CLEAN DEVELOPMENT MECHANISM AM0124 Large-scale Methodology Hydrogen production from electrolysis of water Version 01.0 Sectoral scope(s): 01 and 05 AM0124 Large-scale Methodology: Hydrogen production from electrolysis of water Version 01.0 Sectoral scope(s): 01 and 05 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 3 2. SCOPE, APPLICABILITY, AND ENTRY INTO FORCE ......................................... 3 2.1. Scope........................................................................................................... 3 2.2. Applicability .................................................................................................. 3 2.3. Entry into force ............................................................................................. 4 2.4. Applicability of sectoral scopes .................................................................... 4 NORMATIVE REFERENCES .................................................................................. 4 3. 3.1. Selected approach from paragraph 48 of the CDM modalities and procedures ................................................................................................... 5 4. DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................... 5 5. BASELINE METHODOLOGY ................................................................................. 5 5.1. Project boundary .......................................................................................... 5 5.2. Identification of the baseline scenario and demonstration of additionality.... 6 5.3. Baseline emissions ...................................................................................... 7 5.4. Project emissions ......................................................................................... 9 5.4.1. Project emissions due to incremental transportation of hydrogen ..................................................................................... 10 Project emissions due to physical leaks of hydrogen .................. 11 5.5. Leakage ....................................................................................................... 11 5.6. Emission reductions ..................................................................................... 11 MONITORING METHODOLOGY ............................................................................ 12 6.1. Data and parameters not monitored ............................................................ 12 6.2. Data and parameters monitored .................................................................. 14 5.4.2. 6. 2 of 17 AM0124 Large-scale Methodology: Hydrogen production from electrolysis of water Version 01.0 Sectoral scope(s): 01 and 05 1. Introduction 1. The following table describes the key elements of the methodology: Table 1. Methodology key elements Typical projects Production of hydrogen through electrolysis of water using electricity from a captive renewable power plant only, or from a mix of electricity predominantly from a captive renewable plant and residually from the electric grid. The hydrogen produced is supplied to an existing dedicated consumer. Type of GHG emissions mitigation action • Fuel or feedstock switch • Renewable energy 2. Scope, applicability, and entry into force 2.1. Scope 2. The methodology applies to project activities where hydrogen is produced by electrolysis of water and is supplied to existing dedicated consumer(s). The electricity consumed by the electrolyser hydrogen production plant shall be sourced from a captive renewable power plant only, or from a mix of electricity predominantly from a captive renewable power plant and residually from the electric grid. 2.2. Applicability 3. This methodology is applicable to project activities that include the construction of a new captive renewable power plant and a new electrolyser hydrogen production plant. Retrofitting, rehabilitation (or refurbishment), replacement or capacity addition of an existing electrolyser hydrogen production plant or of an existing captive renewable power plant are not covered by this methodology. 4. The hydrogen produced by the project activity (hereinafter referred as ‘project hydrogen’) is supplied to (an) existing dedicated consumer(s) located in the host country and

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