Reading Transport Strategy 2040 Sub-Strategy: Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy 2023 Draft for Consultation - June 2023 CONTENTS PAGE FOREWORD ii 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. POLICY CONTEXT 7 3. EV CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE IN READING 15 4. CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE OPTIONS APPRAISAL 37 5. FUNDING OPTIONS AND OPPORTUNITIES 49 6. CONCLUSION 58 7. CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE DELIVERY PLAN 60 This document is available in accessible formats on request by email to Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy 2023 Page i June 2023 Foreword, by Councillor John Ennis FOREWORD Our new draft Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure Strategy has been developed as a sub-strategy to the emerging Reading Transport Strategy 2040, which aims to deliver a sustainable transport system in Reading to create an attractive, green and vibrant town. This EV Strategy is also an important element in achieving the aims and objectives of Reading’s Climate Emergency Strategy, including the ambitious target of achieving a net zero carbon town by 2030. Central Government has brought forward plans to ban the sale of new petrol and diesel cars in the UK by 2030, and over the past few years there has been a significant growth in the proportion of new EV sales across the country, including in Reading. This growth is set to increase as we experience volatility with fluctuating petrol and diesel prices, EVs becoming a more affordable option as technology advances, and as residents look to make more environmentally conscious choices. As a major hub for employment, leisure, retail and key services, Reading attracts many visitors. One impact of this success is high levels of traffic congestion as people travel to and through Reading by private car. This is despite us having an extensive bus network in the borough and a major rail hub at Reading Station. As a result of congestion, Reading also suffers with air pollution and a large part of the town centre and key corridors in the borough are covered by an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA). This poses considerable health risks to residents and visitors, particularly younger or older members of the community and those with underlying health conditions. The further uptake of electric vehicles to replace petrol or diesel vehicles will have a positive impact on air quality, and therefore on the health and wellbeing of everyone in Reading. Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy 2023 Page ii June 2023 We are aware that EVs still emit fine particulate pollution and do not address congestion. Therefore, increasing the uptake of EVs is only part of the answer, and a reduction in private vehicle usage is still needed. However, as we note in the Reading Transport Strategy 2040 and Climate Emergency Strategy, even after reducing demand and encouraging modal shift to other modes, there will still be a significant need for motorised transport for necessary journeys. As electricity supply is decarbonised, replacing fossil fuel-based vehicles with EVs will be a key element and one of the most important contributors to a net zero carbon Reading. One of the significant barriers to adopting EVs is the ability for people to charge their vehicle, particularly if they do not have a driveway to install charging facilities at home. The Council has a key role in facilitating the roll-out of charging infrastructure, and this strategy has been developed to bring forward measures to tackle this issue, particularly to address any gaps in provision which are not adequately catered for by the private sector. In addition, we are aware of the issue of a lack of capacity in the overall power network. Whilst this is not within the Council’s control, we are working with suppliers including Southern Electric Power Distribution as a matter of urgency to ensure sufficient supply is available to facilitate the transition to EVs and encourage wider adoption of EVs across the borough. It is recognised that EV charging is a rapidly changing area, therefore this strategy will be regularly reviewed as technology advances and new national policies and funding streams are brought forward. This strategy is currently in draft form, and we welcome all feedback received through the public consultation to help shape the final strategy. This will ensure that we are best placed to deliver the wider benefits that the transition to EVs will bring to our town. Electric Vehicle Charging

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