自行车专用路促进低碳出行 及社会效用分析与建议 ——以北京市回天自行车专用路为例 北京城市象限科技有限公司 2023 年 3 月 关于作者 姜琪 北京城市象限科技有限公司 城市分析师 联系方式:qjiang@urbanxyz.com 姜琪女士于 2020 年 12 月加入城市象限,担任城市分析师,主要负责城市治理与智慧城 市相关的项目咨询,包括项目策划、数据研究、城市体检评估,曾负责双井共享单车智 慧治理项目,《双井可持续发展社区成果案例集》编写等工作。在加入城市象限以前, 曾在北京清华同衡规划设计研究院战略所,北京清华同衡规划设计研究院遗产所实习, 负责政策研究、数据分析等工作。 姜女士拥有伦敦政治经济学院区域与城市规划硕士学位,以及北京师范大学人文地理与 城乡规划学士学位。 赵玮雯 北京城市象限科技有限公司 咨询中心主任 联系方式:zww@urbanxyz.com 赵玮雯女士于 2019 年 2 月加入城市象限,担任城市分析师,主要负责城市治理与智慧城 市相关的项目咨询。加入城市象限前,赵女士曾就职于上海第一财经新媒体科技有限公 司,工作内容包括针对城市商业主题的数据分析、人物采访、内容撰写。 赵女士拥有美国波士顿大学新闻硕士学位,以及北京航空航天大学电子信息工程专业学 士学位。 ABOUT THE AUTHORS JIANG Qi Beijing City Quadrant Technology Co., Ltd Urban Analyst E-mail: qjiang@urbanxyz.com Ms. JIANG Qi is an urban analyst of urban governance and smart cities, whose responsibilities include project planning, data research, urban physical assessment. She was responsible for Shuangjing shared bike smart governance project , "Shuangjing Sustainable Development Community Outcome Case Set " compiling project and other work. Prior to joining Beijing City Quadrant Technology Co., Ltd in December 2020, she worked in Holistic Governance and Planning Research Center of Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Planning and Design Institute and Heritage Conservation and Urban-rural Development Research Center of Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Planning and Design Institute as an intern, focusing on urban policy research and data analysis. Ms. Jiang holds a Master's degree in Regional and Urban Planning from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a Bachelor's degree in Human Geography and Urban Planning from Beijing Normal University. ZHAO Weiwen Beijing City Quadrant Technology Co., Ltd Consulting center Director E-mail: zww@urbanxyz.com Ms. ZHAO Weiwen is an urban analyst of urban governance and smart cities. Her key responsibilities include urban issue consulting based on big data of urban field and related public media reports. Prior to joining Urbanxyz in February 2019, she worked in Shanghai Yicai Media Group for almost two years as a data journalist in city business and offline daily consumption, as well as an urban analyst focusing on urban development. Ms. Zhao holds a Master’s degree in Journalism from Boston University, U.S. and a Bachelor’s degree in Electronic Engineering from Beihang University, China. 致谢 本研究由北京城市象限科技有限公司统筹撰写,由能源基金会提供资金支持。 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This report is a product of [name of grantee] and is funded by Energy Foundation China. 关于项目单位/能源基金会 北京城市象限科技有限公司(简称城市象限)于 2016 年孵化自北京市城市规划设计 研究院。公司致力于新城市科学研究和其引领下的城市实践,并发起成立了面向社区治 理的北京市民办非企业单位——北京社区研究中心。 公司负责和参与了多项重大城市大数据、城市大脑和城市规划治理项目。同时城市 象限也是一定影响力的北京市智库机构,2017 年来已有十余篇报告通过北京信息、舆情 专报、督查专报等渠道获得了北京市委、市政府领导批示。公司在城市大数据处理、分 析、可视化技术,自然语言处理、计算机视觉,城市物联感知,城市体检技术,城市仿 真模拟,知识图谱和公众参与技术等方面拥有多项软件著作权,并于 2017 年获得国家高 新技术企业认定,2022 年获得北京市创新型中小企业认定。 能源基金会是在美国加利福尼亚州注册的专业性非营利公益慈善组织,于 1999 年开 始在中国开展工作,致力于中国可持续能源发展。基金会在北京依法登记设立代表机构, 由北京市公安局颁发登记证书,业务主管单位为国家发展和改革委员会。 能源基金会的愿景是通过推进可持续能源促进中国和世界的繁荣发展和气候安全。基 金会的使命是通过推动能源转型和优化经济结构,促进中国和世界完成气候中和,达到世 界领先标准的空气质量,落实人人享有用能权利,实现绿色经济增长。致力于打造一个具 有战略眼光的专业基金会,作为再捐资者、协调推进者和战略建议者,高效推进使命的达 成。 ABOUT [NAME OF GRANTEE]/ ENERGY FOUNDATION CHINA Beijing City Quadrant Technology Co., Ltd. was incubated from Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning & Design (BMICPD) in 2016. Committed to studying the new science of cities and urban practice led by this concept, the Company has initiated and founded Beijing Community Study Center—a private non-business unit of Beijing that is oriented around community governance. The Company has been responsible and participated in a wide range of major urban big data, urban brain, and urban planning governance projects. Meanwhile, City Quadrant is a Beijing-based think tank with a certain influence. Since 2017, through special reporting of information and public sentiment, special reporting of supervisions, and other channels of the city, more than 10 of its reports have received instructions from leaders of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and Beijing Municipal Government, promoting government work in many aspects. City Quadrant boasts a number of software copyrights across wide-ranging sectors including urban big data processing and analysis, visualization technology, natural language processing, computer vision, urban IoT perception, urban problem inspection technology, urban simulation, knowledge mapping, and public engagement technology. The company was recognized as a national new and high-tech enterprise in 2017 and as an innovative small and me

pdf文档 自行车专用路促进低碳出行及社会效用分析与建议—以北京回天自行车专用路为例--城市象限

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