ZERO EMISSION BUILDINGS IN CHINA A Sino-Swiss Collaboration for Climate Responsive Building and District Development 中国零碳建筑 中瑞合作促进有利气候保护的建筑和社区发展 GHG emissions: 温室气体排放: Gas 天然气 Oil 石油 Comparison with Business as usual 与常规情况下相比 The Swiss decarbonization roadmap for 2050 and related policies for the building sector 瑞士 2050 年脱碳路径及建筑行业的相关政策 A project financed by Implemented by The generous inner courtyard of Lokstadt in Winterthur, Switzerland will contain lush islands of green. 位于瑞士温特图尔的 Lokstadt 宽敞的内部庭院里有着郁郁葱葱的绿色岛屿 ©Ina Invest / Implenia | Web: or Version 1.0 The Swiss decarbonization roadmap for 2050 and related policies for the building sector Zurich, Switzerland All rights reserved © 2022 A project financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Chinese Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MoHURD) and implemented by intep and Skat. Lead Author Stefan Kessler, Gabrielle Siegrist (I to IV) Matthias Sulzer and Christof Knoeri (V) Contributors Roland Stulz, Daniel Wyss, Feng Lu-Pagenkopf Design and Layout: intep and Skat Front cover photo: Development of GHG emissions by energy source in servicebuildings (see p. 16) Translation: intep China Team 版本 1.0 瑞士 2050 年脱碳路径及建筑行业的相关政策 瑞士,苏黎世 保留所有权利 © 2022 本项目由瑞士发展与合作署(简称 SDC, 为瑞士联邦外交部下属机构)与中华人民 共和国住房和城乡建设部资助,由 intep 和 Skat 联合团队共同实施 主编 Stefan Kessler, Gabrielle Siegrist (I to IV) Matthias Sulzer and Christof Knoeri (V) 联合编辑 Roland Stulz, Daniel Wyss, 路枫 版面设计和排版: intep 和 skat 封面照片: 服务类建筑中与能耗相关温室 气体排放的发展状况 (见第 16 页) 中文翻译: 茵态中国团队 01 The Swiss national roadmap to decarbonize the building sector by 2050 “Energy Strategy 2050” for Switzerland Following the reactor melt down in Fukushima in 2011, the Swiss Federal Council and Parliament decided to phase out Switzerland's use of nuclear energy. This decision, as well as other far-reaching changes in the international energy environment, require a restructuring of the Swiss energy system. • • The milestones of the process towards the Energy Strategy 2050 1 were: • March 2011: As a result of the Fukushima disaster, the Federal Council instructs the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) to review the existing energy strategy 2007 and update the existing Energy Perspectives 2035. • 2012: Adoption of a first package of measures for the Energy Strategy 2050 which aims to 1 Source: • • • 2 increase energy efficiency and promote renewable energies 2013: Adoption of the action plan "Coordinated Energy Research Switzerland", a first round of adjustments to Energy Act is decided and proposals for further revision of the energy act are circulated 2014-2016: Technical work and parliamentary process for integral revision of the Energy Act 2017: Acceptance of revised Energy Act through a public vote 2018-2022: Updating of the outdated Energy Perspectives 2035 2022: Publication of the Documentation on Energy Perspectives 2050+ 2, analysing different scenarios for an energy system that is compatible with the long-term climate goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and, at the same time, ensures a secure energy supply. Source: Page 1 of 66 一 瑞士 2050 年建筑行业脱碳国家路线图 瑞士的“2050 年能源战略” 2011 年福岛反应堆熔毁后,瑞士联邦委员会和 议会决定逐步取消瑞士的核能使用。这一决定 以及国际能源环境中其他意义深远的变化,将 导致需要对瑞士能源系统进行重建。 • 2013:通过 "瑞士协调能源研究 "行动计 划,决定对能源法进行第一轮调整,并分 发进一步修订能源法的提案 • 2014-2016:对能源法进行整体修订的技 术工作和议会程序 3 瑞士迈向“2050 年能源战略” 的里程碑如下: • 2017:修订后的能源法通过了公投程序 • 2011 年 3 月:由于福岛核事故,联邦委员 会指示联邦环境、运输、能源和通信部 (DETEC)审查已有的 2007 年能源战略, 并更新已有的 2035 年能源展望 • 2018-2022:更新原有的 2035 年能源展望 4 • 2022:出版《2050+能源展望》 ,分析能 源系统的不同发展情景,确保其与 2050 年 温室气体净零排放的长期气候目标相一 致,同时确保安全的能源供应 • 2012:通过《2050 年能源战略》的第一套 措施,旨在提高能源效率和促进可再生能 源的发展 3 来源: 4 来源: Page 2 of 66 The core elements of the Energy Strategy 2050 are as follows: • Phasing out nuclear energy • Action plan "Coordinated Energy Research Switzerland" - Swiss Competence Centers for Energy Research • Innovation promotion: o Promotion of pilot, demonstration, and lighthouse projects by the Swiss Federal Office for Energy (SFOE). o Support for market introduction of innovative technologies through the action program SwissEnergy o Competitive tendering for energy efficient use of electricity. • Parliamentary initiative 12.400 o Increase of grid surcharge for promotion of renewable energies to 1.5 Rp./kWh o Partial to full reimbursement of grid surcharge for electricity-intensiv

pdf文档 瑞士2050年脱碳路径及建筑行业的相关政策-中国建筑节能协会

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