Cafe de Coral Holdings Limited 大家樂集 團 有限公司* (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (於百慕達註冊成立之有限公司) Stock Code 股份代號: 341 3 • . .. . . . 2022/23 Sustainability Report 可持續發展報告 * For identification purposes on/y 僙供參考 Contents 目錄 Message from the Chairman 主席的話 2 Message from the Management Board 管理局的話 3 About this Report 關於本報告 4 Café de Coral Group at a Glance 大家樂集團簡介 5 Performance Highlights 表現概覽 6 Our Approach to Sustainability 我們的可持續發展方針 7 Our Sustainability Pillars 我們的可持續發展範疇 Catering to Customers 以客為先 16 Empowering our Employees 員工為本 34 Focusing on Food 專注食物 54 Preserving the Planet 保護環境 72 Performance Data Summary 表現數據摘要 90 Awards and Recognitions 獎項及榮譽 95 Appendix – HKEX ESG Reporting Guide Index 附錄 – 香港聯交所《環境、社會及管治報告指引》索引 98 Message from the Chairman 主席的話 2 As life returns to normal after three years under the pandemic, Café de Coral Group is delighted to be celebrating our 55th anniversary with the people of Hong Kong. During the past few years, challenges including social distancing measures, travel restrictions and operating limitations severely tested the agility and resilience of our business. With the lifting of all major pandemic-related restrictions earlier this year, Hong Kong’s economy is on the road to recovery. 隨著三年疫情過去,大家的生活開始回復正 常,此時也迎來大家樂集團成立五十五周年 之 慶。過 去 數 年 的 社 交 距 離 措 施、旅 遊 及 營 運限制為集團帶來重重挑戰,考驗我們業務 的靈活性和應變能力。自本年初疫情相關的 主要限制措施解除後,我們樂見香港經濟逐 漸踏上復甦之路。 Our steadfast commitment to sustainability helped to guide us through the unprecedented storm of the past three years. Founded on the pillars of Catering to Customers, Empowering our Employees, Focusing on Food, and Preserving the Planet, our sustainability strategy paves the way for continuous business development while creating long-term value for all stakeholders. 集團對可持續發展理念的堅持,引領我們過 去三年經歷前所未有的難關。我們的可持續 發展策略著重「以客為先」、「員工為本」、「專 注食物」及「保護環境」四大範疇,有助推動業 務繼續發展,同時為所有與業務有關人士創 造長遠價值。 With signs of economic recovery emerging after the lifting of pandemic restrictions, we are reviewing and updating our operating models to capture business opportunities, expand market share, and connect with the community. 自 防 疫 限 制 措 施 撤 銷 後,經 濟 逐 步 復 甦,我 們正審視和調整營運模式,以便把握商機、 擴大市場佔有率,並與社區維持聯繫。 For more than half a century, we have remained true to our sustainability goals. Through good times and bad, these principles form the core of our business and daily operations. Building on the tremendous support of our customers, staff, partners, investors and the wider community, we look forward to guiding our business through the next half of a century, and beyond. 逾半個世紀以來,我們對可持續發展目標堅 定不移,這些原則已成為業務和日常營運的 重心,風雨不改。有賴顧客、員工、合作夥伴、 投資者及廣大社區的鼎力支持,集團將昂然 步入下一個五十年,邁向更遠的將來。 Lo Hoi Kwong, Sunny Chairman of Café de Coral Group 大家樂集團主席 羅開光 Sustainability Report 2022/23 Message from the Management Board 管理局的話 Growing together with Hong Kong for over half-century, Café de Coral Group is committed to delivering quality food and service to every customer. Sustainability principles are integrated into our management philosophy, fostering steady business growth over the years and the resilience to navigate through difficult times. Now that the pandemic is behind us, we remain deeply thankful to all of our stakeholders for their continued support during the challenging past few years. 大家樂集團一直與香港同步成長逾半世紀, 致力為每位顧客提供優質食品及服務。可持 續發展原則已融入我們的管理之道,多年來 推動業務穩步發展,並帶領集團跨過每個艱 難 時 刻。疫 情 已 經 過 去,我 們 衷 心 感 謝 所 有 與業務有關人士過往數年對我們的支持。 The financial year began during the end of the fifth wave of COVID-19 in Hong Kong, and ended with the reopening of the border, and a gradual relaxation of pandemic restrictions, leading to a cautiously optimistic outlook for the economy. Although brighter days are clearly ahead, we remain alert for any potential risks that may affect our recovery. 本財政年度開始時正值香港第五波新冠疫情 的尾聲,並於通關和防疫限制措施逐步放寬 後 完 結,故 此 我 們 對 經 濟 環 境 審 慎 樂 觀。雖 然 前 景 令 人 鼓 舞,但 我 們 繼 續 保 持 警 覺,留 意任何可能影響集團復甦的潛在風險。 Post-pandemic, one of the immediate challenges facing our business, and the catering industry as a whole, is a significant shortage of labour. We have launched initiatives to recruit and retain talent, and put extra effort into creating a safe, fair and engaging workplace that supports our people in reaching their full potential. At the same time, we ensure all employees have adequate training to advance their careers. 在後疫情時代,勞動力嚴重短缺成為迫切的 難題之一,影響我們的業務以至整個飲食業。 我們已推出多項措施招攬及挽留人才,並加 倍努力建立安全、公平及愉快的工作環境, 協 助 員 工 盡 展 所 長。同 時,我 們 確 保 提 供 充 足的培訓予所有員工,以幫助他們發展事業。 The pandemic h
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