01 02 03 04 蚂蚁集团碳中和目标范围 蚂蚁集团碳中和倡议 ANT GROUP'S TARGET SCOPES FOR CARBON NEUTRALITY ANT GROUP CARBON NEUTRALITY INITIATIVE 打造绿色数字经济平台 倡导全社会共同行动 Build a green digital economy platform and call for joint action 蚂蚁集团碳中和承诺 ANT GROUP'S COMMITMENT TO CARBON NEUTRALITY 蚂蚁集团碳中和行动计划 ANT GROUP'S CARBON NEUTRALITY ACTION PLANS 明确和不断优化碳中和路径 实现最大程度减排 Specify and continuously optimize the path to carbon neutrality to minimize carbon emissions 加强温室气体排放科学管理 持续提升碳中和信息透明度 Strengthen the scientific management of greenhouse gas emissions and improve the transparency of carbon neutrality 审慎评估和使用碳抵消方案 Prudently evaluate and adopt carbon offset solutions 01-04 05-08 09-26 27-32 蚂蚁集团碳中和承诺 ANT GROUP'S COMMITMENT TO CARBON NEUTRALITY 蚂蚁集团的碳中和目标范围 (范围一、二) 实现运营排放 碳中和 We will achieve carbon neutrality in operations (scopes 1 and 2) starting 2021. 2021 年起 (范围一、二、三) 净零排放 We will realize net-zero emissions (scopes 1, 2 and 3) by 2030. 2030 蚂蚁集团碳中和路线图 7 作为一家负责任的互联网金融科技企业,蚂蚁集团致力于通过科技创新,推动 互联网技术在生产、生活领域的应用,促进数字经济助力环境和社会高质量发展。 为响应国家“3060”碳中和目标,蚂蚁集团启动碳中和行动,邀请中环联合认 证中心(简称:CEC)对 2020 年碳排放量进行盘查,多方论证制定蚂蚁集团碳 中和方案,并邀请碳中和及相关领域行业专家进行方案评审及优化。 2021 年 3 月 12 日,蚂蚁集团郑重承诺: 2021 年起,实现运营排放的碳中和 ( 范围一、二 ); 年 2030 年实现净零排放(范围一、二、三); 定期披露碳中和进展。 Ant Group is dedicated to promoting the application of digital technologies in produc tion and daily life through technological innovation. We also aims at advancing the digital economy as a way to achieve high-quality environmental and social development. As a responsible financial technology company and in alignment with China's overall carbon neutrality goal, Ant Group pledges that: We will achieve carbon neutralit y in operations (scope 1 and 2) star ting 2021, realize net-zero emissions (scopes 1, 2 and 3) by 2030, and report on our progress toward reaching carbon neutrality on a regular basis. 蚂蚁集团的碳中和目标范围 ANT GROUP'S TARGET SCOPES FOR CARBON NEUTRALITY 依据温室气体核算体系,蚂蚁集团碳中和行动将涵盖二氧化碳、甲烷、氧化 亚氮、氢氟碳化物、全氟碳化物、六氟化硫和三氟化氮等七种主要温室气体。 Based on Greenhouse Gas Protocol, Ant Group's carbon neutrality actions will focus on seven major types of greenhouse gases, namely: CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3. 蚂蚁集团碳中和将涵盖经营活动的所有相关温室气体排放,包括: 移动燃烧源排放 Emissions from mobile 范围一 : 化石燃料燃烧所导致的直接排放以及逸散排放; combustion sources 范围二 : 电力和热力等外购能源所导致的间接排放; 固定 范围三 : 供应链上的相关间接排放,包括租用数据中心服务、员工商务旅行、 燃烧源 员工集中通勤租用车辆等所导致的排放。 排放 Emissions 未来,蚂蚁集团将逐步提升识别和测量温室气体排放的能力,推动实现全供 from fixed combustion sources 应链的碳中和。 范围一 直接 Scope 1 Direct 制冷剂泄漏排放 Emissions caused by refrigerant leakage GHG排放量 GHG emissions Greenhouse gas emissions caused by the group's operations activities will be 逸散排放 Fugitive measured from three scopes: emissions Scope 1:the direc t emissions from combustion of fossil fuel and fugitive emissions. Scope 2:the indirect emissions from the consumption of purchased electricity 化粪池排放 Septic tank emissions and heat. Scope 3:the indirect emissions in the supply chain, which includes emissions 灭火器泄漏排放 Emissions caused by fire extinguisher leakage caused by the leasing of data center services, our employees' business travel, and their collective commuting. 外购电力 供应链 间接温室气体排放 In the future, Ant Group is set to improve its capabilities to monitor and 数据中心的排放 Indirect GHG emissions measure greenhouse gas emissions, to help achieve carbon neutrality in the Emissions from caused by purchased entire supply chain. data centers in power consumption 范围二 间接 Scope 2 Indirect GHG排放量 GHG emissions the supply chain 其他供应链 员工上下班交通 Emissions from the rest of the supply chains, staff commute 范围三 间接 Scope 3 Indirect GHG排放量 GHG emissions 外购热力 Business travel 间接温室气体排放 Indirect GHG emissions caused by purchased heat consumption 商务旅行排放 租用车辆的排放 Emissions caused by leasing vehicle services 蚂蚁集团碳中和行动计划 ANT GROUP'S CARBON NEUTRALITY ACTION PLANS 蚂蚁集团将充分发挥互联网科技企业的优势,在推进自身减排的同时,带动 供应链上下游共同实施降碳举措,力争尽早实现碳中和目标。 Ant Group will give full play to our advantages as an innovative technology company. We will not only strive to reduce carbon emissions within the group, but also join hands with the upstream and downstream companies of the supply chain to achieve carbon neutrality in a wider sense as soon as possible. 明确和不断优化碳中和路径 实现最大程度减排 SPECIFY AND CONTINUOUSLY OPTIMIZE THE PATH TO CARBON NEUTRALITY TO MINIMIZE CARBON EMISSIONS 针对蚂蚁集团自身的碳减排行动 CARBON EMISSION REDUCTION ACTIONS FOR ANT GROUP ◣积极推进绿色办公园区建设,降低建筑、运输等的排放 2021 年起,蚂蚁集团将不断推动自身减排行动和可再生能源的使用, 至 2025 年,实现范围一、二的绝对温室气体排放量较 2020 年下降 30%。 ◣ Push ahead with the constructi
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