Technical Guidelines on Energy Efficiency in Major Energy-Consuming Sectors Energy Efficiency in the Pulp and Paper Industry Energy Efficiency in the Pulp and Paper Industry Imprint The report Energy Efficiency in the Pulp and Paper Industry. Technical Guidelines on Energy Efficiency in Major Energy-Consuming Sectors is published within the framework of the “Sino-German Demonstration Project on Energy Efficiency in Industry.” The demonstration project, as part of the Sino-German Energy Partnership between the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), jointly implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the National Energy Conservation Center (NECC), aims at carbon emissions reduction in China’s major energy-consuming sectors by providing energy efficiency measures and best practices, and strengthening private sector cooperation. The report is co-financed by the “Supporting Low Carbon Development in Jiangsu Province Project (Phase III),” which is funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and jointly implemented by Jiangsu Department for Ecology and Environment and GIZ. As a German federal enterprise, GIZ supports the German government in the achievement of its goals in international cooperation for sustainable development. This report is the first in series of publications to provide an overview and analysis of energy efficiency measures for key sectors including airports, and the manufacturing industries for pulp and paper, cement, ceramics, and glass fibers, drawing from German and international experiences and best practices. Published by Authors Sino-German Demonstration Project on Helmut Berger (coordination), Energy Efficiency in Industry Nushin Shahri, Thomas Eisenhut, Manuela Farghadan Tayuan Diplomatic Office Building 2-5, ALLPLAN GmbH 14 Liangmahe South Street, Chaoyang District 100600 Beijing, P. R. China Images c/o As stated in the document; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Shutterstock\ Jose Luis Stephens (Front Cover) Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Shutterstock\ NEFLO PHOTO (P10) Torsten Fritsche Shutterstock\ seeshooteatrepeat (P14) Köthener Str. 2 Shutterstock\ hxdyl (P20) 10963 Berlin Shutterstock\ SocoXbreed (P32) Shutterstock\Hannu Rama (P80) Project Management Maximilian Ryssel, Yihui Wang © Beijing, July 2021 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH This report in its entirety is protected by copyright. The information contained was compiled to the best of our knowledge and belief in accordance with the principles of good scientific practice. The authors believe the information in this report is correct, complete and current, but accept no liability for any errors, explicit or implicit. The statements in this document do not necessarily reflect the client’s opinion. 1 Energy Efficiency in the Pulp and Paper Industry Foreword Dear readers and friends, In the year 2020 the COVID19-pandemic has demonstrated our societies’ Dear readers, to colleagues and friends, vulnerability environmental disasters. While scientists rushed to develop vaccines, governments around the globe drafted stimulus programmes to In recent years, we have seen substantial progress being made in the energy transition in support their economies and people’s livelihoods. Much was written about Germany and China. China remains the country with the world’s largest installed capacity seizing the opportunity to put ‘green recovery’ and tackling global warming – of renewable energy, whereas in Germany, the share of renewables in the net electricity the crisis ahead – at the centre of stimulus packages. generation has exceeded 50% for the first time. But whilst the promotion and development of renewable energy plays an important role in our global measures to prevent cliGermany, for instance, has adopted a EUR 130 bn package of which a budget of mate change, it alone would not be sufficient to protect a liveable future for humanity. To EUR 50 bn is to be spent into the modernisation of the country, which includes complete the necessary energy transition, it is also crucial to improve energy efficiency in investments in renewable energies, public transport, hydrogen and electric buildings, industry and transport. This is based on the simple fact that the cheapest and Likewise,

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