44( 1) : 61 - 70 吉林农业大学学报 2022, Journal of Jilin Agricultural University http: ∥xuebao.jlau.edu.cn E-mail: jlndxb@ vip.sina.com 我国稻田甲烷主要减排措施的技术效应与影响 因素 * 刘珂纯,王旭东,赵 鑫,张海林 * * 中国农业大学农学院,农业农村部农作制度重点实验室 ,北京 100193 摘 要: 稻田是温室气体 CH4 的主要排放源,随着气候变化逐渐成为威胁农业生产的全球性问题,如何降低 CH4 排放已经成为农业关注的焦点。文章基于 Meta 分析方法,对我国公开发表的相关定位试验数据进行了 系统整理和定量分析。结果表明: 与冬闲田相比,填闲种植使水稻季 CH4 排放显著提高了 25. 81%; 与常规模 式相比,稻田复合种养模式( 稻田养鸭、养鱼等) 可以显著降低 12. 15% 的 CH4 排放; 有机肥还田显著提高了 82. 39%的 CH4 排放; 有机肥经腐熟或发酵( 堆肥、制沼气) 后还田增加的 CH4 排放的增量( 26. 17%) 低于直接 还田; 与常规灌溉相比,节水灌溉可以减少 61. 1%的 CH4 排放,其中控制灌溉减排 77. 01%,其效果显著优于间 歇性灌溉( 55. 35%) ; 与不施氮相比,施用氮肥整体上会显著增加稻田的 CH4 排放量,其效果随着施氮水平的 提高呈先降低再升高的趋势; 免耕或少耕等可以降低 12. 74%的 CH4 排放; 控释肥或施肥时配施生物抑制剂可 显著降低 18. 52%的 CH4 排放; 生物炭还田显著降低了 23. 34%的 CH4 的排放,其减排效果随着生物炭还田量 的变化而先减弱再增加。综上,不同的农田管理措施对稻季 CH4 排放有不同的影响,复合种养、适当的施氮水 平、将有机肥堆肥发酵后还田、控释肥或配施生物抑制剂、适当量的生物炭还田、节水灌溉以及免耕少耕等条 件更有助于稻田温室气体 CH4 减排。 关键词: 稻田甲烷; 减排措施; 温室气体排放; 农田管理措施; Meta 分析 中图分类号: Q178; S964. 2 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1000-5684( 2022) 01-0061-10 DOI: 10.13327 / j.jjlau.2021.1412 引文格式: 刘珂纯,王旭东,赵鑫,等.我国稻田甲烷主要减排措施的技术效应与影响因素[J].吉林农业大学学 2022, 44( 1) : 61-70. 报, Technical Effects and Influencing Factors of Main Methane Emission Management Practices in China's Paddy Fields LIU Kechun,WANG Xudong,ZHAO Xin,ZHANG Hailin ** College of Agronomy and Biotechnology,Key Laboratory of Farming System of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China Abstract: Paddy field is a main source of greenhouse gas CH 4 . As climate change has gradually become a global issue threatening agricultural production,how to reduce CH 4 emission has become the focus of agricultual attention. Based on Meta-analysis,this study systematically collated and quantitatively analyzed the relevant published positioning field experimental data in China. The results showed that compared with winter fallow fields,continuing cropping in winter significantly increased CH 4 emissions in rice season by 25. 81%. Compared with the conventional cropping mode,the compound planting and raising mode in paddy field ( with duck,fish,etc.) could significantly decrease 国家级大学生创新训练项目( 202010019003) * 基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目( 2016YFD0300210) , 作者简介: 刘珂纯,女,从事保护性农业与农田生态研究。 收稿日期: 2021-04-09 ** 通信作者 62 吉林农业大学学报 2022 年 2 月 CH 4 emission by 12. 15%. Organic fertilizer returning significantly increased CH 4 emission by 82. 39%. The increase of CH 4 emission from organic fertilizer after decomposition or fermentation ( composting,biogas production) ( 26. 17%) is lower than that of direct returning. Compared with the conventional irrigation,water-saving irrigation could reduce CH 4 emission by 61. 1%,and the reduction rate under controlled irrigation was 77. 01%,which was significantly better than that under intermittent irrigation ( 55. 35%) . Compared with no nitrogen application,the overall CH 4 emission was significantly increased by nitrogen application,and the effect was firstly decreased and then increased with the increase of nitrogen application level. No tillage or less tillage could decline CH 4 emission by 12. 74%. Controlled release fertilizer or fertilization combined with biological inhibitors significantly reduced CH 4 emission by 18. 52%. Biochar input to the field significantly reduced CH 4 emission by 23. 34% ,and the emission reduction effect firstly decreased and then increased with the increase of the amount of inputted biochar. This study suggested that different management practices affect rice season CH 4 emission differently. Compound planting and raising,appropriate nitrogen level,returning organic compost to the field after fermentation,controlled release fertilizer or combined application of biological inhibitors,returning appropriate amount of biochar to the field, water-saving irrigation,and no tillage and less tillage are more conducive to emission reduction of greenhouse gas CH 4 in paddy fields. Key words: paddy field CH 4 ; emission management; greenhouse gas emission; field management practice; Meta-analysis 当前,全球变暖趋势在学术界获得普遍认可 , [1] 这主要源自 CH 4 等温室气体排放 。 一方面,气 为稻田冬季填闲种植, 使双季稻种植季节的 CH4 排 放量显著增加 43. 88%。 候变化给农业领域带来了自然灾害频发、种植制 度界限移动、病虫害风险增加、多种作物减产等严 不同的稻田农作措施对 CH 4 排放影响显著。 耕作方式通过改变土壤的通气状况,形成特定的 [2] 峻的挑战 ; 另一方面,农业生产带来了全球约 60% 的 CH 4 排放,不合理的农业管理措施进一步 [1, 3] 加速了土壤碳的流失和排放 ,对土壤的长期 翻整扰动使得温带和热带土壤有机碳分别流失了 [4-5] 。 因此,如何减少温室气体排 近 60% 和 75% 放、缓解气候变化成为保障粮食安全的一个重要 [4, 6] 。 命题 我国是水稻生产大国, 而稻田是重要的 CH4 排 放源。据估算,稻田 CH4 排放总量约占人为排放 CH4 总量的 11%[7]。这是由于水稻生产过程中淹 水灌溉所形成的无氧环境,适宜产甲烷菌的生存。 秸秆还田等施入有机肥的措施给土壤带来了大量 的易

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