Environmental Progress Report Covering fiscal year 2023 Contents Introduction Environmental Initiatives Engagement and Advocacy Data Appendix 2024 Environmental Progress Report Contents Introduction 3 4 5 Reflections from Lisa Jackson Report highlights Goals and progress Environmental Initiatives Engagement and Advocacy 11 12 15 4 2 2 3 5 3 Apple 2030 Journey to Apple 2030 Approach Design and materials Electricity Direct emissions Carbon removal 7 6 8 6 9 6 3 7 9 3 0 4 5 4 8 4 2 5 Resources Approach Product longevity Material recovery Water Zero waste 7 7 8 7 9 7 81 2 8 3 8 8 5 9 5 61 3 6 Smarter Chemistry Approach Mapping Assessment Innovation Approach Listening to a range of voices Achieving change together Supporting communities worldwide Data Greenhouse gas emissions High quality carbon certificates Carbon footprint by product Energy Resources Normalizing factors Appendix 5 A: Corporate facilities energy supplement 8 4 B: Apple’s life cycle assessment methodology 9 6 C: Assurance and review statements 9 07 D: Environment, Health and Safety Policy 1 09 E: ISO 14001 certification 1 11 Report notes 1 12 End notes 1 2 Contents Introduction Environmental Initiatives Engagement and Advocacy Data Appendix 2024 Environmental Progress Report Reflections Apple’s commitment to climate action has never been more clear. Thanks to the hard work of teams across our company, we’ve reduced our emissions by over 55 percent since 2015. We’ve crossed key milestones on our environmental journey. And we’re rising to the generational challenge of climate change by working with companies and communities that span the globe. Apple 2030 is our commitment to be carbon neutral for our entire footprint by the end of the decade. We’ll get there by innovating at every stage of the product lifecycle — from how they’re made, to what they’re made from. That starts with bringing new clean energy online across our supply chain. Today, more than 320 suppliers have committed to using renewable electricity for Apple production. With over 16 gigawatts already online, they’re avoiding more than 18 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions. Our teams and suppliers are a part of so many communities, so Apple’s work to protect the planet takes us around the world. That’s why we’re partnering directly with communities and local organizations to support environmental solutions where they’re needed most. In 2023, that meant expanding our Power for Impact program to bring clean energy to underserved communities in Nepal and Colombia, and supporting programs that increase access to safe water and sanitation in India. We’re also building our products with more recycled and renewable material than ever — work that helps to drive down our carbon footprint. Our customers play an important role in this effort. When you participate in the Apple Trade-In program, you’re helping to bring us closer to the day our products will be made without taking anything from the Earth. The proof is in our products. Last year, more than 20 percent of the materials we shipped in Apple products came from recycled sources. MacBook Air is our first product made with more than 50 percent recycled material, and we’re making important strides across all of our products. The iPhone 15 lineup, Apple Watch Series 9, and Apple Watch Ultra 2 use 100 recycled cobalt in their batteries. More than 99 percent of the tungsten in our products comes from recycled sources. And we’re driving innovation around the world to improve the way our industry recycles and recovers materials. We’re also finding new and better ways to get Apple products into people’s hands. It’s not just trains, planes, and automobiles — increasingly, we’re shipping Apple products on the open seas, because ocean freight can reduce emissions by as much as 95 percent compared to air transport. And we continue to restore our planet’s ecosystems — like the Atlantic Forest, which stretches from Brazil to Paraguay — that play a key role in removing carbon from the atmosphere. What does all this work add up to? Progress. And that progress is sorely needed, because the impacts of climate change are all around us. Its frontlines are not in boardrooms or government buildings — they’re in communities. And we owe it to our global community to rise to the challenge of climate change with all the innovation,

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