2022 Grid Electricity Emissions Factors v0.1 – February 2023 CARBON FOOTPRINT COUNTRY SPECIFIC ELECTRICITY GRID GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSION FACTORS Last Updated: February 2023 www.carbonfootprint.com 1 2022 Grid Electricity Emissions Factors v0.1 – February 2023 Key terms • Dual reporting – Reporting both location-based and market-based emissions. • Generation – This is the emissions factor for the fuels burned to provide you with the energy that you have directly used. This will be part of your “Scope 2” emissions, although you have directly used the energy, the emissions occurred at a power station, where the fuel was burned. • Location-based reporting – Calculating your emissions based on where your site is, using the fuel mixes from power stations local to you. • Market-based reporting – Calculating your emissions based on the consumer choices you have made, e.g. using a green or renewable tariff, so that you only purchase the energy from renewable sources. • Production mix – These are emissions factors based on the mix of fuels used by power stations in the area. Use these for location-based reporting. • Residual mix – These are emissions factors based on the mix of fuels used by power stations in the area where the energy from certain fuels that has been sold to specific consumers has been taken out. For example, people using green or renewable energy tariffs have bought energy that comes from only renewable sources. Therefore, these values can be used for market-based reporting when you have not bought energy from a specific mix of fuels. • Scope 1 – Emissions that occurred from burning fuel in assets under your control, e.g. on your sites or in your vehicles. • Scope 2 – Emissions that occurred out of your control but as a result of energy you have directly consumed. • Scope 3 – Emissions that occurred in your supply chain. • Transmission & distribution – This is the emissions factor for the energy generated to move the energy you used around the grid to get to your site. This will be part of your “Scope 3” emissions, as the energy associated with these emissions was neither consumed nor generated on your site, but is used as a result of energy consumed on your site. www.carbonfootprint.com 2 2022 Grid Electricity Emissions Factors v0.1 – February 2023 COUNTRY SPECIFIC ELECTRICITY FACTORS – 2022 The following grid electricity emissions factors are used in our online calculators. Countries and territories are ordered alphabetically and grouped by geographic area. Grouping Country Production fuel mix factor (kgCO2e per kWh) Residual fuel mix factor (kgCO2e per kWh) Africa South Africa 0.8665 - Climate Transparency (2022 Report) 2021 Emissions intensity of the power sector China (PR) 0.5572 - Climate Transparency (2022 Report) 2021 Emissions intensity of the power sector Hong Kong (China) 0.7100 or 0.6500 - Hong Kong Electric Company (2021) or CLP Group (2021) These two companies supply different areas of HK so check which one you need. 2020 Combined generation and T&D factor India 0.7132 - Climate Transparency (2022 Report) 2021 Indonesia 0.7848 - Climate Transparency (2022 Report) 2021 Japan 0.4615 - Climate Transparency (2022 Report) 2021 0.4113 - Climate Transparency (2022 Report) 2021 0.408 Gen = 0.407 T&D = 0.0390 - Singapore Energy Market Authority (EMA) Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO) Thai Government Ministry of Energy 2021 - Australian Government 2020 2020 (published in 2023) - Measuring Emissions Factors Summary 2020 2020 Emission factors published in 2022, based on 2020 national inventory. Source Year Asia Korea (Republic) Singapore Thailand Australia Australasia New Zealand www.carbonfootprint.com Gen = 0.68 T&D = 0.09 Gen = 0.103 T&D = 0.011 - 2022 Comments Emissions intensity of the power sector Emissions intensity of the power sector Emissions intensity of the power sector Emissions intensity of the power sector Electricity Grid Emissions Factors Generation Factor T&D = Consumption – Generation 3 2022 Grid Electricity Emissions Factors v0.1 – February 2023 Grouping Middle East Production fuel mix factor (kgCO2e per kWh) Residual fuel mix factor (kgCO2e per kWh) Saudi Arabia 0.6142 - Climate Transparency (2022 Report) 2021 Turkey 0.4261 - Climate Transparency (2022 Report) 2021 Gen = 0.4010 T&D = 0.01379 - Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (sustainability report 2021) 2020 Country United Arab Em

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