广东主要出口贸易国的应对气候变化相关政策措施对广东特定 出口行业的影响分析及应对措施研究 Investigations of Impact and Countermeasures Research of Climate Change Policies from Guangdong's Major Export Trading Countries on Guangdong’s Specific Export Industries 广东省国际工程咨询有限公司 2023.1.28 Guangdong International Engineering Consultant Co., Ltd. January 28, 2023 !"#$% &'()*(+,(-./ ABOUT THE AUTHORS JIANG Ting, Yi Shen, Ying Xia, Yuhang Li, etc. % 12% !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456$789:;<=>:? @AB B !"#C789:;DEFGHIJKLMNAB B O!HI"#P+Q6"#RSTUV%&'WXYZQ([\]%^78" #_L`a?@6ObcdefghijkAB B "#RSlmjknKopOHI"#P+QqrLstuB v(wBQ([\]%^78"#_B xy(BQz`\`{[\\]B B ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This report is a product of Guangdong International Engineering Consultant Co., Ltd. and is funded by Energy Foundation China. This report is part of the research project under Energy Foundation China-LowCarbon Economic Growth Program. The team is grateful for the generous support it received throughout this research from Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Guangzhou Institue of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The team would like to thank the following experts for their contribution to this research: Guotian Cai, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shiguo Jia, Sun Yat-sen University % - 2 - % B B B B B B ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||}~•€|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||B 3456% B - !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345678'912:;<=>-./? :;<=>9@AB()*CDEFG-HIJ'9KLM6NOB()PQ-RS TUVL? W - XYEZ[\]^_`Eabc'd97efghij:;<=>klmnop'n qrsYE-tuvw\]^_`Eab?W Disclaimer - Unless otherwise specified, the views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Energy Foundation China. Energy Foundation China does not guarantee the accuracy of the information and data included in this report and will not be responsible for any liabilities resulting from or related to using this report by any third party. - The mention of specific companies, products and services does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by Energy Foundation China in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. - 3 - !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456,!"78%&9:*;<=>?+,56@A !" 7 ........................................................................................................... - 1 89 ....................................................................................................... - 3 :;< =>?@ ................................................................................. - 6 1.1 ABCDEFGHIJKLMN ................................................. - 6 1.1.1 ABCOPQHI ................................................................... - 6 1.1.2 ABCKLMNR@ ............................................................. - 10 1.2 STUVFGWXKYZ[\]^_`a ............................... - 12 :b< ABUVMNcdSXKYZ[\ef!]^`a ........ - 16 2.1 ghijklmnOoCBAMp................................................ - 16 2.1.1 ijklmnOeqrst ................................................ - 16 2.1.2 ghijulmnOUVvw(CBAM) .............................. - 17 2.2 xSoG7 SypXKYZ[\eUV]^.............................. - 21 2.2.1 xSzcd]^{|}!"ijulm~•€ ................ - 21 2.2.2 G7 YZ•‚ƒ....................................................................... - 23 2.2.3z„…†‡qˆ}‰!"YZ[\(Š‹Œ•Ž•• ..... - 24 2.3 ‘’“Q“”•–—” .................................................................... - 26 2.3.1 zgh˜™_š˜™q›} ................................................. - 26 2.3.2 iœ•STœž ..................................................................... - 29 2.3.3 Ÿi X¡ ............................................................................. - 30 2.4 ¢£XKYZ[\¤¥¦§¨{ ............................................... - 31 :©< ijulmnOKABCMNeª« ................................ - 33 3.1 ABCUVMN¬-i®¯°± ............................................... - 34 3.2 ijulmnOKMNghJxS¬-eª« ....................... - 35 3.2.1 MNgh¬-²i!~ª«°± ......................................... - 36 3.2.2 MNxS¬-²i!~ª«°± ......................................... - 39 3.3 ABCMN¬-i!~K¬Q³´ª« ................................... - 44 3.4 ABCMNµQl¶ ................................................................... - 49 :·< ABCMN¬Q¡²XKYZ[\f!]^eª«JHI¸ { ......................................................................................................... - 51 4.1 ˜¹º»¬Q²¼eª«JXK`a ....................................... - 51 4.1.1 ¬Q½¾_MNR@ ............................................................. - 51 4.1.2 ˜¹º»¬QeXK`aJHI

pdf文档 广东主要出口贸易国的应对气候变化相关政策措施对广东特定出口行业的影响分析及应对措施研究--广东省国际工程咨询_182285555515852

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