information relating to employee commuting 请输入与现场废弃材料和用水相关的信息 Enter information relating to waste materials and water on-site 请输入主要的客户名称与向每个客户销售量的大概百分比 Enter main customers and approximate percentage of sales that go to each customer 请输入主要产品与每类产品销售量的大概百分比 Enter main products and approximate percentage of sales that come from each product 您公司碳足迹的详细结果--用绝对数值表示 Results - Details of your company’s footprint in absolute numbers 您公司碳足迹的详细结果--用百分比表示 Results - Details of your company’s footprint in percentages transport ocesses and refrigeration eam and cooling purchased This tool has been reviewed by WRI for conformance with the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard 经世界资源研究所审核确认,本工具符合温室气体核算体系企业核算与报告标 准的要求。 About the Tool: This tool will enable Chinese exporters to measure, report and reduce supply chain emissions according to international standards and procurement requirements of key customers in export markets. The tool was funded by the China Prosperity SPF Fund from the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. www.carbontrust.com About the Carbon Trust: We are an independent, expert partner of leading organisations around the world, helping them contribute to and benefit from a more sustainable world: • We measure and certify the environmental footprint of organisations, products and services • We help companies assess risks and opportunities, and move to a more sustainable business model • We advise businesses, governments and the public sector on their opportunities in a sustainable, low carbon world • We assist governments and trade bodies to set up footprinting schemes, methodologies, certification systems and labelling • We provide bespoke tools and software to assist in the above • We help develop and deploy low carbon technologies and solutions, from energy efficiency to renewable power site s that go to each customer hat come from each product mbers s mance with the GHG 体系企业核算与报告标 Equity Share 股权比例 eport and reduce andards and rt markets. The tool he UK Foreign and ganisations around m a more sustainable t of organisations, and move to a more sector on their footprinting schemes, the above es and solutions, Financial Control 财务控制 Operational Control 运营控制 现场燃烧 On-Site Combustion C E 燃料和单位 Fuel & Units 年消耗量 Quantity per year C E 现场车辆 On-Site Vehicles 燃料和单位 Fuel & Units 车辆所有权和控制权 Vehicle Ownership and Control 年消耗量 Quantity per year 过程排放 Process Emissions C 气体 E Gas 制冷剂损耗 Refrigerant Losses C E 制冷剂名称 Refrigerant name 报告起始期制冷剂存量(千克) Refrigerant stock at start of reporting period (kg) 报告结束期制冷剂存量(千克) Refrigerant stock at end of reporting period (kg) 报告期内所购买的制冷剂量(千克) Refrigerant purchased during reporting period (kg) 新设备所填充的制冷剂量(千克) Amount of refrigerant to fill new equipment (kg) 销售或送往厂区外用于回收利用的制冷剂量(千克) Refrigerant sold or sent off-site for recovery (kg) 制冷剂排放总量(千克) Total refrigerant emissions (kg) Carbon Trust: The total capacity of new equipment filled with refrigerant by the user

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