A Unifying Theory of Foreign Intervention in Domestic Climate Policy Juan Moreno-Cruz and Anthony Harding Working Paper 23-24 May 2023 About the Authors Juan Moreno-Cruz is an associate professor at the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development and the Canada research chair in energy transitions at the University of Waterloo. He is also a CESifo research affiliate. Moreno-Cruz has a PhD (2010) from the University of Calgary and a BA and MS in electrical engineering from the Universidad de Los Andes. Prior to his current position, Moreno-Cruz was an associate professor in the School of Economics at the Georgia Institute of Technology (2011-2017), were he remains an adjunct professor. He has also been a visiting researcher in the Department of Global Ecology of the Carnegie Institution for Science at Stanford University (since 2015), an advisor for Carnegie Energy Innovation (since 2017), and a research associate of Harvard University’s Solar Geoengineering Research Program. Moreno-Cruz’s research focuses on the interaction of energy systems, technological change, and climate policy. His most influential work examines how solar and carbon geoengineering technologies affect climate policy. His most recent work provides novel insights into the process of energy transitions by demonstrating how energy access shapes the organization of the economy in cities and how energy consumption in cities in turn pollutes the local and global environment. Anthony Harding is a postdoctoral fellow researching the intersection of innovative technologies and climate policy. He received his PhD in economics from Georgia Institute of Technology, where his research focused on climate and energy economics, and earned a BS from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in math and physics. Harding’s research applies both econometrics and economic modelling to evaluate climate policy and climate impacts. His most recent work estimates the distribution of economic impacts of solar geoengineering across countries and compares it to the impacts of climate change. His current interests include the design of effective international climate governance structures and the measurement of the value of scientific learning. Acknowledgements We acknowledge support from the LAD Climate Fund and useful comments and feedback from Jonathan Weiner and other participants in workshops at Resources for the Future, the Latin American Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, and the Canadian Economics Association. Moreno-Cruz acknowledges additional support from the Canada Research Chair program and National Science Foundation grant NSF #1948154. Resources for the Future i About RFF Resources for the Future (RFF) is an independent, nonprofit research institution in Washington, DC. Its mission is to improve environmental, energy, and natural resource decisions through impartial economic research and policy engagement. RFF is committed to being the most widely trusted source of research insights and policy solutions leading to a healthy environment and a thriving economy. Working papers are research materials circulated by their authors for purposes of information and discussion. They have not necessarily undergone formal peer review. The views expressed here are those of the individual authors and may differ from those of other RFF experts, its officers, or its directors. About the Project The Resources for the Future Solar Geoengineering research project applies tools from multiple social science research disciplines to better understand the risks, potential benefits, and societal implications of solar geoengineering as a possible approach to help reduce climate risk alongside aggressive and necessary mitigation and adaptation efforts. The project began in 2020 with a series of expert workshops convened under the SRM Trans-Atlantic Dialogue. These meetings resulted in a 2021 article in Science that lays out a set of key social science research questions associated with solar geoengineering research and potential deployment. The Project followed this with additional sponsored research, including a competitive solicitation designed to address research areas highlighted in the Science article. This paper is one of eight research papers resulting from that competition and supported by two author workshops. A key goal of the solicitation and the overall project is to engage with a broader set of researchers from around the globe, a growing number of i

pdf文档 未来能源研究所-国外干预国内气候政策的统一理论(英)

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