Recharged The electric vehicle and EV charging markets regain stability EV Charging Index Edition 4 | 2023 EV Charging Index Edition 4 1 After a turbulent first half of 2022, the electric vehicle (EV) and EV charging market returned to strong growth according to the latest edition of Roland Berger's EV Charging Index. Several key market indicators, such as EV sales and charging infrastructure developments, hit record highs, despite turbulent energy prices in some markets. The fourth edition of the Index, covering 30 markets in five regions – Europe, China, Americas, Middle East and Asia (other) – and 31 indicators, is based on industry interviews, primary research and a survey of 16,000 participants from all regions conducted in the first half of 2023. In this report, we present the overall findings and focus on four topical areas. First, with global EV sales penetration reaching a record high in 2022, we look at how the factors affecting interest in EVs differ across the regions. Second, we assess the drivers behind the rapid expansion of public EV charging networks, from new technologies to convenience. Cover photo Andrew Merry/Getty Images Third, as the percentage of EV owners who report using public charging reaches 90%, we analyze changing customer behaviors and find that range anxiety is still a major problem. 2 EV Charging Index Edition 4 Lastly, we examine the emerging regionalization of OEMs' strategies with regard to EV charging infrastructure, especially the different approaches applied in the United States and China. EV Charging Index Edition 4 3 Scores and rankings: The pack closes on leader China, with improvements across the board All of the top five performers in the fourth edition of the Index increased or maintained their score compared to the previous edition, with all at record-breaking highs. China topped the rankings with a total of 82 (out of 100), followed by Germany (74), the United States (73) and the Netherlands (69). Norway (65) knocked the United Kingdom out of the top five by less than one point. The gaps between the top five narrowed considerably, with Germany and the United States, in particular, making ground on China. Closing the gap: While China again tops the rankings, the chasing pack of Germany, the US, the Netherlands and Norway are catching up 85 China 80 China 75 75 USA 70 China Germany 65 Netherlands Norway USA Germany France UK Sweden South Korea Netherlands Spain Norway UK 55 50 Italy Belgium 45 40 35 Turkey 30 25 UAE 20 15 Edition 1 (November 2021) GLOBAL India Japan Canada Brazil Belgium Thailand Germany Netherlands France Italy Portugal France Spain Canada 60 China 80 South Korea Portugal Sweden Italy Singapore Switzerland India GLOBAL Japan Romania Hungary Israel Qatar Hungary Indonesia Malaysia Vietnam Turkey USA UK Singapore Canada Switzerland Belgium Brazil Israel Turkey Thailand Indonesia UAE UAE Saudi Arabia Qatar Edition 2 (April 2022) 70 65 Norway Sweden South Korea Spain USA 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 Germany Netherlands UK South Korea Switzerland Norway France Sweden Spain GLOBAL Italy Belgium Singapore Portugal Qatar Malaysia Romania Hungary India Canada Japan Brazil Indonesia Thailand Turkey Israel UAE Vietnam Saudi Arabia 20 Saudi Arabia Edition 3 (November 2022) 15 Edition 4 (May 2023) Source: EV Volume; Roland Berger EV Charging Index 4 EV Charging Index Edition 4 EV Charging Index Edition 4 5 There was positive news at the other end of the table, too. Several countries showed a big improvement in their score, with Malaysia (41) and Indonesia (41) both jumping by 12 points, and even bottom-of-the-table Saudi Arabia jumping from 16 to 27 points. In fact, the improved performance of countries across the Middle East and Southeast Asia helped to drive up the average country score from 45 to 51 points. This indicates a healthy and growing global EV charging market. Global growth: Improved scores in almost all 30 countries reflect across-the-board improvement in EV charging Netherlands 69 Belgium 49 Canada 49 France 64 UK 65 Germany Hungary 34 Romania 39 Turkey 39 74 Spain 58 USA 73 Portugal 46 Switzerland 58 EV CHARGING INDEX SCORING RESULTS [total of 100 points from 31 ranking indicators] Norway Sweden 60 65 Italy 51 Israel 36 Brazil 45 82 Thailand South Korea 63 41 UAE 35 Saudi Arabia 27 Japan 47 China Qatar 42 India 51 Singapore 48 Vietnam 30 Malaysia 41 Indones

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