STATE OF CLIMATE ACTION 2023 About the Authors Lead Authors: Sophie Boehm, Louise Jeffery, Judit Hecke, Clea Schumer, Joel Jaeger, Claire Fyson, and Kelly Levin Chapter Authors: • Methodology: Joel Jaeger, Sophie Boehm, Judit Hecke, Clea Schumer, and Louise Jeffery • Power: Jason Collis, Marie-Charlotte Geffray, Clea Schumer, Joel Jaeger, and Claire Fyson • Buildings: Emily Daly and Louise Jeffery • Industry: Anna Nilsson, Neelam Singh, and Maeve Masterson • Transport: Stephen Naimoli, Sebastian Castellanos, Judit Hecke, Michael Petroni, and Joel Jaeger • Forests and Land: Sophie Boehm, Michelle Sims, and Emma Grier • Food and Agriculture: Richard Waite, Raychel Santo, and Mulubrhan Balehegn • Technological Carbon Removal: Katie Lebling and Claire Fyson • Finance: Joe Thwaites and Anderson Lee GHG Emissions Dataset: William Lamb SUGGESTED CITATION Boehm, S., L. Jeffery, J. Hecke, C. Schumer, J. Jaeger, C. Fyson, K. Levin, A. Nilsson, S. Naimoli, E. Daly, J. Thwaites, K. Lebling, R. Waite, J. Collis, M. Sims, N. Singh, E. Grier, W. Lamb, S. Castellanos, A. Lee, M. Geffray, R. Santo, M. Balehegn, M. Petroni, and M. Masterson. 2023. State of Climate Action 2023. Berlin and Cologne, Germany, San Francisco, CA, and Washington, DC: Bezos Earth Fund, Climate Action Tracker, Climate Analytics, ClimateWorks Foundation, NewClimate Institute, the United Nations Climate Change High-Level Champions, and World Resources Institute. DESIGN Jenna Park STATE OF CLIMATE ACTION 2023 | ii Acknowledgments This report was made possible by the generous financial contributions and thought leadership from the Bezos Earth Fund, the Center for Global Commons, ClimateWorks Foundation, the Global Commons Alliance, and the Global Environment Facility. Published under Systems Change Lab, this report is a joint effort between the Bezos Earth Fund, Climate Action Tracker, Climate Analytics, ClimateWorks Foundation, NewClimate Institute, the United Nations Climate Change High-Level Champions, and World Resources Institute. The authors would like to acknowledge the following for their guidance, critical reviews, and research support: • The report benefited not only from ClimateWorks Foundation’s financial support but also from the work of the Foundation’s Global Intelligence team, particularly Dan Plechaty and Surabi Menon, who played pivotal roles in conceiving the idea for the analysis and providing technical support throughout the research, writing, and peer review process. • Bill Hare from Climate Analytics, Niklas Höhne, Hanna Fekete, and Takeshi Kuramochi from NewClimate Institute, and Laura Malaguzzi Valeri, Taryn Fransen, and Rachel Jetel from WRI all provided valuable conceptual inputs, review, and strategic guidance. • • Members of the United Nations Climate Change High-Level Champions team, including Frances Way, Jen Austin, and Emmanuelle Pinault provided critical thought leadership and insights. Nigel Topping, Yuke Kirana, Sarah Cassius, Thet Hen Tun, Chris Malins, and Liz Goldman all made substantive contri- butions to the report. We would also like to thank the report’s reviewers who have shared their time, expertise, and insights: Aki Kachi, Alessia Mortara, Alex Perera, Andrew Steer, Andy Jarvis, Anjali Mahendra, Ankita Gangotra, Anna Stratton, Arief Wijaya, Arijit Sen, Åsa Ekdahl, Audrey Nugent, Baysa Naran, Beatriz Granziera, Benjamin Wagenvoort, Bradford Willis, Caitlin Swalec, Carolina Herrera, Catherine Mcfarlane, Chhavi Maggu, Christa Anderson, Clara Cho, Clare Broadbent, Claudia Adriazola-Steil, Claudio Lubis, Clay Nesler, Dan Lashof, Dan Plechaty, Daniel Firth, Daniel Moser, Daniel Rath, Dave Jones, David Gibbs, Dede Sulaeman, Deepak Krishnan, Eileen Torres, Ekin Birol, Emmanuelle Pinault, Frances Way, Francesco Pavan, Franziska Schreiber, Franziska Tanneberger, Fred Stolle, Frederic Hans, Fridolin Krausmann, Gaia Larsen, Guncha Munjal, Haldane Dodd, Hanna Fekete, Ignace Beguin Billecocq, Ilmi Granoff, Jacob Teter, Jennifer Skene, STATE OF CLIMATE ACTION 2023 | iii Acknowledgments (CONTINUED) Jinlei Feng, Jon Baines, Joren Verschaeve, Josh Miller, Karan Kochhar, Karl Hausker, Kate Mackenzie, Katharine Palmer, Katie O’Gara, Katie Reytar, Kelly Carlin, Kemen Austin, Lauren Urbanek, Laurens Speelman, Lena Brook, Leonardo Collina, Lindsey Sloat, Lori Bird, Luciano Caratori, Luis Martinez, Matthew Black, Matt Ives, Max Åhman, Melanie Brusseler,

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