Report No. D01/2015 CO2 Offshore Storage in China: Research Review and Plan for Demonstration Project 在中国进行离岸封存: 研究回顾和示范项目计划 Draft Report Updated on 18 May 2015 Xiaolong LI 1,2, Di ZHOU1,3, Pengchun LI 1,3, Yingyuan WU 1,2, Xiaochun LI 1,4, Ning WEI 1,4, Stuart HASZELDINE 1,5 , Bill SENIOR1,6, Yutong SHU 1,5, Jia LI1 and Yi CHEN1 李小龙 1,2,周蒂 1,3,李鹏春 1,3,吴颖媛 1,2,李小春 1,4,魏宁 1,4, Stuart HASZELDINE 1,5, Bill SENIOR1,6, 舒宇彤 1,5,李佳 1,陈弋 1 1 Guangdong CCUS Centre 广东南方碳捕集与封存产业中心 2 CNOOC Limited Shenzhen 中国海洋石油深圳分公司 3 South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 中国科学院南海海洋研究所 4 Institute of Soil and Rock Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所 5 University of Edinburgh 爱丁堡大学 6 Senior CCS Limited Senior CCS 咨询公司 Acknowledgements 致谢 Special thanks go to the National Development and Reform Commission and the Guangdong Development and Reform Commission for supporting the CO2 offshore storage project research activities in the South China Sea. Thanks also for the support of the British Consulate General to Guangzhou through the Strategic Prosperity Fund (SPF), and Ms. Adee Zai and Mr. Roy for organizing the project. We also appreciate knowledge contribution to the offshore storage workshop by Ms. Ling Dai (CNOOC) and other CNOOC colleagues, Prof Bo PENG (CUP), Prof Qianguo LIN (GCCSI), Dr. Mike Carpenter (DNV GL), Dr. Bruce Hill (CATF), Prof John Sarlis (Shell Cansolv), Mr. Tim Bertels (Shell), Prof Xi Jiang (Lancaster University), and Prof Peta Ashworth (Ashworth Consultancy). Thanks to Ms. YE Bihan for organising art editing. 感谢国家发改委和广东省发改委对在南海进行二氧化碳封存项目研究活 动的支持。感谢英国驻广州使馆通过战略繁荣基金对项目的支持,感谢 宰培女士和何为之先生协调本项目。我们也感谢代玲女士及其他中海石 油的同事,彭勃教授,林千果教授,Mike Carpenter 博士,Bruce Hill 博士, John Sarlis 教授,Tim Bertels 先生,姜曦教授和 Peta Ashworth 女士过去 对广东省二氧化碳封存研讨会的贡献。感谢叶碧涵女士协调报告的美工 和排版。 Table of Contents Introduction ..........................................................................................................5 Background Information................................................................................................................................................. 5 Supply Chain Related to Offshore CO2 Storage ............................................................................................................ 6 The Value of Demonstrating Offshore CO2 Storage in China ........................................................................................ 6 The Aim of the Report.................................................................................................................................................... 6 Selection of Offshore Storage Demonstration Site .............................................9 Data and procedures ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 Scoring and ranking producing oil fields for CO2 storage suitability ............................................................................. 11 Discussion on the candidate sites................................................................................................................................ 16 Conclusions and Suggestions on Site Selection .......................................................................................................... 19 Potential of Reuse Existing Infrastructure: Preliminary Finding......................32 Status of Huizhou Oil and Gas Fields .......................................................................................................................... 33 The Potential to Reuse Facilities for CO2 Offshore Transportation .............................................................................. 34 Platform Retrofit and Reuse Potential.......................................................................................................................... 35 Reuse of Wells ............................................................................................................................................................ 36 Recommendation for Offshore CO2 Storage Research and Demonstration in Northern South China Sea ..................................................................................41 General timetable for Guangsong Offshore CCUS Project .......................................................................................... 41 Feasibility Studies for offshore CO2 Storage..............................

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