2014/D05 广东省 二氧化碳利用技术及潜力 Guangdong CO2 Utilization Technical Report 讨论待修改稿 Draft for Discussion and Further Revision CCUS CCUS 2009 年,中国国务院提出 2020 年温 室气体排放行动目标,并在 2010 年 把广东省列为低碳试点省份。英国能 源与气候变化部与广东省发展及改革 委员会在广东省省长朱小丹的见证下 于 2013 年 9 月在伦敦签订了推动低 碳合作的联合声明,以深化双方合作, 其中强调了开展碳捕集与封存(CCS) 合 作 的 重 要 性。2013 年 12 月 18 日 I n 2 0 0 9 , C h i n a ’s S t a t e C o u n c i l proposed its 2020 goal for greenhouse gas emissions, and then in 2010 made Guangdong a low carbon pilot province. Guangdong has made remarkable achievements in greenhouse gas emission control to which the UKChina low carbon cooperation has contributed significantly. In September 2013 the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) signed a joint statement in London with the Guangdong Development and Reform Commission, witnessed by governor Zhu Xiaodan of Guangdong Province, to strengthen low carbon cooperation. The joint statement highlights the importance of collaborating in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). 中英(广东)碳捕集,利用与封存产 业促进与学术交流中心,即中英(广 东)CCUS 中心正式成立。中心致力 于推动大型 CCUS 项目的示范,应对 人类面临的温室气体排放的挑战,为 中国面对的雾霾、水污染的问题提供 国际合作平台,催化清洁化石能源技 术产业化,以及培养相关专业人才。 Supported by the Guangdong and UK governments, the UK-China (Guangdong) Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage Industry Promotion and Academic Collaboration Centre (the “Centre”) was officially founded on December 18th, 2013. The Centre is committed to promoting the demonstration of large-scale CCUS projects to tackle greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, the Centre will also provide an international collaboration platform for solutions to other local pollution problems (such as haze, water pollution) caused by coal utilization, and to accelerate the industrialization for clean fossil energy technologies and to train qualified professionals. 支持单位: SUPPORTING INSTITUTES 中心发起机构: FOUNDING MEMBERS Acknowledgements & Disclaimer 致谢与声明 致谢与声明 本报告由中英(广东)CCUS 中心秘书长、爱丁堡大学 梁希副教授,中英(广东)CCUS 中心实习生、爱丁 堡大学研究生陈弋女士和张铁骏先生,以及舒宇彤女 士,中科院南海海洋研究所李鹏春教授,中科院武汉 岩土所魏宁共同编写。特别感谢中英(广东)CCUS 中 心顾问委员会副主席、中科院南海海洋研究所周蒂教 授对二氧化碳利用技术交流平台的搭建以及对部分技 术总结材料的提供。感谢中国科学院南海海洋研究所 向文洲教授和李涛博士,中山大学孟跃中教授,中科 院武汉岩土力学研究所李小春教授和广东省电力设计 研究院刘东博士为相关技术提供总结材料。感谢 Bill Senior 先生对报告的审阅和建议,感谢叶碧涵女士协 调报告的排版和美工。感谢广东省发改委和英国领事 馆对项目的支持。 陈弋 1,2,张铁骏 1,2,舒宇彤 2,梁希 1,2 ,李鹏春 1,3, 魏宁 1,4 (1 中英(广东)CCUS 中心;2 爱丁堡大学,爱丁堡, 英国;3 中科院南海海洋所;4 中科院武汉岩土所) Acknowledgements & Disclaimer This report is jointly produced by Ms.Yi Chen, Mr.Tiejun Zhang and Ms.Yutong Shu, researchers of the UK-China (Guangdong) CCUS Centre and students at The University of Edinburgh, Dr. Xi Liang, Senior Lecturer at The University of Edinburgh and Secretary General of the UK-China (Guangdong) CCUS Centre, Prof Li Pengchun at South China Sea Institute of Oceanology (SCSIO), and Prof Wei Ning from Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics (IRSM), Chinese Academy of Sciences. Our deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor Di Zhou, deputy chair of the advisory board of UK-China (Guangdong) CCUS Centre and researcher in the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, for her effort to build a communication platform for CO2 utilization technologies and to provide some of the technical materials for this report. We would also like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Prof. Wenzhou Xiang and Dr Tao Li from South China Sea Institute Of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof.Yuezhong Meng from Sun Yat-Sen University, Prof.Xiaochun Li from Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Dr. Dong Liu from Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute for the technical research materials they provided. Thanks to Mr Bill Senior for reviewing the report. Special thanks to support by Guangdong Development and Reform Commission and British Consulate General to Guangzhou for support the project. Yi Chen1,2, Tiejun Zhang1,2, Yutong Shu, Xi Liang1,2 , Pengchun Li 1,3, Ning Wei 1,4 (1UK-China (Guangdong) CCUS Centre, Guangzhou, China, 2Uiniversity of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, 3South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 4Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Content 目录 目录 Contents 1. 引言 1 1. Introduction 1 1.1 CO2 利用技术简介 1 1.1 Brief introduction to CO2 utilization technologies 1.2 当今政策环境下 CO2 利用技术的意义 3 1.2 The significance of CO2 utilization technologies under current policy settings 4 1.3 本报告的研究方法及结构 4 1.3 Methodology and structure of the report 5 2. 第 2 章传统商业化 CO2 利用技术 6 2. Traditional

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