UNITED STATES ENERGY & EMPLOYMENT REPORT 2023 E N E R G Y. G O V/ U S E E R E O2N 02 UT SS EER TA ABBOLU E TOTFH C T 3E N DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Secretary Jennifer M. Granholm DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY OFFICE OF ENERGY JOBS Authorship and Acknowledgments This report was prepared by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Energy Jobs, with significant contributions from the following individuals: David Keyser, Marie Fiori, Betony Jones, Hugh Ho, Shrayas Jatkar, Kate Gordon, Gina Copland-Newfield, Carla Frisch, and Christy Veeder. The interagency Energy Jobs Council provided valuable direction and recommendations. The Energy Jobs Council is comprised from the Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Energy Information Administration, Department of Energy State Energy Advisory Board, and Department of Transportation. 2023 UNITED STATES ENERGY & EMPLOYMENT REPORT This underlying survey and data collection was provided by BW Research, funded by DOE under Award Number 89303021COP000001. iii UNITED STATES ENERGY & EMPLOYMENT REPORT 2023 KEY FINDINGS E N E R G Y. G O V/ U S E E R KEY FINDINGS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The number of U.S. energy sector jobs grew 3.8% from 2021 to 2022, and clean energy jobs grew 3.9%, outpacing overall U.S. employment, which increased 3.1% in the same time period.1 The energy sector added nearly 300,000 jobs, increasing from 7.8 million total energy jobs in 2021 to more than 8.1 million in 2022. Though women are underrepresented in the U.S. energy sector, they made up more than half of the new workers in 2022. As of 2022, the energy sector has recovered 71% of the jobs lost in 2020.3 The energy sector has added back 596,000 of the 840,000 jobs lost during the first year of the pandemic, but the distribution of these jobs has shifted across technologies. For example, the number of jobs in battery storage was 11% higher than the 2019 level, while the number of jobs in advanced and recycled building materials was at 92% of its 2019 level. Employment increased across all major technology areas from 2021 to 2022. KEY STATISTICS • Clean energy jobs increased in every state and grew 3.9% nationally from 2021 to 2022. • The number of jobs in battery electric vehicles increased by 28,366 (+27%) from 2021 to 2022, which was the fastest growth of any energy technology. The growth in battery electric vehicles was almost 17 times faster than the increase in gasoline and diesel vehicle employment. • Clean vehicles accounted for 59% of all net new jobs in motor vehicles. • Other technologies with double-digit growth include offshore wind (20%), other grid modernization (12%), coal fuel (22%), natural gas fuel (24%), petroleum (13%), hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (25%), natural gas vehicles (14%), and plug-in hybrid vehicles (10%). • Clean energy electricity technologies, such as solar and wind, accounted for 2023 UNITED STATES ENERGY & EMPLOYMENT REPORT Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the energy sector was one of the nation’s fastest-growing job markets. From 2015 to 2019, the annual growth rate for energy employment in the U.S. was 3.0% — double the 1.5% job growth in the U.S. economy as a whole. COVID-19 and its associated economic fallout deeply impacted energy employment, with the sector losing jobs at a higher rate than the economy as a whole.2 vi KEY FINDINGS 2023 UNITED STATES ENERGY & EMPLOYMENT REPORT nearly 87% of net new electric power generation jobs, adding 22,279 jobs (+3.6%). vii • Employers across all technologies report they expect growth from 2022 to 2023, ranging from 1.6% in fuels to 6.4% in energy efficiency. • The number of women working in energy increased by 149,732 (+7.8%), meaning that over half of the net jobs added in 2022 were held by women. • Veterans made up 9% of the U.S. energy workforce, higher than their representation in the overall U.S. economy (5%). • Union employers were more than twice as likely than non-union employers (46% and 22%, respectively), to offer or require a diversity and/or inclusion training program aimed at advocating workplace diversity and inclusion as well as more likely to report specific strategies, policies, or programs to increase the number of women, ethnic and racial minorities, and LGBTQ+ hires.4 • The percentage of workers represented by a union or covered under a project labor or collective bargaining agreement in the energy workforce (11%) was over 1.5 times the private sec

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