南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) Journal of Nanjing Forestry University(Natural Sciences Edition) ISSN 1000-2006,CN 32-1161/S 《南京林业大学学报(自然科学版)》网络首发论文 题目: 碳限额与交易下木质林产品供应链内部融资机制 作者: 宋烨,彭红军,孙铭君 收稿日期: 2020-06-26 网络首发日期: 2021-09-01 引用格式: 宋烨,彭红军,孙铭君.碳限额与交易下木质林产品供应链内部融资机制.南 京林业大学学报(自然科学版). https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/32.1161.S.20210901.1151.003.html 网络首发:在编辑部工作流程中,稿件从录用到出版要经历录用定稿、排版定稿、整期汇编定稿等阶 段。录用定稿指内容已经确定,且通过同行评议、主编终审同意刊用的稿件。排版定稿指录用定稿按照期 刊特定版式(包括网络呈现版式)排版后的稿件,可暂不确定出版年、卷、期和页码。整期汇编定稿指出 版年、卷、期、页码均已确定的印刷或数字出版的整期汇编稿件。录用定稿网络首发稿件内容必须符合《出 版管理条例》和《期刊出版管理规定》的有关规定;学术研究成果具有创新性、科学性和先进性,符合编 辑部对刊文的录用要求,不存在学术不端行为及其他侵权行为;稿件内容应基本符合国家有关书刊编辑、 出版的技术标准,正确使用和统一规范语言文字、符号、数字、外文字母、法定计量单位及地图标注等。 为确保录用定稿网络首发的严肃性,录用定稿一经发布,不得修改论文题目、作者、机构名称和学术内容, 只可基于编辑规范进行少量文字的修改。 出版确认:纸质期刊编辑部通过与《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》电子杂志社有限公司签约,在《中国 学术期刊(网络版)》出版传播平台上创办与纸质期刊内容一致的网络版,以单篇或整期出版形式,在印刷 出版之前刊发论文的录用定稿、排版定稿、整期汇编定稿。因为《中国学术期刊(网络版)》是国家新闻出 版广电总局批准的网络连续型出版物(ISSN 2096-4188,CN 11-6037/Z),所以签约期刊的网络版上网络首 发论文视为正式出版。 网络首发时间:2021-09-01 14:50:28 网络首发地址:https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/32.1161.S.20210901.1151.003.html DOI:10.12302/J.ISSN.1000-2006.202006043 碳限额与交易下木质林产品供应链内部融资机制 宋烨,彭红军,孙铭君 (南京林业大学经济管理学院,南京 210037) 摘 要:【目的】探究在碳限额与交易的背景下,营林企业能否利用木质林产品供应链内部融资 缓解其融资压力,及碳排放限额、折扣系数等不同因素对供应链各成员决策变量和供应链整体利 润的影响。【方法】通过构建 Stackelberg 博弈模型,研究预付款内部融资机制下供应链主体的最 优策略,并在综合考虑相关研究文献及木质林产品供应链的实际情况后选取合适的数值参数后, 利用算例分析比较内外部融资模式下木质林产品供应链的利润情况。【结果】当木材和碳汇价格 折扣率在适当范围内时,内部融资机制下营林企业和制造企业的利润水平均高于外部融资机制。 内部融资机制下,营林主体的碳汇林规模随着木材和碳汇价格折扣率、碳排放限额的增加而缩减, 随着政府对碳汇林经营补贴的增加而扩大;制造企业的单位碳减排量随着木材和碳汇价格折扣率 的增加而增加,随着碳排放限额、政府对碳汇林经营补贴的增加而降低。【结论】营林主体向制 造企业进行供应链内部融资不仅解决了自身的融资问题、提高了制造企业的减排水平还改善了供 应链整体的环境和经济表现,高水平的供应链合作关系必将为发展绿色金融做出应有的贡献。政 府可发挥市场引导者的职能,推动缺乏资金的上游营林主体与肩负减排任务的下游制造企业之间 的合作,推行预付款内部融资机制,从而降低整个供应链的融资成本和减排成本,达到供应链的 帕累托最优。 关键词:碳限额与交易;木质林产品;供应链;内部融资 中图分类号:X322;F326. 2 文献标志码:A 开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID): Internal Financing Mechanism of Wood Forest Product Supply Chain under Cap-and-Trade Scheme SONG Ye, PENG Hongjun, SUN Mingjun (College of Economics and Management, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China)  收稿日期 Received: 2020-06-26 修回日期 Accepted: 2020-09-24 基金项目:国家社科基金项目资助(17BGL236):产出随机的供应商融资模式优化与调控政策研究. 作者简介:宋烨 (Sonnieleaf@163.com), 硕士研究生,ORCID ( 0000-0003-2887-1353 ) 通信作者:彭红军 (penghj@njfu.edu.cn), 教授, ORCID ( 0000-0001-5377-0955 )。 1 Abstract: 【Purpose】Under the background of carbon cap-and-trade scheme , we explore whether forest company can use the internal financing within wood forest products supply chain to ease its financing pressure, and how different factors such as carbon emission cap and discount coefficients affect the decision variables of each member of the supply chain and the overall profit of the supply chain. 【Method】By constructing the Stackelberg game model, the optimal strategy of the member of the supply chain under the advance payment financing mechanism is studied. After comprehensively considering the relevant research literature and the actual situation of the wood forest product supply chain, the appropriate numerical parameters are selected, and the numerical examples are used to analyze and compare the profit level of the wood forest product supply chain under the internal and external financing model. 【Result】The results show that when the discount rate of wood and carbon sink prices are within an appropriate range, the profit level of forest company and the manufacturer under the internal financing mechanism is higher than that of the external financing mechanism. Under the internal financing mechanism, the scale of the carbon sink forest decreases as the discount rate of wood and carbon sink prices and carbon emission limits increase, and increases with greater government subsidies for carbon sink forest; the unit carbon emission reduction of the manufacturer increases with higher discount rate of wood and carbon sink prices, and decreases with greater carbon emission limits and government subsidies for carbon sink forest. 【Conclusion】 Within the supply chain, the forest company’s internal financing from the manufacturing company not only solves its own financing problems, improves the emission reduction level of the manufacturer, but also improves the overall environment and economic performance of the supply chain. A high-level supply chain partnership is bound to make due contributions to the development of green finance. The government can play the role of market leader, promote cooperation between the upstream forest company that lack funds and the downstream manufacturer that is respons

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