The Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution Building back better, supporting green jobs, and accelerating our path to net zero November 2020 The Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution Building back better, supporting green jobs, and accelerating our path to net zero November 2020 The Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution 1 Contents Foreword from the Prime Minister 3 Foreword from the Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy 4 Introduction 5 The Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution 7 Point 1: Advancing Offshore Wind 8 Point 2: Driving the Growth of Low Carbon Hydrogen 10 Point 3: Delivering New and Advanced Nuclear Power 12 Point 4: Accelerating the Shift to Zero Emission Vehicles 14 Point 5: Green Public Transport, Cycling and Walking 16 Point 6: Jet Zero and Green Ships 18 Point 7: Greener Buildings 20 Point 8: Investing in Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage 22 Point 9: Protecting Our Natural Environment 24 Point 10: Green Finance and Innovation 26 Look Ahead: The Race to Zero 30 Notes on figures 32 2 The Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution The Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution 3 Foreword from the Prime Minister This year has taken a very different path from any we expected, but I have not lost sight of our ambitious plans to unite and level up our country. Just as science will enable humanity to rout Coronavirus, so we will use the UK’s extraordinary powers of invention to repair the economic damage and build back better. Now is the time to plan for a green recovery – with high-skilled high-paid jobs that offer the extra satisfaction of helping to make our nation cleaner, greener and more beautiful. Imagine how our Green Industrial Revolution could transform life across our United Kingdom. You cook your breakfast using hydrogen power before getting in your electric car, having charged it overnight from batteries made in the Midlands. Around you the air is cleaner, and the trucks and trains, ships and planes are running on hydrogen or a synthetic fuel. British towns and regions — Teesside, Port Talbot, Merseyside and Mansfield — have become synonymous with green technology and the jobs they bring. This is where Britain’s ability to make hydrogen and capture carbon pioneered the decarbonisation of transport, industry and power. This Ten Point Plan to get there will mobilise £12 billion of government investment, and potentially three times as much from the private sector, to create and support up to 250,000 green jobs. There will be electric vehicle technicians in the Midlands, construction and installation workers in the North East and Wales, specialists in advanced fuels in the North West, agroforestry practitioners in Scotland, and grid system installers everywhere. And we will help people train for these new green jobs through our Lifetime Skills Guarantee. We will turn the UK into the world’s number one centre for green technology and finance, laying the foundations for decades of economic growth by delivering net zero emissions in a way that creates jobs and allows us to carry on living our lives. And we will harness Mother Nature’s ability to absorb carbon by planting 30,000 hectares of trees a year by 2025, and restore the abundance of nature by rewilding 30,000 football pitches worth of countryside. The UK was the first major economy to embrace a legal obligation to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. I will establish Task Force Net Zero to take forward this national priority, and through next year’s COP26 Summit, we will urge countries and companies around the world to join us in delivering net zero globally. We long ago proved that green and growth can go hand-in-hand. So let us meet the most enduring threat to our planet with one of the most innovative and ambitious programmes of job-creation we have known The Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP Prime Minister 4 The Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution Foreword from the Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy As the world looks to recover from the impact of coronavirus on our lives, livelihoods and economies, we have the chance to build back better: to invest in making the UK a global leader in green technologies. If we apply the same zeal and ingenuity to stopping climate change as we have to tackling coronavirus, we can do so while transforming our economy, delivering jobs and growth ac

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