《蒙特利尔议定书》受控物质制冷剂回收再用 管理模式研究报告 Research Report on the Management Model of Refrigerant Recovery and Reuse of Controlled Substances under the Montreal Protocol 生态环境部固体废物与化学品管理技术中心 2022.6.27 Solid Waste and Chemicals Management Center, MEE of PRC June.27, 2022 关于作者 林军 胡俊杰 李仓敏 潘寻 ABOUT THE AUTHORS Lin Jun Hu Junjie Li Cangmin Panxun(panxun@meescc.cn) 致谢 本研究由生态环境部固体废物与化学品管理技术中心化学品管理技术部统筹撰 写,由能源基金会提供资金支持。 在本项目研究过程中,研究团队得到了中汽数据有限公司的大力支持,包括徐树 杰、任家宝、王超前等,在此向他们表示诚挚感谢。 研究团队同时感谢以下专家在项目研究过程中作出的贡献: 胡建信 北京大学 陈敬良 中国制冷空调工业协会 薛庆峰 中国汽车工业协会汽车空调分会 王宝成 北京市污染源管理事务中心 王冬梅 天津市生态环境综合保障中心 田 晖 中国家用电器协会 窦艳伟 中国家用电器协会 尚舒文 生态环境部对外合作与交流中心 滑 雪 生态环境部对外合作与交流中心 李红旗 北京工业大学 曹 颖 国家应对气候变化战略研究和国际合作中心 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This report is a product of Solid Waste and Chemicals Management Center, MEE of PRC and is funded by Energy Foundation China. The team is grateful for the generous support it received throughout this research from China Automotive Data Co., Ltd, including Xu Shujie, Ren Jiabao, Wang Chaoqian, etal. The team would like to thank the following experts for their contribution to this research: Hu Jianxin Peking University Chen Jingliang China Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association Xue Qingfeng China Association of Automobile Manufacturers Automobile AC Branch Wang Baocheng Beijing Municipal Pollution Source Management Affairs Center Wang Dongmei Tianjin Ecological Environment Comprehensive Protection Center Tian Hui China Household Electrical Appliances Association Dou Yanwei China Household Electrical Appliances Association Shang Shuwen Foreign Cooperation and Exchange Center of the MEE, PRC Hua Xue Foreign Cooperation and Exchange Center of the MEE, PRC Li Hongqi Beijing University of Technology Cao Ying National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation of the MEE, PRC -------------------------报告正文------------------------免责声明 若无特别声明,报告中陈述的观点仅代表作者个人意见,不代表能源基金会的观 点。能源基金会不保证本报告中信息及数据的准确性,不对任何人使用本报告引 起的后果承担责任。 凡提及某些公司、产品及服务时,并不意味着它们已为能源基金会所认可或推荐, 或优于未提及的其他类似公司、产品及服务。 Disclaimer Unless otherwise specified, the views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Energy Foundation China. Energy Foundation China does not guarantee the accuracy of the information and data included in this report and will not be responsible for any liabilities resulted from or related to using this report by any third party. The mention of specific companies, products and services does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by Energy Foundation China in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. 目 摘 录 要............................................................................................................................ 1 ABSTRACT................................................................................................................... 2 第一章 制冷剂的使用、报废和回收.......................................................................... 3 1.1 制冷剂的发展................................................................................................. 3 1.2 制冷剂的使用................................................................................................. 4 1.2.1 家电生产行业...................................................................................... 5 1.2.2 工商制冷行业...................................................................................... 7 1.2.3 汽车生产行业.................................................................................... 10 1.2.4 行业汇总............................................................................................ 12 1.3 制冷剂的报废............................................................................................... 13 1.3.1 家电行业制冷剂报废........................................................................ 13 1.3.2 汽车行业制冷剂报废........................................................................ 15 1.3.3 工商制冷行业制冷剂报废................................................................ 16 1.3.4 行业汇总............................................................................................ 17 1.4 制冷剂的回收............................................................................................... 17 1.4.1 制冷剂回收的意义............................................................................ 17 1.4.2 制冷剂回收的政策............................................................................ 22 1.4.3 制冷剂回收概况................................................................................ 28 1.5 制

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