BARRIERS TO CLEAN ELECTRIFICATION SERIES SUPPLY CHAINS Better, Faster, Cleaner: Securing clean energy technology supply chains Version 1 | June 2023 Insights Briefing Better, Faster, Cleaner: Securing clean energy technology supply chains 1 The Energy Transitions Commission (ETC) is a global coalition of leaders from across the energy landscape committed to achieving net-zero emissions by mid-century, in line with the Paris climate objective of limiting global warming to well below 2°C and ideally to 1.5°C. Our Commissioners come from a range of organisations – energy producers, energy-intensive industries, technology providers, finance players and environmental NGOs – which operate across developed and developing countries and play different roles in the energy transition. This diversity of viewpoints informs our work: our analyses are developed with a systems perspective through extensive exchanges with experts and practitioners. The ETC is chaired by Lord Adair Turner who works with the ETC team, led by Faustine Delasalle (Vice-Chair), Ita Kettleborough (Director), and Mike Hemsley (Deputy Director). The ETC’s Better, Faster, Cleaner: Securing clean energy technology supply chains was developed by the Commissioners with the support of the ETC Secretariat, provided by SYSTEMIQ, and support from the European Climate Foundation (ECF). This report constitutes a collective view of the Energy Transitions Commission. Members of the ETC endorse the general thrust of the arguments made in this publication but should not be taken as agreeing with every finding or recommendation. The institutions with which the Commissioners are affiliated have not been asked to formally endorse this briefing paper. This report looks to build upon a substantial body of work in this area, including from the IEA and IRENA, and ETC knowledge partners BNEF. The ETC team would like to thank the ETC members, member experts and the ETC’s broader network of external experts for their active participation in the development of this report. The ETC Commissioners not only agree on the importance of reaching net-zero carbon emissions from the energy and industrial systems by mid-century but also share a broad vision of how the transition can be achieved. The fact that this agreement is possible between leaders from companies and organisations with different perspectives on and interests in the energy system should give decision-makers across the world confidence that it is possible simultaneously to grow the global economy and to limit global warming to well below 2°C. Many of the key actions to achieve these goals are clear and can be pursued without delay. Learn more at: Barriers to Clean Electrification Series The ETC’s Barriers to Clean Electrification series focuses on identifying the key challenges facing the transition to clean power systems globally and recommending a set of key actions to ensure the clean electricity scale-up is not derailed in the 2020s. This series of reports will develop a view on how to “risk manage” the transition – by anticipating the barriers that are likely to arise and outlining how to overcome them, providing counters to misleading claims, providing explainer content and key facts, and sharing recommendations that help manage risks. An Insights Briefing will be developed for each barrier, covering the context and major challenges, and assessing the impact of deploying key solutions. These Insight Briefings will be accompanied by a series of Solution Toolkits, which lay out a set of key actions that need to be taken by the most important group of stakeholders (e.g., governments, renewables developers, grid operators, civil society) and outlines supporting case studies. Better, Faster, Cleaner: Securing clean energy technology supply chains 3 ETC Commissioners Mr Shaun Kingsbury, Chief Investment Officer – Just Climate Ms. Laura Mason, Chief Executive Officer – L&G Capital Mr. Bradley Andrews, President, UK, Norway, Central Asia & Eastern Europe – Worley Dr. María Mendiluce, Chief Executive Officer – We Mean Business Mr. Jon Creyts, Chief Executive Officer – Rocky Mountain Institute Mr. Spencer Dale, Chief Economist – bp Mr. Bradley Davey, Executive Vice President, Head of Corporate Business Optimisation – ArcelorMittal Mr. Jon Moore, Chief Executive Officer – Bloomb

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