成都高新区碳中和服务业枢纽 策略研究报告 Developing the Next Carbon Service Hub: A Strategy Research Report for CDHT 成都高新区碳中和服务业枢纽 策略研究报告 Developing the Next Carbon Service Hub: A Strategy Research Report for CDHT 成都高新区碳中和服务业枢纽 策略研究报告 摘要 《巴黎协定》签署以来,低碳发展成为全球共识,世界各国和地区陆续提出“净零排放”“碳中和”目标。国家 主席习近平在第七十五届联合国大会一般性辩论上宣布,中国将提高国家自主贡献力度,采取更加有力的政策和措施, 力争 2030 年前二氧化碳排放达到峰值,努力争取 2060 年前实现碳中和,这直接带动了“碳中和服务业”在中国的萌 生与发展。该产业以数字科技为主要手段,将服务于多方主体实现可持续发展目标和碳达峰、碳中和目标。 成都高新区是中国第一批国家高新技术开发区。近年来,成都高新区经历了快速经济增长。作为碳市场试点地区 之一,四川省一直是低碳发展的践行者。此外,基于四川省、成都市的区位交通优势、生态与能源资源禀赋、绿色低碳 产业发展多层面政策红利,成都高新区发展碳中和服务业具有多重优势。 本研究开展了大量文献梳理、走访调研十五家专业机构企业、政府部门、高校与科研院所,融合五十余位专家学者、 领域从业者等多方观点,首次提出了碳中和服务业的定义及范围,并对各碳中和服务业子类进行解读,建立基本范式。 基于此,本研究详细分析了成都高新区建设碳中和服务业枢纽的多类优势,并对未来发展设定目标,提出策略与路径。 研究核心结论如下: 碳中和服务业根据其功能可分为碳数据、气候投融资、碳咨询、碳法务和碳宣教五类。各服务类型在碳中和服务业 中的产业生态位不同,发展呈现“你中有我、我中有你”的密切关系。 成都高新区碳中和服务业枢纽宏观上采取“争取国家、省市层面支持” “联动多区域协调建设” “加强区域层面引导” “设 立专门职能部门“积极推动企业和公众参与” “建立公平转型基金”六个层面策略;微观上采取“优先搭建碳数据” “加 速发展气候投融资”“重点支持碳咨询”“积极探索碳法务”“大力推进碳宣教”的五个具体行动。 打造碳中和服务业枢纽最重要的是构建“链长制 1”,全面统筹碳中和服务业产业链建设;完善数据库、人才资源库、 专家库、技术库、企业库、研发服务库等,为产业发展提供牢固支撑 ;通过完善标准体系、提高企业需求以培育市 场环境;通过深入推进“放管服”改革、建立交流机制以提升服务能力。 我们相信,碳中和服务业定义的提出将为成都高新区产业未来培育发展提供基本范式参考。同时本研究提出的发 展策略与具体行动将有效推动成都高新区碳中和服务业枢纽建设,逐步形成碳中和服务业高地,业务覆盖中国和全球。 1 4 链长制:将地方官员任命为“链长”,统筹产业链发展的制度 Abstract When the Paris Agreement was adopted in 2015, the importance of low-carbon development became a global consensus, and in the years since, many countries worldwide have proposed "net zero emissions" or "carbon neutral" targets. In 2020, at the 75th Session of the UN General Assembly, China announced its "dual carbon goals" to peak carbon emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. This has resulted in a new "carbon service industry" emerging in China, serving multiple market players, and utilizing digital technology to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and carbon targets. Chengdu Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone (CDHT) was the first national high-tech development zone established in China. Over the past few years, CDHT has experienced rapid economic growth and development. As a designated pilot region for the carbon service industry, Sichuan province has also been a leader in carbon service best practices, and due to the province's convenient transportation advantages and abundant natural resources, CDHT is well positioned to become a hub for the carbon service industry. The research group for this study conducted extensive desk research and visited fifteen professional institutions, government departments, universities and research institutes. By integrating the views of more than fifty experts, scholars and practitioners in the carbon service industry, this study proposes a synthesized definition and classification of a carbon service industry for the first time in China. It provides a detailed analysis of various advantages of the CDHT in becoming a carbon service hub, in addition to setting targets and proposing strategies for future development. The core conclusions are as follows: The carbon service industry can be divided into five categories based on function: carbon data, climate finance, carbon consulting, carbon law, and carbon education. Each service type has a different industrial niche in the carbon service industry but their development is interconnected. The following six macro-strategies could be adopted for the development of the CDHT Carbon Service Hub: seeking national, provincial and municipal level support; linking multi-regional coordinated construction; strengthening regional level guidance; setting up special functional departments; actively promoting enterprise and public participation; and establishing an equitable transition fund. It is also essential to adopt five micro-strategies: prioritizing the development of carbon data; accelerating the development of climate finance; focusing on supporting carbon consulting; actively exploring carbon law; and promoting carbon education. The most significant issue in building a carbon service hub is creating a "chain chief system2" and comprehensively coordinating the construction of a carbon service industry chain. In addition, there is a need to build the database, green talent pool, expert pool, technology pool, enterprise pool and R&D service pool to provide solid support for industrial development. Additionally, a standard system is required to establish the carbon service industry in response to market demand. It is also necessary to pro

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