Electric Vehicles Statistics in the Netherlands Up to and including March 2023 | Last update: 11 April, 2023 This publication is made by the EV Monitor Team at Netherlands Enterprise Agency, on the authority of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. If you would like a notification when a new version is available, please send an email to elektrischrijden@rvo.nl If you share content from this publication, please state the source: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl) Due to corrections with retroactive effect and progressive insight, it can occur that numbers on previous months or years in this publication differ from those published before. The most recent version of this overview can be found on the RVO EV Statistics webpage. Summary of Dutch EV statistics as of 31 March 2023 March 2023 BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle) • The number of BEV passenger cars in the fleet increased to 354,312 (+12,986/ +3.8% Month-over-Month). Electric Vehicle Statistics ín The Netherlands – data up to and including March 2023 • The number of new sales of BEV passenger cars was 13,167, representing a monthly sales market share of 36%. • BEV passenger car new sales top 3 in this month: Tesla Model Y, Volvo CX40, Tesla Model 3. FCEV (Fuel-Cell Electric Vehicle) • The number of FCEV passenger cars in the fleet increased to 599 (+2/ +0.3% MoM). PHEV (Plugin-Hybrid Electric Vehicle) • The number of PHEV passenger cars in the fleet increased to 205.026 (+7,022/ +3.6% MoM). • The number of new sales of PHEV passenger cars was 5,205, representing a monthly sales market share of 14.2%. Charging Points (as EVSEs) • The total number of regular charging points is 124,811, the total number of fast charging points is 5,201. Source: Dutch Road Authority (RDW) and Eco-Movement B.V., edited by Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl). Vehicle fleet: the cumulative registrations on balance. The increase is due to new registrations, used import and transfers from stock-in-trade to car owners. Decrease is due to export, theft, et cetera. New registrations: the sales of brand-new vehicles, stock-in-trade included. PHEV excludes hybrid electric vehicles (HEV). 2 Electric Vehicle Statistics ín The Netherlands – data up to and including March 2023 Index Dutch ambition and realization Inflow / new sales statistics • • Slide 14: Inflow and outflow of EV passenger cars • Slide 15: New sales of EV passenger cars [table] Fleet statistics • Slide 16: New sales of EV passenger cars [graph] • Slide 5: Registered EV passenger cars and buses [table] • Slide 17: New sales, market share of EV passenger cars • Slide 6: Registered EV passenger cars [graph] • Slide 18: New sales, segments of BEV and PHEV passenger cars • Slide 7: Segments of BEV and PHEV passenger cars • Slide 19: New sales, top 10 BEV and PHEV passenger cars • Slide 8: Top 10 BEV and PHEV passenger cars in fleet • Slide 9: Registered EV commercial vehicles [table] EV charging points and hydrogen stations • Slide 10: Registered EV commercial vehicles [graph] • Slide 20: Number of charging points (EVSE) in NL (graph) • Slide 11: Top 10 BEV and PHEV commercial vehicles (N1) • Slide 21: Number of charging points (EVSE) in NL (table) • Slide 12: Registered light electric vehicles (LEVs) • Slide 22: Public hydrogen stations Slide 4: Electric passenger cars Supply statistics • Slide 13: Available BEV passenger car models < €45,000 3 Dutch ambition and realization - electric passenger cars The table below shows the ambitions of the Dutch government towards zero-emission mobility for passenger cars in terms of new sales of passenger cars. New sales only include the sale of brand-new vehicles, used imports are excluded, sales to stock-in-trade are included. BEV = Battery Electric Vehicle, FCEV = Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle, PHEV = Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Electric Vehicle Statistics ín The Netherlands – data up to and including March 2023 Ambition 2020 10% of all new passenger cars sold will have an electric powertrain and a plug¹. 2025 50% of all new passenger cars sold will have an electric powertrain and a plug. At least 30% of these vehicles (15% of the total) will be zero emission (BEV or FCEV)¹. 2030 100% of all new passenger cars sold will be zero emission². Realization: EVs as percentage of new passenger car sales All EVs (BEV, FCEV, PHEV) Zero-emission (BEV, FCEV) BEV FCEV PHEV 2017 2.2% 1.9% 2.0% 0.0% 0.3% 2018 6.3% 5

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