PROJECT! REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA Ministry of Energy Ministry of Environment and Water INTEGRATED PLAN IN THE FIELD OF ENERGY AND CLIMATE THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA UPDATED 2024. CONTENT 1. REVIEW AND PLAN DETERMINATION PROCESS ...................................................... 14 1.1. Summary ...................................................................................................................... 14 i. Political, economic, environmental, and social context of the plan ............................................. 14 ii. Strategy relating to the five dimensions of the Energy Union ...................................................... 19 iii. General table of key objectives, policies and measures of the plan ............................................. 21 1.2. Overview of current policy situation ................................................................................. 22 i. The energy system at national and Union level and the policy context of the national plan ....... 22 ii. Current energy and climate policies and measures relating to the five dimensions of the Energy Union 23 iii. Key issues of cross-border relevance ............................................................................................ 37 iv. Administrative structure of implementing national energy and climate policies ......................... 37 1.3. Consultations and involvement of national and Union entities and their outcome .......... 39 i. Involvement of the national Parliament ....................................................................................... 39 ii. Involvement of local and regional authorities .............................................................................. 39 iii. Consultations of stakeholders, including the social partners, and engagement of civil society and the general public ..................................................................................................................................... 40 iv. Consultations with other Member States ..................................................................................... 40 v. Iterative process with the Commission ......................................................................................... 40 1.4. 2. Regional cooperation in preparing the plan ................................................................... 40 i. Elements subject to joint or coordinated planning with other Member States ........................... 40 ii. Explanation of how regional cooperation is considered in the plan ............................................. 44 NATIONAL OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS .................................................................... 45 2.1. Dimension “Decarbonisation” ........................................................................................... 45 2.1.1. GHG emissions and removals .............................................................................................................. 45 i. The elements referred to in Article 4(a) (1) .................................................................................. 45 ii. Where applicable, other national objectives and targets consistent with the Paris Agreement and the existing long-term strategies. If applicable with a view to contributing to the Union’s overall greenhouse gas emission reduction commitment, other objectives and targets, including sectoral and climate change adaptation targets, if any ................................................................................................. 47 2.1.2. Energy from renewable sources ......................................................................................................... 47 i. The elements referred to in Article 4(a) (2) .................................................................................. 47 ii. Estimated trajectories for the sectoral share of energy from renewable sources in gross final energy consumption from 2021 to 2 030 in the electricity, heating and cooling and transport sectors .. 48 iii. Estimated trajectories by renewable energy technologies that a Member State envisages to use to achieve the overall and sectoral trajectories for renewable energy for the period 2020-2030, including the estimated total gross final energy consumption for each technology and sector in Mtoe, as well as 1 total planned installed capacity (divided by new capacity and increase in capacity of existing in
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