1 Y E A R B O O K O F G L O B A L C L I M AT E A C T I O N 2 0 2 3 YEARBOOK OF GLOBAL CLIMATE ACTION 2023 MARRAKECH PARTNERSHIP FOR GLOBAL CLIMATE ACTION Global Climate Action Global Climate Action 2 Y E A R B O O K O F G L O B A L C L I M AT E A C T I O N 2 0 2 3 © 2023 UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement All rights reserved. This publication is issued solely for public information purposes, including any references to the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement, and any relevant decisions with respect thereto. No liability is assumed for the accuracy or uses of information provided. Creative Commons License This publication is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Excerpts from this publication may be freely quoted and reproduced provided that i) the source is acknowledged, ii) the material is not used for commercial purposes, and iii) any adaptations of the material are distributed under the same license. All images remain the sole property of their source and may not be used for any purpose without written permission of the source. UNFCCC Logo Use and display of the UNFCCC logo, including its emblem, is highly restricted and essentially limited to the organization’s activities. You may not use any official emblem, flag or logo of the UNFCCC, or any of its other means of promotion or publicity, to represent or imply an association or affiliation with the UNFCCC or its secretariat without the UNFCCC secretariat’s prior written consent. For further information contact: Main office UNFCCC secretariat UN Campus Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1 53113 Bonn Germany Telephone +49. 228. 815-10 00 Telefax +49. 228. 815-19 99 Email secretariat@unfccc.int Website: https://unfccc.int ISBN: 978-92-9219-204-4 Designed by Blossom YEARBOOK OF GLOBAL CLIMATE ACTION 2023 MARRAKECH PARTNERSHIP FOR GLOBAL CLIMATE ACTION 5 Y E A R B O O K O F G L O B A L C L I M AT E A C T I O N 2 0 2 3 CONTENTS Foreword: Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC 6 Foreword: High-Level Champions 7 Acknowledgements 9 Executive Summary 11 Chapter 1. Introduction 15 Background 16 Climate Change is Causing Planetary Tipping Points 17 Chapter 2. Overview of Global Climate Action in 2023 The Road from COP 27 The Year in Global Climate Action High-Level Champions and the Marrakech Partnership in 2023 Case Studies from non-Party Stakeholders Non-Party Stakeholders’ Engagement in Climate Action Events Around the World Non-Party Stakeholders’ Engagement in the UNFCCC processes 18 19 19 19 21 22 24 Chapter 3. Tracking the State of Global Climate Action 27 The Global Climate Action Portal 28 Current State of Global Climate Action and Commitments by Non-Party Stakeholders 35 Mitigation – Reducing Emissions in Line With the 1.5 oC Goal 35 Enhancing Adaptation and Resilience 37 Finance 38 Creating a Credible and Trusted Voluntary Framework for Commitments 39 Chapter 4. Progress and Gaps in Systems Transformation Towards the Climate Goals 44 Systems Transformation 45 Energy 45 Industry 47 Transport 48 Human Settlements 49 Land Use 51 Water 53 Oceans and Coastal Zones 53 Chapter 5. Looking Ahead What is Needed to Scale Up Global Climate Action – Key Messages Towards COP 28 and Beyond 58 59 61 References 62 Appendix 1: Case Studies from Non-Party Stakeholders 65 Appendix 2: List of Cooperative Climate Initiatives Supported the Survey Analysis 74 6 Y E A R B O O K O F G L O B A L C L I M AT E A C T I O N 2 0 2 3 Foreword: Simon Stiell Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC Eight years ago, the global community reached a historical agreement in Paris to collectively tackle the climate crisis and strive towards a 1.5 °C resilient world. This year marks the conclusion of the first global stocktake – a report card assessing our implementation of that agreement. It has confirmed we are woefully off-track, and while the world is a better place with the Paris Agreement than without it, our efforts are not going far enough. The impacts of these shortcomings are visible everywhere. 2023 is on course to be among the hottest – if not the hottest – years on record. The extreme temperatures intensifying droughts, wildfires, heavy rains and flooding are wreaking devastation and misery. Climate action needs to accelerate everywhere. Systems transformation, from energy and transport to our relationsh

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