© 2023 8 封 纸 ⼜ 送 ESG 务 封 封 The Institute of Finance and Sustainability (IFS) is a Beijing-based non-profit research institution specialized in areas such as ESG investment, natural capital, green technology innovation, and low-carbon transition. Its mission is to advance green finance and sustainable development in China and beyond, through high-quality research on policies, markets and products. It aims to become a globally recognized think tank and make substantial contributions to international efforts to protect the environment, conserve nature and combat climate change. 封 ⼜ info@ifs.net.cn Copyright Policy The copyright of this report belongs to the Institute of Finance and Sustainability (IFS). This report is intended for research and knowledge sharing only. Any redistribution, reproduction or use in any other form of any part or all of its content without the authorization of the IFS is prohibited. Please clearly attribute the source when quoting from this publication. For any inquiries regarding its content or potential collaboration opportunities, please contact us at info@ifs.net.cn. 封 封 封 封 !"#$%&'()*+,-./0 ............................................................................................................................ 1 1. ................................................ 7 2. ................................................................................ 9 2.1 BP 2.2 Shell ............................................................................... 13 2.3 TOTAL Energies 2.4 3. ........................................................................................... 9 Equinor ................................................................. 15 ................................................................................. 19 务 ................................................................... 22 3.1 ExxonMobil 3.2 Chevron ....................................................................... 22 ........................................................................................... 25 3.3 ConocoPhillips ............................................................................ 29 3.4 Saudi Aramco .............................................................................. 32 4. 务 ................................................................... 34 4.1 ..................................................................................................... 34 4.2 ..................................................................................................... 37 4.2.1 ......................................... 37 4.2.2 .............................. 38 4.3 ............................................................................................................ 40 4.4 ............................................................................................................ 41 4.5 ......................................................................................................... 42 .......................................................................................................................... 45 !"#$%&'()*+,-./0 1 务 1.5 30 400 尽 副 务尺 务 尽 G20 尽 BP Shell TOTAL Equinor 务 尽 ExxonMobil Chevron ConocoPhillips 尽 Saudi Aramco 尽 尽 尽 尽 尽 务 Aramco 务 Chevron 副 副 BP 20 2050 BP TOTAL Chevron Aramco 尽 1 ESG 尽 副 本报告得到了中国石油集团国家高端智库研究中心专职副主任吕建中、道达尔能源(北京)企业管理有 限公司财务总监张晓波的专家建议,课题组由衷表示感谢。 1 !"#$%&'()*+,-./0 尽 务 副务 尽 CCUS CCUS 尽 覆 CCUS 务 ExxonMobil CCUS 200 70 ExxonMobil ConocoPhillips TOTAL 尽 Shell ExxonMobil Aramco 尽 务 封 TOTAL Chevron Aramco 务 Chevron BP 尽 务 TOTAL Aramco BP 尽 20 KPI 务 务 务 19 TOTAL Aramco 尽 2020 的 2030 2 2050 5.3 2 9000 Shell TOTAL !"#$%&'()*+,-./0 ExxonMobil 尽 尽 研 29% 封 2030 TOTAL ExxonMobil 60% 2050 尽 务 2020 90% BP Shell CCUS 尽 副 CCUS 务 封 太 TCFD Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures TCFD 尽 BP 封 ISSB International Sustainability Standards Board TNFD Financial Disclosures 太 TOTAL Taskforce on Nature-related Chevron ConocoPhillips Aramco 尽 IPIECA International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association 副 BP TOTAL Chevron 太 尽 BP BP ESG Data Sheet TOTAL TOTAL ESG Data Book Chevron Chevron Performance Data 尽 封 务 研 副 Equinor Equinor 研 3 封 ExxonMobil !"#$%&'()*+,-./0 研 纸 研 副 副 ExxonMobil 务 务 尽 副 ISSB TNFD IPIECA 副 BP 研 副 TCFD TOTAL Chevron 封 研 Equinor 太 ES

pdf文档 国际油气公司低碳转型经验及其借鉴-北京绿金院

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