AVAT AUTOMATION Intelligent control solutions for Integrated Energy Systems 综合能源系统的智能控制解决方案 Dr. Gerhard Ranegger COMPANY INTRODUCTION 公司介绍 That‘s why we are: THE ENERGY ENGINEERING COMPANY. 我们为什么称为:能源工程公司 ENGINEERING 研发 THE • Modular controls- and automation technology for CHPs, energy stations, virtual power plants and hybrid energy networks 用于大型燃气发动机/双 燃料发动机、热电联产和电厂的灵 活控制技术,及其优化和虚拟电厂 管理 13.000 + • In-house development of highly flexible application software and hardware components 自主研发 的高灵活性应用的软硬件 120 + ENGINE & CHP CONTROLS 13000多个发动机和热 电联产控制系统 EMPLOYEES IN GERMANY 在德国有120多名员工 40 + SMART DISTRICTS 40多个智慧地区 90 + ENERGY STATIONS 90多个能源站 26.10. 2022 ENERGY 能源 65 + OPTIMIZED POWER • Consulting, Planning, PLANTS 65个以上的优化 Engineering, Commissioning of 电站项目 decentralized energy management projects, industry application(power plant, processing plant) 分布式能源管 理项目的咨询、规划、工程、调试,; 工业过程管理等 AVAT - THE ENERGY ENGINEERING COMPANY • Leading with more than 25 years experience in decentralized energy systems在分布式能源系统 领域拥有25年以上的领先经 验 Seite 2 INTEGRATED ENERGY SYSTEM 综合能源系统 Automation through all energy sectors 跨越所有能源部门的自动化 Process Storage 工艺过程储存 Power Plant 电厂 Wind Power 风力发电 PV Power 光 伏发电 Hydro Power 水力发电 Battery 电池蓄 电 Electromobility 移动电源 Industry 工业 Gas storage 气体储存 Electricity Grid电网 Elektrolyzer 电解 Heat Storage 热储存 Electric Boiler 电锅炉 Process 工艺过程 Fuel Cell 燃料电池 Heat Pump 热泵 Gas Grid 气网 CHP Gas Boiler 燃气锅炉 Biomass Storage 生物燃料储存 Heat Grid 热网 Solar Thermal 太阳热能 26.10. 2022 Biomass Power Plant 生物质能电厂 AVAT - THE ENERGY ENGINEERING COMPANY Biogas Plant 沼气电厂 Biomass生物质能 Seite 3 DECENTRAL ENERGY SYSTEM 分散式能源系统 Scalable and consistent 可扩展且保持一致性 Central data base Field level 现场侧 SCADA level 管理侧 User interface Operation Schedules Weather forecasts Interface to other SCADA Price forecasts Energy Management SCADA VPP Management SE²MANAGER SE²OPERATOR SE²DIRECTOR Operator interface Plant Optimizer Plant Optimizer Plant Optimizer EE Plant access SE²OPTIMIZER SE²OPTIMIZER SE²OPTIMIZER SE²BOX Plant Control Plant Control Plant Control SE²MASTER SE²MASTER SE²MASTER Biogas Combined heat grids 联合式热网 26.10. 2022 Remote access Smart District Smart district 智慧社区 Munipal Energy supply Municipal energy supply 市政能源供应 AVAT - THE ENERGY ENGINEERING COMPANY Non-flexible renewable energy Renewable power plants 可再生能源电厂 Seite 4 MODULAR AND SCALABLE CONTROL SOLUTION 模块化和可扩展的控制解决方案 From Power Generation, Energy Supply and Management to Virtual Grids 从发电、能源供应和管理到虚拟电网 Power Generation PV Power Wind power Energy Supply CHP Grid Control Energy Station Energy Management EM-System Energy Grid Plant Optimization Virtual Power Plant Technology components for more efficiency Flexible Engine Control Systems for CHP system Individual control solutions for power generation Intelligent cross-sector control solutions for decentralized power Plants & Energy Stations Fully integrated Energy Management System to analyze all relevant energy data Optimizing & marketing of clustered power plants Comprehensive data access (Digitalization for: Virtual services, remote access, predictive maintenance, cloud solutions, ….) 26.10. 2022 AVAT - THE ENERGY ENGINEERING COMPANY Seite 5 WHEN SECTORS ARE COUPLED AND FLEXIBLE 当各部门耦合和灵活 Onsite control solutions for optimization 用于优化的现场控制解决方案 Prognosis of power and heat demand 电力和热力需求的预测 Wheather forecast 天气预报 Heat demand prognosis 热量需求预测 Gas/heat/cold Storage management 煤气/暖气/冷气 储存管理 Day-ahead market 当天市场 Intraday market 日内市场 Grid limitations 网格限制 Driven by real-time energy prices and weather forecasts 受实时能源价格和天气 预报的驱动 SE²OPTIMIZER SE²MASTER HEAT Optimization of operation schedules 优化操作计划 POWER E²CON Aux. District heating Gas boilers Heat storage Battery storage Heat pumps 26.10. 2022 Photovoltaics Electricity grid Electrical boilers AVAT - THE ENERGY ENGINEERING COMPANY Seite 6 一、双碳文库是一个地产人建立的专业的分享碳达峰碳中和资料的文库网站 http://www.tanwenku.cc/ 二、203060 文库:http://www.203060.vip/ 三、所有 2 万份资料搜索目标:https://203060.vip/soso.html 四、欢迎加入文库会员,199 一年,399 终身。所有资料百度网盘共享,加小 编微信有优惠。 五、加入会员,可获赠价值 999 全网资源,影视,游戏,亲子,有需求联系 小编。 六、见面礼:B 站最全收费类课程合集: 自取地址 :https://www.aliyundrive.com/s/7tXbEop6K5G 双碳会员重磅福利:赠送全网资源: 可以目录查询一下【关键词】 可查询目录:http://123.haohanba.cn 会员赠品 PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 产品组合范围 Control, aggregate, manage, optimize – consistently digital, modular and scalable.控制、聚 合、管理、优化—始终数字化、模块化和可扩展。 We are pleased to serve the Chinese Market with our latest te

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