德国2050年能源效率战略 出版说明 出版方 德国联邦经济和能源部(BMWi) 公共宣传部门 11019柏林 www.bmwi.de 日期 2020年3月 版面设计 Edelman GmbH, 10963 Berlin 该出版物和其他更多出版物可从如下渠道获得 德国联邦经济和能源部(BMWi) 公共宣传部门 邮箱:publicationen@bundesregierung.de www.bmwi.de 本出版物由德国联邦经济和能源部作为其公共宣传的组 成部分发布。该出版物为非售卖品,免费发放和取阅。 不得用于政党,候选人或选举工作人员任何竞选为目的 的活动,这包括联邦议会、联邦州议会、地方政府以及 欧盟议会选举。 内容概要 1. 前言• 1 2. 2030年能源效率目标• 2 3. 措施• 4 4.“2050年能源效率路线图”对话进程• 8 德国“2050年能源效率战略”为不断加强德国的能效政策描绘长远愿景,从而为实现欧盟的能效目标(至2030年至少 Germany’s Energy Efficiency Strategy 2050 sets out a long-term pathway for strengthening German 降低32.5%的一次和终端能源消耗)做出巨大的贡献。该战略设定了新的德国2030年能源效率目标,通过新的“国家 energy efficiency policy. In this way, it also makes an appropriate contribution to achieving the EU 能效行动计划”(NAPE 2.0)绑定了大量实现该目标所必须采取的措施,同时还包括“2050年能源效率路线图”对 energy efficiency target (of reducing primary and final energy consumption by least 32.5% by 2030). The Strategy sets a new energy 话进程组织安排相关的指导意见。 efficiency target for 2030, brings together the necessary measures in a new National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NAPE 2.0) and contains guidelines on how the dialogue process on the Energy Efficiency Roadmap 2050 should be designed. 1. Introduction 1 I 德国2050年能源效率战略 How sustainable an economy really is depends to a large 1. 前言 extent on how efficiently it uses energy. Energy efficiency improves companies’ competitiveness, strengthens the purchasing power of consumers, reduces dependence on energy imports, and is not least the key to achieving climate targets. 一个经济体的未来能力取决于其对能源的利用率。能源 效率提高企业的竞争能力、增强消费者的购买力、减少 The Federal Government has set itself the goal of mak对能源进口的依赖,同时也是实现气候目标的关键因 ing Germany the most energy-efficient economy in the 素。 world. The guiding principle underlying German energy and climate policy en route towards this goal is ‘efficiency 德国联邦政府设立了目标,力争使德国跻身于全球能源 first’. This means that the priority is on reducing energy 效率最高的经济体之列。“能效第一”是德国能源和气 consumption, wherever it makes economic sense to do so. 候政策的指导原则。这意味着在经济条件可行的情况 Remaining energy demand is then to be covered primarily 下,必须优先考虑降低能源消耗。剩余的能源需求则优 through the direct use of renewables. Once these ap先通过直接利用可再生能源来满足。如果以上可能性已 proaches have been pursued as far as possible, electricity from renewable energy is to be used efficiently in sector 得到充分发挥,那么下一步则是加强领域耦合,高效利 coupling, in order to meet the energy needs of industry, 用可再生能源生产的电力,满足工业、交通和供热行业 transport and heating. 的能源需求。 Energy efficiency means using less energy even as value 能源效率的提高意味着在减少能源使用的同时创造更多 added increases. This reduces energy costs and gives com的附加值。这将降低能源成本,企业也将由此获得弥足 panies a valuable cost advantage. Investments in efficiency 珍贵的成本优势。在能效措施方面的投资将增强德国国 measures strengthen domestic value creation, secure jobs, 内的价值创造、确保就业岗位,并通过降低对石油和天 and increase security of supply because dependence on oil 然气进口的依赖而提高能源供给的安全性。此外,将着 and gas imports is lessened. In addition, placing a focus on 重点放在提高德国企业的能源效率上,还能为“德国制 energy efficiency opens up new export and growth markets for German companies producing efficiency technologies ‘made in Germany’. The German market serves as a showcase for their plant and machinery, products and services. Better energy efficiency also means that private consumers have more money in their household budget. By placing 造”的能源技术开拓新的出口和增长市场。在此,德国 minimum standards on electrical appliances, for example, 市场可以作为展示它们的机械设备、产品和服务的“橱 consumers’ energy costs are kept as low as possible – serv窗”。 ing to protect them in the same way as energy-efficiency retrofits and consumption specifications for car manufac更高的能源效率同时也意味着私人消费者可以节省更多 turers do. This means that raising energy efficiency also 的家庭开支,例如:规定家用电器的最低能效标准、建 takes on an important social function. 筑节能改造,或对汽车制造商能耗的规定指标等,都可 为私人消费者节省高昂的能源费用。因此,提高能源效 In adopting its Energy Efficiency Strategy 2050 at the end 率也承担起了重要的社会责任。 of 2019, the Federal Government has placed even greater weight on efficiency policy for the future. The strategy comprises three elements: it defines an efficiency target 通过2019年年底出台的“2050年能源效率战略”,德国 for 2030, sets out the different Federal Government meas联邦政府决定未来将继续提高能源效率政策的比重。该 ures necessary for achieving this target in a new National 战略包括三个要素:设定2030年能效目标,在新的“国 Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NAPE 2.0), and sets out 家能源效率行动计划”(NAPE2.0)中绑定了联邦政府为 how the dialogue process on the Energy Efficiency 2050 实现此目标而将采取的必要措施,并对如何开展关于"能 Roadmap will be implemented. As part of this dialogue, 源效率2050路线图"的对话进程提出指导意见。在这个对 representatives of civil society and business, consumers, 话的框架下,各社会团体以及经济界、消费者、科

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