TECHNICAL REPORT STATE OF THE ART: CCS TECHNOLOGIES 2023 HUGH BARLOW Consultant CCS Technology SHAHRZAD S M SHAHI Consultant CCS Technology MATTHEW LOUGHREY Principal Consultant CCS Technology CONTENTS FOREWORD 4 CAPTURE 6 AIR LIQUIDE#1 8 AKER CARBON CAPTURE 18 B&W 22 CAPTURA 26 CARBONCAPT 28 CARBON CLEAN 32 CARBON ENGINEERING 36 C-CAPTURE 40 CAPSOL TECHNOLOGIES 44 CO2CRC 48 DELTA CLEAN TECH 52 ELESSENT CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES 54 FUELCELL ENERGY 58 HEIRLOOM 62 HUANENG CLEAN ENERGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE (HNCERI) 64 HONEYWELL 68 K2CO2 72 KC8CAPTURE 74 LINDE 78 NET POWER 90 NOVOZYMES 94 NUADA (FORMERLY MOF TECHNOLOGIES) 98 SHELL AND TECHNIP ENERGIES 100 SINOPEC NANJING CHEMICALS RESEARCH INSTITUTE 104 SUMITOMO SHI FW 108 TOSHIBA 114 SVANTE 118 TRANSPORT 120 GHD 122 JFE STEEL 126 MAXTUBE GROUP 130 STORAGE 134 CMG 136 GETECH 138 HALLIBURTON 142 NSAI-PETRO 154 QUORUM SOFTWARE 156 FULL VALUE CHAIN 164 ABB 166 ASPENTECH 168 BAKER HUGHES 170 CHART & HOWDEN 196 CHEVRON 200 ENI 204 JCCS 208 NOV 212 OPENGOSIM LTD 216 RITE 218 SAIPEM 226 SICK 232 SLB 236 2 STATE OF THE ART: CCS TECHNOLOGIES 2023 BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD There is an urgent need for innovative, new technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to tackle climate change and meet net-zero targets. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) covers a range of technologies that will be crucial in supporting these global efforts. The uptake of CCS is growing at an unprecedented rate. While early CCS projects targeted easier to capture emissions sources, projects further into the energy transition need to address harder to abate emissions that are more expensive and challenging to address. Technological advancements are essential to improving the economics and ensuring the successful application of CCS to these more challenging emissions sources. The year’s Technology Compendium continues to showcase the breadth and depth of commerciallyavailable CCS technologies worldwide. We look forward to seeing further growth and development of CCS technologies in coming years as we continue to fight the threat of climate change. Matt Loughrey Principal – CCS Technologies Global CCS Institute July 2023 This year’s Technology Compendium expands on the inaugural version in all categories with several new technologies. One of the key advancements is the development of new and improved methods for capturing carbon dioxide, including several new technologies utilizing calcium looping and metal organic frameworks (MOFs). For transport and storage, new technologies focused on robust design and monitoring are supporting the need to provide safe and optimized transport and storage infrastructure. This highlights the ongoing work to develop technologies to improve energy efficiency, reduce costs, and improve infrastructure performance for future CCS projects. Acknowledgements We are grateful for the contributions and support of all the technology companies who have contributed to this publication. Thank you to Hugh Barlow and Shahrzad Shahi for their invaluable editing and coordination of this report. Special mentions also go to Yi Wu, Yasuo Murakami, Kazuko Miyashita, Erin Billeri, Spencer Schecht, Bruno Gerrits, and Sarah Hardman of the Global CCS Institute for their efforts and support. 4 STATE OF THE ART: CCS TECHNOLOGIES 2023 BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS CAPTURE 6 STATE OF THE ART: CCS TECHNOLOGIES 2023 BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTACT Email: Web: The first industrial deployment of this technology was made in Port-Jerome, France (Cryocap™ H2), at the largest SMR Hydrogen production unit operated by Air Liquide. Since its startup in 2015, the plant has captured 100 ktpa CO2 from an existing SMR while boosting H2 production. The plant has been designed for ease of scalability; wherein all equipment in Port Jerome will be purely upscaled to larger scale CCS projects. After 8 years of operation, the Port Jerome site demonstrated: CRYOCAPTMW (H2, FG, OXY, STEEL, NG) AIR LIQUIDE To date, Cryocap™ is the only full-scale cryogenic capture technology with an industrial reference in operation in the world. Driven by innovation and the need to decarbonize carbon intensive processes, Cryocap™ reference examples date back to 2005 and the product line has since then been selected for multiple engineering studies, pre- 8 STATE OF THE ART: CCS TECHNOLOGIES 2023 Proven robustness of design -
【推荐】Global CCS Insitiute-全球碳捕集与封存先进技术汇编2023(英) (2)
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