Profiles of the ESGFINTECH100, the world’s most innovative companies developing ESG Solutions in Financial Services that every financial institution needs to know about in 2023 Join Europe’s Leading Gathering of ESG Leaders & FinTech Innovators 12 JUNE 2024 | LONDON The ESGFINTECH100 is an annual list of 100 of the world’s most innovative ESG companies offering solutions for the financial services industry selected by a panel of industry experts and analysts. These are the companies every financial institution needs to know about as they consider and develop their ESG assessment and performance improvement strategies. The list is part of a series of studies that highlights the leading companies in sectors such as RegTech, InsurTech and WealthTech to help executives stay on top of the latest innovations. Companies that won places on the preceding lists generated huge awareness among financial services firms. Many were approached directly by banks and financial institutions, while other got a more welcome reception from prospective clients and partners. The ESGFINTECH100 list will help senior management and sustainability leaders evaluate which ESG tech solutions in financial services have market potential and are most likely to succeed and help financial institutions in their transition to net-zero. CRITERIA The criteria assessed by the Advisory Board and FinTech Global team include the following: • • • • Industry significance of the problem being solved Growth in terms of capital raised, revenue, customer traction Innovation of ESG technology solution offered Potential cost savings, efficiency improvement, impact on ESG imperatives and/or revenue enhancements generated for clients • How important is it for financial institutions to know about the company? PROCESS RESEARCH ESG FINTECH UNIVERSE NOMINATE COMPANIES CONDUCT INTERVIEWS & SURVEY IDENTIFY ESGFINTECH 100 Analyse the universe of ESG solutions in Financial Services on FinTech Global database and external sources Shortlist candidates that meet criteria along with companies nominated via the website Undertake indepth interviews or surveys with founders and CEOs of shortlisted companies Determine which companies excel in terms of the criteria and can be classified as ESG innovation leaders PUBLISH Announce results to media and finalists ESG Intelligence Engine Win the future with AI-powered ESG intelligence DO MORE | WORK SMARTER | OUTPERFORM Comprehensive private and public company coverage 500,000 companies Ongoing ESG risk monitoring 65 languages 2M+ information sources SOLUTIONS Pre-screening Due Diligence Risk Monitoring Company Engagement FOR ASSET MANAGERS INVESTMENT BANKS PRIVATE EQUITY + DEBT ASSET OWNERS CORPORATES TRUSTED BY Get up and running in minutes with our 14-day free trial. | GET A FREE TRIAL 5 ESGFINTECH100 Profiles Founded 2015 Employees: 11-50 Segments of Financial Services: ESG/Climate Risk, ESG Intelligence & Data Analysis, Investing Products/Data Regions of operations: Target Markets are DACH, Nordics, United Kingdom, United States Founded in 2015, 3rd-eyes analytics is a Swiss WealthTech company that helps financial institutions improve their advisory processes for private and institutional clients in Europe and the UK. By focusing on clients’ financial goals, such as providing for retirement and children’s education, preserving capital, and achieving specific returns, the company is innovating in several areas: its realistic, forward-looking simulations visualise the often-ignored and negative impact of climate change on clients’ financial goals (proven by Nobel laureate Prof. Dr. W. Nordhaus); it improves the probability of clients achieving their goals through hyper-personalised strategic asset allocations that even reduce the portfolio’s carbon footprint; and it integrates impact investing into portfolio construction. Ultimately, this helps financial institutions increase the share of sustainable investments in their clients’ portfolios. The company currently employs around 30 people, has its headquarters in Zurich and owns a fully licensed subsidiary in Munich, Germany. Founded 1998 Employees: 251-500 Segments of Financial Services: Corporate Assessment & Reporting, ESG Intelligence & Data Analysis Regions of operations: Switzerland, Europe, Middle East, APAC, Africa additiv’s embedded finance operating system, DFS®, is an orchestration p

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