Industrial Deep Decarbonization: Modeling Approaches and Data Challenges Elena Verdolini, Lorenzo Torreggiani, Sara Giarola, Massimo Tavoni, Marc Hafstead, and Lillian Anderson Report 23-10 August 2023 Industrial Deep Decarbonization: Modeling Approaches and Data Challenges A About the Authors Elena Verdolini is a climate economist. She is Professor of Political Economy at the Law Department, University of Brescia, and Senior Scientist at the RFFCMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment (EIEE) of the EuroMediterranean Center on Climate Change, where she leads the research group on “Sustainable Innovation and Digitalization”. She is the principal investigator of the 2D4D “Disruptive Digitalization for Decarbonization” project, funded by the European Research Council through a Starting Grant, and the coordinator of the AdJUST “Advancing the understanding of challenges, policy options and measures to achieve a JUST EU energy transition” funded by Horizon Europe. She was a Lead Author of the of the IPCC 6th Assessment Report, Working Group III. Elena holds a degree in Political Science from the University of Pavia, a Master of Public Administration and a Master of Arts in International Studies from the University of Washington, Seattle and a PhD in Economics and Finance of the Public Administration from the Catholic University of Milan. Her research interest includes the dynamics and drivers of innovation, adoption and transfer of energy-efficient and climate-friendly technologies; the role of digital technologies in the energy transition; and the economic and distributional implications of climate and energy policy. Lorenzo Torreggiani is a Post Degree researcher at EIEE working on renewables’ raw data analysis. He is a student in Green Economy and Sustainability with a degree in Banking and Finance at the University of Brescia. He is interested in climate change, renewable energy, environmental economics, and statistics. Sarah Giarola is the Marie Curie Research Fellow at the Polytechnic University of Milan. She works on modelling the technological, epistemic, and socio-economic uncertainty in climate economic models using machine learning techniques. She received her PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Padova in 2012. She joined Imperial College London in 2012, became a BG Research Fellow in 2014, at the Sustainable Gas Institute, and in 2020, she joined the Chemical Engineering Department. Her research interests lie in macro-energy systems with a focus on the multiscale modelling to capture the nexus between technology diffusion and societal behaviour. In the area of energy systems modelling and optimisation, she published 36 journal articles and 3 book chapters. Resources for the Future i Massimo Tavoni is director of EIEE. He is also a full professor at the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano. He coordinated the Climate Change Mitigation programme at Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) between 2015 and 2018. He has been a fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies in Behavioural Sciences at Stanford University and a postdoctoral fellow at Princeton University His research is about climate change mitigation policies, and has appeared in major scientific journals. He is a lead author of the IPCC (5th and 6th assessment reports), co-directs of the International Energy Workshop, and was deputy editor for the journal Climatic Change. He is a recipient of a grant from the European Research Council ERC. He has advised several international institutions on climate change matters, including the OECD, the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank. Marc Hafstead joined RFF in 2013 from Stanford University. He is an RFF fellow and director of the Carbon Pricing Initiative and the Climate Finance and Financial Risk Initiative. His research has primarily focused on the evaluation and design of federal and state-level climate and energy policies using sophisticated multi-sector models of the US economy. With Stanford Professor and RFF University Fellow Lawrence H. Goulder, he wrote Confronting the Climate Challenge: US Policy Options (Columbia University Press) to evaluate the environmental and economic impacts of federal carbon taxes, cap-and-trade programs, clean energy standards, and gasoline. His research has also analyzed the distributional and employment impacts of carbon pricing and the design of tax adjustment mechanisms to reduce the emissions uncertainty of carbon tax policies
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