CLEAN DEVELOPMENT MECHANISM TOOL12 Methodological tool Project and leakage emissions from transportation of freight Version 01.1.0 TOOL12 Methodological tool: Project and leakage emissions from transportation of freight Version 01.1.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.  INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 3  2.  SCOPE, APPLICABILITY, AND ENTRY INTO FORCE ...................... 3  2.1.  Scope .......................................................................................... 3  2.2.  Applicability ................................................................................. 3  2.3.  Entry into force ............................................................................ 3  3.  DEFINITIONS ....................................................................................... 4  4.  PARAMETERS ..................................................................................... 4  5.  METHODOLOGY PROCEDURE.......................................................... 4  5.1.  Option A: Monitoring fuel consumption........................................ 5  5.2.  Option B: Using conservative default values ............................... 6  5.3.  Data and parameters not monitored ............................................ 7  2 of 9 TOOL12 Methodological tool: Project and leakage emissions from transportation of freight Version 01.1.0 1. Introduction 1. This tool provides procedures to estimate project and/or leakage CO2 emissions from road transportation of freight by vehicles. Two options are provided to determine these emissions: (a) Option A: Monitoring fuel consumption; or (b) Option B: Using conservative default values. 2. The tool also provides default conservative emission factors to estimate project and/or leakage CO2 emissions from freight transportation by rail. The tool is applicable to project activities which involve transportation of freight and where transportation is not the main project activity. 2. Scope, applicability, and entry into force 2.1. Scope 3. This tool provides procedures to estimate project or leakage CO2 emissions from freight transportation. Two options are given to determine these emissions: (a) Option A: monitoring fuel consumption; or (b) Option B: using conservative default values. 2.2. Applicability 4. This tool is applicable to project activities which involve freight transportation by road and where transportation is not the main project activity.1 This tool is not applicable to project activities where transportation is the main source of greenhouse gases emissions. This tool does not provide procedures to estimate baseline emissions from road transportation of freight. The tool only provides to determine CO2 emissions. CH4 and N2O emissions are excluded for simplification as they are small compared to CO2 emissions. 5. In addition, the tool is applicable for the determination of project or leakage emissions from freight transportation by rail in project activities where transportation is not the main project activity. 2.3. Entry into force 6. The date of entry into force is the date of the publication of the EB 70 meeting report on the 23 November 2012. 1 This applicability condition ensures that transport-related emissions are small relative to the expected total emission reductions and, for this reason, enables to use a simplified approach to estimate project or leakage emissions from transportation of freight. 3 of 9 TOOL12 Methodological tool: Project and leakage emissions from transportation of freight Version 01.1.0 3. Definitions 7. The definitions contained in the Glossary of CDM terms shall apply. 8. For the purpose of this methodology, the following definitions apply: (a) Vehicle - A self propelled machine powered by fossil fuels, biofuels or blended fuels that is used for transportation of freight by road. The vehicle should be designed for freight transportation and not for passenger transportation. The vehicle is not required to exclusively transport freight associated with the project activity, but may also transport other freight; (b) Gross vehicle mass (GVM) - The maximum on-road mass of the fully-loaded vehicle, consisting of its tare mass (i.e. vehicle mass) and the mass of the load (i.e. the freight) the vehicle is allowed to carry according to its design specifications; (c) Vehicle class - This tool defines two vehicl

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