CLEAN DEVELOPMENT MECHANISM TOOL08 Methodological tool Tool to determine the mass flow of a greenhouse gas in a gaseous stream Version 03.0 TOOL08 Methodological tool: Tool to determine the mass flow of a greenhouse gas in a gaseous stream Version 03.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Page INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 3 1.1. Background .................................................................................................... 3 SCOPE, APPLICABILITY, AND ENTRY INTO FORCE ........................................... 3 2.1. Scope ............................................................................................................. 3 2.2. Applicability .................................................................................................... 3 2.3. Entry into force ............................................................................................... 4 3. NORMATIVE REFERENCES .................................................................................... 4 4. DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................. 4 5. METHODOLOGY PROCEDURE ............................................................................... 5 5.1. 5 2. Determination of the absolute humidity of the gaseous stream .................... 5.1.1. Option 1: Calculation using measurement of the moisture content........................................................................................... 5 Option 2: Simplified calculation without measurement of the moisture content............................................................................ 7 Data and parameters not monitored .............................................................. 13 MONITORING METHODOLOGY .............................................................................. 14 6.1. Data and parameters to be monitored ........................................................... 14 ADDITIONAL DATA HANDLING AND MONITORING GUIDANCE FOR DETERMINING THE MASS FLOW OF METHANE IN BIOGAS .................................................................................................... 20 5.1.2. 5.2. 6. APPENDIX. 2 of 22 TOOL08 Methodological tool: Tool to determine the mass flow of a greenhouse gas in a gaseous stream Version 03.0 1. Introduction 1.1. Background 1. This tool provides methodological guidance to determine the mass flow of greenhouse gases. 2. Scope, applicability, and entry into force 2.1. Scope 2. This tool provides procedures to determine the following parameter: Table 1. Parameters determined Parameter SI Unit Description Fi,t kg/h Mass flow of greenhouse gas i (CO2, CH4, N2O, SF6 or a PFC) in the gaseous stream in time interval t 3. The mass flow of a particular greenhouse gas is calculated based on measurements of: (a) the total volume flow or mass flow of the gas stream, (b) the volumetric fraction of the gas in the gas stream and (c) the gas composition and water content. The flow and volumetric fraction may be measured on a dry basis or wet basis. The tool covers the possible measurement combinations, providing six different calculation options to determine the mass flow of a particular greenhouse gas (Options A to F shown in Table 2. 4. Additional guidance for determining the mass flow of methane in biogas is provided in the Appendix. 2.2. Applicability 5. Typical applications of this tool are methodologies where the flow and composition of residual or flared gases or exhaust gases are measured for the determination of baseline or project emissions. 6. Methodologies where CO2 is the particular and only gas of interest should continue to adopt material balances as the means of flow determination and may not adopt this tool as material balances are the cost effective way of monitoring flow of CO2. 7. The underlying methodology should specify: (a) The gaseous stream the tool should be applied to; (b) For which greenhouse gases the mass flow should be determined; (c) In which time intervals the flow of the gaseous stream should be measured; and (d) Situations where the simplification offered for calculating the molecular mass of the gaseous stream (equations (3) or (17)) is not valid (such as the gaseous stream is predominantly composed of a gas other than N2). 3 of 22 TOOL08 Methodological

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