第 28 卷第 10 期 2008 年 10 月 生 态 学 报 ACTA ECOLOGICA SINICA Vol. 28,No. 10 Oct. , 2008 长期不同施肥下水稻土甲烷氧化能力及 甲烷氧化菌多样性的变化 郑聚锋,张平究,潘根兴 ,李恋卿,张旭辉 ∗ (南京农业大学农业资源与生态环境研究所,南京 210095) 摘要:稻田内源甲烷的氧化是稻田甲烷减排的重要途径。 而甲烷氧化菌是土壤中甲烷氧化的主要施动者,在长期不同施肥条件 下,土壤微生物群落的演变是否影响到土壤甲烷氧化菌群落结构及其活性,进而影响到田土壤 CH 4 向大气的实际排放强度还不 清楚。 为此,选择太湖地区一个长期肥料试验的稻田土壤为研究对象,分析长期不同肥料施用对土壤甲烷氧化能力的影响及其 与土壤中甲烷氧化菌群落结构变化的可能关系。 结果表明,长期不同的施肥措施下稻田土壤对甲烷的氧化能力产生了明显差 异,伴随着土壤中甲烷氧化菌(MOBI 和 MOBII)的基因群落多样性的显著变化。 长期单一施用氮肥为主的化肥显著降低了土 壤对甲烷的氧化能力,同时显著降低了稻田土壤甲烷氧化菌的多样性和丰富度;不同施肥下甲烷氧化菌多样性的变化与土壤的 甲烷氧化能力的变化趋势相一致。 因此,研究显示长期不同施肥处理下甲烷氧化菌群落结构的改变可能是引起水稻土甲烷氧 化能力变化的一个主要因素,有机无机配合施用可以明显降低稻田土壤甲烷的大气释放潜能。 但长期不同施肥处理下甲烷氧 化菌活性的变化还有待于进一步研究。 关键词:水稻土;长期试验;CH 4 氧化;甲烷氧化菌;微生物多样性;温室气体减排 8 文章编号:1000-0933(2008)10-4864-09 中图分类号:Q142,Q16,Q938 文献标识码:A Effect of long-term different fertilization on methane oxidation potential and diversity of methanotrophs of paddy soil ZHENG Ju-Feng,ZHANG Ping-Jiu,PAN Gen-Xing ,LI Lian-Qing,Zhang Xu-Hui ∗ Insitute of Resource Ecosystem and Environment of Agriculture,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing,210095,China Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2008, 28(10): 4864 ~ 4872. Abstract: Oxidation of endogenous methane is an important process affecting the real flux of methane from rice paddies, which is generated and mediated by methanotrophs living in topsoil. Very few data has been available on whether the change of the overall microbial community effects on methane oxidation activity and / or community of methanotrophs,and in turn, the real methane flux from rice paddies under different long-term fertilization practices. Taking an example of a long-term different fertilization trial of a typical rice paddy from the Tai Lake region China,effects of long-term different fertilizations on methane-oxidizing activity and the linkage to possible change of methanotrophs community are studied by laboratory incubation of rice paddy topsoil. The studied long-term different fertilization plots include non-fertilized (NF),chemical fertilizers only (CF)and combine fertilization of chemical fertilizers and pig manure (CFM). Results show that both methane-oxidizing activity and methanotrophic bacterial community (MOBI and MOBII)community of the topsoil samples 基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(40231016) 收稿日期: 2007-06-26;修订日期: 2008-02-26 作者简介:郑聚锋(1977 ~ ),男,河北石家庄人,博士生,从事土壤碳循环与全球变化研究. E-mail:zhengjufeng7708@ yahoo. com. cn ∗ 通讯作者 Corresponding author. E-mail:pangenxing@ yahoo. com. cn Foundation item:The project was financially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40231016) Received date:2007-06-26;Accepted date:2008-02-06 Biography:ZHENG Ju-Feng,Ph. D. ,mainly engaged in soil carbon cycling and global change. E-mail:zhengjufeng7708@ yahoo. com. cn http: / / www. ecologica. cn  10 期    郑聚锋 等:长期不同施肥下水稻土甲烷氧化能力及甲烷氧化菌多样性的变化 4865   vary with the different long-term fertilization practices. Compared with the treatments of NF and CFM,methane-oxidizing activity is significantly decreased as well as methanotrophic bacteria abundance and diversity significantly reduced under CF treatment. The variation of observed methane-oxidizing activity among under different fertilizations is shown in coincidence with the change of the abundance and diversity of the methanotrophs community. Therefore,real methane emission capacity from rice paddy may be altered by different fertilization practices,which could be linked to diversity changes of the methanotrophs community under the different fertilization practices. Thus,best management of fertilizer application may be an option for mitigating methane emission from rice paddies. However, the mechanism causing such variation of methanotrophic bacterial activity in rice paddies under long-term different fertilization deserves further studies. Key Words: rice paddy;long-term experiment;methane oxidation;methanotrophs;microbial diversity;greenhouse gases mitigation 淹水稻田被认为是大气甲烷的一个重要生物物理源,但其净排放量取决于 CH4 产生和 CH4 氧化的相对平 衡。 据估计,稻田产生的内源甲烷在排向大气之前大约有 50% ~ 90% 在根际和土水界面被重新氧化 甲烷氧化菌是土壤中氧化甲烷的主要微生物,同时也是大气甲烷的主要生物汇 [7] [4 ~ 6] 。 ,它们以甲烷为唯一的碳源 和能源,每年从大气中氧化甲烷达 20 ~ 60Tg,使淡水和湿地等自然环境向大气的 CH4 释放减少约 700Tg [8] 。 根据其生理特征,甲烷氧化菌大致分为两类,TypeI 型(MOBI)和 TypeII 型(MOBII),TypeI 型利用单磷酸 核糖途径同化甲醛为细胞组分,TypeII 型利用丝氨酸途径同化甲醛为细胞组分 [7] ,一些研究者采用分子生物 学技术(如 FISH 、PLFA、T-RFLP 等)对甲烷氧化菌在不同的生境中的分布和多样性进行了研究 [9 ~ 12] 。 但对 于微生物群落的动态及环境变化引起的微生物多样性的改变研究来说,DGGE 方法因具有较高的分辨率而被 认为是目前研究微生物多样性的一个较好的工具 [13] 。 最近,已有研究者利用 DGGE 技术对稻田 MOB 的群落分布进行了研究 [14] ,Seghers 等也对长期施肥下旱 地土壤中甲烷氧化菌群落结构变化进

pdf文档 【学术研究】长期不同施肥下水稻土甲烷氧...力及甲烷氧化菌多样性的变化_郑聚锋

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