September 2023 20 w 30 w 6 w 0双 .2 03 碳 06 文 0. 库 vi p Summary Report 2023 Mobile Industry Impact Report: Sustainable Development Goals We invite you to find out more at Follow the GSMA on X: @GSMA GSMA Intelligence is the definitive source of global mobile operator data, analysis and forecasts and the publisher of authoritative industry reports and research. Our data covers every operator group, network and MVNO in every country worldwide — from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. It is the most accurate and complete set of industry metrics available, comprising tens of millions of individual data points, updated daily. GSMA Intelligence is relied on by leading operators, vendors, regulators, financial institutions and third-party industry players to support strategic decision-making and long-term investment planning. The data is used as an industry reference point and is frequently cited by the media and by the industry itself. Our team of analysts and experts produce regular thought-leading research reports across a range of industry topics. 20 w 30 w 6 w 0双 .2 03 碳 06 文 0. 库 vi p The GSMA is a global organisation unifying the mobile ecosystem to discover, develop and deliver innovation foundational to positive business environments and societal change. Our vision is to unlock the full power of connectivity so that people, industry and society thrive. Representing mobile operators and organisations from across the mobile ecosystem and adjacent industries, the GSMA delivers for its members across three broad pillars: Industry Services and Solutions, Connectivity for Good, and Outreach. This activity includes underpinning the technology and interoperability that make mobile work, advancing policy, tackling today’s biggest societal challenges and providing the world’s largest platform to convene the mobile ecosystem at the MWC and M360 series of events. To see the full version of the report online, please scan the QR code Contents Forewords 10 2. Mobile’s impact on the SDGs at the halfway point 16 3. Looking ahead to 2030 28 4. Final reflection: unlocking the potential of mobile 32 20 w 30 w 6 w 0双 .2 03 碳 06 文 0. 库 vi p 1. Executive summary Forewords Mats Granryd Director General, GSMA on our achievements, examine the current challenges and set our sights on the opportunities that lie ahead. In 2015, when the world adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the mobile industry’s average SDG impact score stood at 33, achieving 33% of what it could potentially contribute to the SDGs. 20 w 30 w 6 w 0双 .2 03 碳 06 文 0. 库 vi p This year marks the eighth year since the mobile industry demonstrated its commitment to sustainable development, becoming the first industry to commit to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As we reach the halfway point for achieving these goals, now is the perfect time for the mobile industry to reflect While much has been achieved, the global landscape has also undergone profound transformations in recent years, presenting new challenges that hinder our progress towards the SDGs. The Covid-19 pandemic, conflicts, climate-related disasters, the ongoing economic crisis and high inflation have significantly impacted our efforts. Vulnerable populations have borne the brunt of rising energy and food prices, exacerbating the cost-of-living crisis. In this context, the work we do as an industry to advance the SDGs becomes even more crucial in building resilience and creating a sustainable future. 20 w 30 w 6 w 0双 .2 03 碳 06 文 0. 库 vi p Fast forward to 2022, and our industry’s average impact score across the 17 SDGs rose to 53, demonstrating significant progress. Notably, we have witnessed substantial improvements in contributions to SDG 4: Quality Education, SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, and SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy. These advancements can be attributed to the increasing number of people who rely on mobile technology to access educational resources, use government services and manage their bills. The mobile industry’s biggest impact continues to be in SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, driven by the widespread reach of mobile networks, investments in 5G and infrastructure and the growing uptake of mobile internet services. Over the past seven years, close to 2 billion more people have gained access to the internet through their mobile phones. This significant connecti

pdf文档 移动影响报告:可持续发展目标(SDG)(英)-34页

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