20 w 30 w 6 w 0双 .2 03 碳 06 文 0. 库 vi p GLOBAL METHANE ASSESSMENT: 2030 BASELINE REPORT WHY ACT NOW: A NEW ERA FOR ACCELERATED IMPLEMENTATION © 2022 United Nations Environment Programme  ISBN No: 978-92-807-3978-7 Job No: DTI/2476/PA 20 w 30 w 6 w 0双 .2 03 碳 06 文 0. 库 vi p This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part and in any form for educational or non-profit services without special permission from the copyright holder, provided acknowledgement of the source is made. The United Nations Environment Programme would appreciate receiving a copy of any publication that uses this publication as a source. No use of this publication may be made for resale or any other commercial purpose whatsoever without prior permission in writing from the United Nations Environment Programme. Applications for such permission, with a statement of the purpose and extent of the reproduction, should be addressed to the Director, Communication Division, United Nations Environment Programme, P. O. Box 30552, Nairobi 00100, Kenya.  DISCLAIMERS The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory or city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Mention of a commercial company or product in this document does not imply endorsement by the United Nations Environment Programme or the authors. The use of information from this document for publicity or advertising is not permitted. Trademark names and symbols are used in an editorial fashion with no intention on infringement of trademark or copyright laws. The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations Environment Programme. We regret any errors or omissions that may have been unwittingly made. Photography: ©Shutterstock SUGGESTED CITATION United Nations Environment Programme/Climate and Clean Air Coalition (2022). Global Methane Assessment: 2030 Baseline Report. Nairobi. PRODUCTION Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) convened by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). 20 w 30 w 6 w 0双 .2 03 碳 06 文 0. 库 vi p ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) would like to thank the authors, reviewers and the secretariat for their contribution to the preparation of this assessment report. Authors and reviewers have contributed to the report in their individual capacities. Their affiliations are only mentioned for identification purposes. AUTHORS Drew Shindell* (Duke University, USA), Lena Höglund-Isaksson◊ (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria), A.R. Ravishankara* (Colorado State University, USA), Ben Poulter (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA), Marielle Saunois* (Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement, France), Shaun Ragnauth (US Environmental Protection Agency, USA), Jared Creason (US Environmental Protection Agency, USA), Jameel Alsalam (US Environmental Protection Agency, USA), Christophe McGlade (International Energy Agency, France), Mathijs Harmsen (PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Netherlands), Steven P Hamburg◊ (Environmental Defense Fund, USA), Daniel Zavala-Araiza (Environmental Defense Fund, USA), Stefan Schwietzke (Environmental Defense Fund, USA), Ilse Aben* (Netherlands Institute for Space Research, Netherlands), Oksana Tarasova (World Meteorological Organization, Switzerland), Nathan Borgford-Parnell (UN Environment Programme/Climate and Clean Air Coalition, France) * CCAC Scientific Advisory Panel member ◊ IMEO Scientific Oversight Committee member GRAPHIC DESIGN AND LAYOUT: Katharine Mugridge CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 1. I NTRODUCTION: CURRENT METHANE ATMOSPHERIC CONCENTRATIONS, SOURCES & POLICIES 8 1.1 Methane concentration in the atmosphere 9 1.2 Methane anthropogenic emissions across sources and regions 9 1.3 Natural methane emissions and sinks 11 1.4 Latest methane-related policies 12 2 BASELINE ANTHROPOGENIC METHANE EMISSIONS PROJECTION METHODOLOGY 13 2.1 Estimates from Integrated Assessment Models & Simulation Models 14 2.2 Estimates from “bottom-up” inventory type models 15 2.3 Harmonization Methodology 15 3 RESULTS FOR BASELINE EMISSIONS PROJECTIONS 17 18 3.2 Regional Values: Totals and Sectoral 20 3.2.1 Regional Totals 3.2.2

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