EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels, 17.8.2023 C(2023) 5512 final ANNEXES 1 to 9 ANNEXES to the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) …/... laying down the rules for the application of Regulation (EU) 2023/956 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards reporting obligations for the purposes of the carbon border adjustment mechanism during the transitional period (Text with EEA relevance) EN EN ANNEX I Information to be submitted in the CBAM reports The reporting declarant shall follow the CBAM report structure listed in Table 1 of this Annex and provided in the CBAM Transitional Registry, and include the detailed information listed in Table 2 of this Annex, when submitting the CBAM report. Table 1: CBAM report structure CBAM Report Report issue date Draft report ID Report ID Reporting period Year --Reporting declarant ----Address --Representative * ----Address --Importer * ----Address --Competent authority --Signatures ----Report confirmation ----Type of applicable reporting methodology --Remarks --CBAM goods imported Goods item number ----Representative * ------Address ----Importer * ------Address ----Commodity code Harmonized system sub-heading code Combined nomenclature code ------Commodity details ----Country of origin ----Imported quantity per customs procedure ------Procedure --------Inward processing information ------Area of import ------Goods measure (per procedure) ------Goods measure (inward processing) ------Special references for goods ----Goods measure (imported) ----Goods imported total emissions ----Supporting documents (for goods) 1 ------Attachments ----Remarks ----CBAM goods’ emissions Emissions sequence number Country of production ------The company name of the installation --------Address --------Contact details ------Installation --------Address ------Goods measure (produced) ------Installation emissions ------Direct embedded emissions ------Indirect embedded emissions ------Production method & qualifying parameters --------Direct emissions qualifying parameters --------Indirect emissions qualifying parameters ------Supporting documents (for emissions definition) --------Attachments ------Carbon price due --------Goods covered under carbon price due ----------Goods measure (covered) ------Remarks Table 2: Detailed information requirements in the CBAM report CBAM Report Report issue date Draft report ID Report ID Reporting period Year Total goods imported Total emissions --Reporting declarant Identification number Name Role ----Address Member State of establishment Sub-division City Street Street additional line Number 2 Postcode P.O. Box --Representative * Identification number Name ----Address Member State of establishment Sub-division City Street Street additional line Number Postcode P.O. Box --Importer * Identification number Name ----Address Member State or country of establishment Sub-division City Street Street additional line Number Postcode P.O. Box --Competent authority Reference number --Signatures ----Report confirmation Report global data confirmation Use of data confirmation Date of signature Place of signature Signature Position of person signing ----Type of applicable reporting methodology Other applicable reporting methodology --Remarks Additional information --CBAM goods imported Goods item number ----Representative * Identification number Name ------Address 3 Member State of establishment Sub-division City Street Street additional line Number Postcode P.O. Box ----Importer * Identification number Name ------Address Member State or country of establishment Sub-division City Street Street additional line Number Postcode P.O. Box ----Commodity code Harmonized system sub-heading code Combined nomenclature code ------Commodity details Description of goods ----Country of origin Country code -----Imported quantity per customs procedure Sequence number ------Procedure Requested procedure Previous procedure Inward processing information Member State of inward processing authorisation Inward processing waiver for bill of discharge Authorisation Globalisation time start Globalisation time end Deadline for submission of bill of discharge ------Area of import Area of import ------Goods measure (per procedure) Net mass Supplementary units Type of measurement unit ------Goods measure (inward processing) 4 Net mass Supplementary units Type of measurement unit ------Special references for goods Additional information ----Goods measure (imported) Net mass Supplementary u

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