Government of India Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation National Statistical Office Officers associated with the publication Shri Satyendra Bahadur Singh Additional Director General Ms. Harmeet M. Kumar Deputy Director General Shri Indradeep Roy Chowdhury Joint Director Shri Pramod Ram Junior Statistical Officer i Abbreviations and Acronyms ATF Aviation Turbine Fuel BCM Billion Cubic Metres BT Billion Tonne CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate CBFS Carbon Black Feed Stock CPEs Centrally Planned Economies EMEs Emerging Market Economies (includes countries of South & Central America, Africa, Middle-east, Non-OECD Asia & NonOECD Europe) F.O. Furnace Oil GW Giga Watt GWh Giga Watt Hour SHP Small Hydro Power HSDO High Speed Diesel Oil IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency IEA International Energy Agency IOC Indian Oil Corporation IRES International Recommendations on Energy Statistics KToE Kilo Tonne of oil Equivalent KW Kilowatt KWH Kilo Watt Hour LDO Light Diesel Oil LNG Liquefied Natural Gas LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas LSHS Low Sulphur Heavy Stock Lubes Lubricant MJ Mega-joules MMSCM Million Metric Standard Cubic Metres ii MS/MOGAS Motor Spirit/Motor Gasoline MT Million Tonne MTBE Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether M.T.O. Mineral Turpentine Oil MTY Million Tonne Per Year MW Megawatt N.C.W. Non-communist World O.E.C.D. Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development O.P.E.C. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (P) Provisional PJ Peta-joules PEC Per Capita Energy Consumption PET-COKE Petroleum Coke SBPS Special Boiling Point Spirit SDG Sustainable Development Goal SEEA System of Environmental Economic Accounting SKO Superior Kerosene Oil SNA System of National Accounts TEC Total Energy Consumption TFC Total Final Consumption TPES Total Primary Energy Supply TMT Thousand Metric Tonne TMTPA Thousand Metric Tons Per Annum VGO Vacuum Gas Oil iii Table of Contents Section Page Nos. Introduction Chapter-1: Reserves and potential for generation Chapter-2: Installed capacity and capacity utilization Chapter-3: Production of Energy Resources Chapter-4: Foreign Trade and Prices of Energy Resources Chapter-5: Availability of Energy Resources Chapter-6: Consumption of Energy Resources Chapter-7: Energy Balance and Sankey Diagram Chapter-8: Sustainability and Energy Annexure-I: Definitions of Energy Products and associated concepts Annexure-II: Measurement Units in Energy Statistics Annexure-III: Metadata: Publication Annexure-IV: Sustainability Energy Indicators of Economic Dimension Annexure-V: Energy Balance Table of India from 2012-13 to 2019-20 (Based on Domestic Conversion Factors and Final, Audited data) Annexure-VI: Energy Indicators of India for Sustainability from 2012-13 to 2020-21 (Based on Domestic Conversion Factors and Final, Audited data) References iv 1 5 13 25 37 43 49 65 77 84 93 96 100 105 113 114 List of Tables List of Tables Page No. CHAPTER 1 Reserves and potential for generation Table 1.1: Statewise Estimated Reserves of Coal Table 1.1(A): Statewise Estimated Reserves of Lignite Table 1.2: Statewise Estimated Reserves of Crude Oil and Natural Gas Table 1.3: Sourcewise and Statewise Estimated Potential of Renewable Power in India as on 31.03.2022 CHAPTER 2 Installed capacity and capacity utilization 10 10 11 12 Table 2.1: Installed Capacity of Coal Washeries Table 2.2: Installed Capacity and Utilization of Refineries of Crude Oil Table 2.3: Yearwise Installed Capacity of Electricity Generation in Utilities and Non-utilities Table 2.4: Regionwise and Statewise Installed Capacity of Electricity Generation (Utilities) Table 2.5: Statewise cumulative Installed Capacity of Grid Interactive Renewable Power as on 31.3.2022 Table 2.6: Installation of Off-grid / Decentralized Renewable Energy Systems/ Devices as on 31.03.2022 CHAPTER 3 Production of Energy Resources 18 20 Table 3.1: Yearwise Production of Energy Resources in Physical Units Table 3.2: Yearwise Production of Energy Resources in Energy Units Table 3.3: Yearwise Production of Coal - Typewise and Sectorwise Table 3.3 A: Gradewise Production of Coking Coal by Companies in FY: 2020-21 & FY:2021-22(P) Table 3.3 B: Gradewise Production of Non-Coking Coal by Companies in FY: 2020-21 & FY:2021-22(P) 31 v 21 22 23 24 32 32 33 33 Table 3.4: Yearwise Domestic Production of Petroleum Produc

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