2022 年 第 16 卷·第 6 期 Vol.16,No.6 Dec.2022 天然气技术与经济 Natural Gas Technology and Economy 油气田余压发电项目碳资产开发可行性研究 王瀚悦 1 韩翠莲 2 陈 灿1 范爱娟 2 李映霏 1 (1. 中国石油西南油气田公司天然气经济研究所,四川 成都 610051;2. 天津排放权交易所有限公司,天津 300457) 摘 要 油气田拥有丰富的压力能资源,开发利用天然气余压发电项目潜力较大,由于当前技术和装备仍不够 成熟,影响了余压发电项目的规模效益开发,迫切需要通过碳资产开发来提升项目的经济性。为了推动天然气余压 发电产业的健康可持续发展,助力油气田企业如期实现“双碳”目标和新能源业务规模效益发展,对油气田余压发 电项目碳资产开发进行了可行性评估,测算了碳资产开发对天然气余压发电项目收益的影响,分析了项目碳资产开 发的可行性。研究结果表明:① 参考当前碳市场价格,天然气余压发电的单位装机年减排收益达到 188 元/kWh,远 高于陆上风电和光伏项目,但其单位投资年减排收益低于陆上风电项目,与光伏项目基本持平;② 从方法学、额外 性、监测可行性、减排量及收益评估等四个方面论证了余压发电项目碳资产开发的可行性;③ 天然气余压发电项目 碳资产开发及监测管理在技术角度不存在困难, 但因项目规模较小,单个项目开发收益不具经济可行性,可采取多 个项目可研方案整体设计,碳资产捆绑开发;④ 通过特殊类型项目开发规则完善、建立适合我国“双碳”工作发展 策略的正面技术清单、采用数字化管理方式提升开发效率、碳金融工具的应用等 4 方面举措来推动余压发电碳资产 开发。 关键词 油气田 余压发电 碳资产开发 CCER 可行性研究 DOI: 10. 3969 /j. issn. 2095-1132. 2022. 06. 012 Feasibility study on carbon asset development of oil & gasfield's waste pressure power generation projects WANG Hanyue1, HAN Cuilian2, CHEN Can1, FAN Aijuan2, and LI Yingfei1 (1. Natural Gas Economic Research Institute, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan 610051, China; 2. Tian⁃ jin Climate Exchange, Tianjin 300457, China) Abstract: Oil & gas fields are rich in pressure energy resources and have great potential to develop and utilize waste natural pressure gas for power generation. The current technologies and equipment are still not mature enough, which impacts the large- scale benefit development of waste pressure power generation project, so it is in urgent need to improve the economy of the project through carbon asset development. In order to promote the healthy and sustainable development of the waste natural gas pressure power generation industry and help oil & gasfield enterprises achieve the "dual carbon" goal as scheduled and the large- scale benefit development of new energy business, this paper evaluates the feasibility of the carbon asset development of the oil & gasfield's waste pressure power generation project, measures the impact of carbon asset development on the income of waste natural gas pressure power generation project, and analyzes the feasibility of the carbon asset development of the project. And the following research results are obtained. First, referring to the current carbon market price, the annual emission reduction income per unit installed capacity of waste natural gas pressure power gener⁃ ation is 188 yuan/kWh, which is much higher than that of onshore wind power and photovoltaic project, but the annual emission reduction income per unit investment is lower than that of onshore wind power project and basi⁃ cally the same as that of photovoltaic projects. Second, the feasibility of carbon asset development of waste pres⁃ sure power generation project is demonstrated from the aspects of methodology, additionality, monitoring feasibility, emission reduction and income evaluation. Third, there is no technical difficulty in carbon asset development and monitoring management of waste natural gas pressure power generation project, but due to the small scale of the project, the development income of a single project is not economically feasible. It is suggested to design multi⁃ ple project feasibility schemes as a whole and perform bundled development of carbon assets. Fourth, the carbon asset development of waste pressure power generation can be promoted by taking the following 4 measures, i.e., improving the development rules for special types of projects, establishing positive technology list suitable for Chi⁃ na's "dual carbon" work development strategy, adopting digital management to improve development efficiency, and applying carbon financial tools. Keywords: Oil & gasfield; Waste pressure power generation; Carbon asset development; CCER; Feasibility study 修订回稿日期:2022-11-03 基金项目:中国石油西南油气田公司科技项目“西南油气田碳资产开发研究 —— 课题二:西南油气田碳资产管理及碳交 易策略研究”(编号:20220307-07-02)。 作者简介:王瀚悦(1994-),女,硕士,从事双碳经济方面的研究工作。E-mail:Why_wanghanyue@petrochina.com.cn。 78 /Natural Gas Technology and Economy 总第 96 期 0 2022 年 天然气技术与经济·双碳与新能源 为 720 kW,全年发电量可达 570 kW · h,每年可节 引言 在国家推动“双碳”战略目标的大背景下,国 内各能源企业积极推动绿色低碳转型发展,通过协 同推进节能降碳减污,持续推进综合用能效率提 升,并不断提高清洁用能比例。余压、余热资源综 合利用,是能源生产企业实现内部高碳用能清洁替 代的重要手段,也可实现对外的清洁能源供应,对 于提高企业综合用能效率以及清洁利用水平具有重 要贡献。油气田拥有丰富的压力能资源,开发利用 约标煤 1 889 t,可减排二氧化碳 5 511 t。 1.3 应用前景展望 余压利用得到国家政策的支持鼓励,《中华人民 共和国节约能源法》 (2016 年 7 月修正)明确提出国家 鼓励工业企业采用余热余压利用以及先进的用能监 测和控制等技术,《“十四五”循环经济发展规划》 (发改环资〔2021〕969 号)要求积极利用余热余压资 源,推行热电联产、分布式能源及光伏储能一体化 天然气余压发电项目的潜力巨大,但是当前技术和 系统应用,推动能源梯级利用 [2

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