第 47 卷第 1 期   2022 年 1月 煤    炭    学    报 JOURNAL OF CHINA COAL SOCIETY Vol.47  No.1  Jan.  2022  煤炭加工与利用 碳中和目标下煤矿甲烷减排趋势模型及关键技术 刘文革,徐  鑫,韩甲业,王  勃,李  志,严  媛 ( 应急管理部信息研究院( 煤炭信息研究院) ,北京  100029) 摘  要:“ 双碳” 目标的提出,要求我国在强化 CO 2 排放控制的同时加强对甲烷等非 CO 2 温室气体的 控排。 在研究我国煤矿甲烷排放来源及构成的基础上,采用基于矿井实测法 T3 方法分析测算我国 煤矿甲烷的历 史 排 放 趋 势, 辨 识 煤 矿 甲 烷 排 放 的 影 响 因 素, 建 立 煤 矿 甲 烷 排 放 主 因 素 分 析 模 型( MFAME) ,并按照基准、发展、新政策 3 种情景预测到 2060 年的煤矿甲烷排放量,提出甲烷减排 的总体路径和减排关键技术。 研究表明:煤矿地下开采过程中的甲烷排放是我国煤矿甲烷最主要 的排放来源,露天开采过程中的甲烷排放和废弃煤矿的甲烷排放量呈现上升趋势。 我国煤矿甲烷 排放总量仍然较大,基于 T3 方法测算的煤矿瓦斯统计排放量峰值为 591.6 万 t。 碳中和目标下煤 炭消费需求侧的加速减少会导致煤炭产量快速下降、煤矿数量减少以及煤炭供应生产结构的进一 步调整,高瓦斯矿井、煤与瓦斯突出矿井等灾害严重矿井比例逐渐减少。 预计不同情景下,到 2060 年,我国煤矿甲烷的排放量为 365 万 ~ 542 万 t。 未来需加强煤矿地下开采、矿后活动及废弃煤矿瓦 斯排放等重点排放环节的管控,按照“ 技术 -经济 - 政策” 协同发展路径,深入推动低浓度瓦斯高效 提浓技术、超低浓度通风瓦斯催化氧化销毁和余热利用技术等瓦斯利用关键技术的研发,建立废弃 煤矿瓦斯逸散监测及治理利用技术体系,提高煤矿瓦斯综合利用量和利用率。 关键词:碳中和;煤矿甲烷;排放历史; 排放模型;减排技术 中图分类号:TD421.5      文献标志码:A      文章编号:0253 - 9993(2022)01 - 0470 - 10 Trend model and key technologies of coal mine methane emission reduction aiming for the carbon neutrality LIU Wenge,XU Xin,HAN Jiaye,WANG Bo,LI Zhi,YAN Yuan ( Information Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Management of China ( China Coal Information Institute) ,Beijing  100029,China) Abstract:It is essential to strengthen the emission control of carbon dioxide and non⁃carbon dioxide greenhouse gases including methane as well under the carbon emission peak & carbon neutrality goal in China. Based on the source and composition of methane emissions from coal mines in China,T3 approach using direct measurements on a mine⁃ specific basis was proposed to analyze and estimate the historical coal mine methane emission trends in China. The in⁃ fluencing factors of methane emissions from coal mines were identified,and the coal mine methane emissions in 2060 was predicted by MFAME ( Main Factor Analysis Model of Coal Mine Methane Emissions) according to three scenari⁃ os:BAU,rapid,and new policy. Moreover,the overall path of methane emission reduction and key technologies for emission reduction were put forward. Research results show that methane emissions from coal mining in underground coal mines are the most important source of coal mine methane emissions in China, and the methane 收稿日期:2021- 12- 12    修回日期:2022- 01- 07    责任编辑:王晓珍    DOI:10.13225 / j.cnki.jccs.2021.1962     基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(41872179)     作者简介:刘文革(1966—) ,男,河北石家庄人,教授级高级工程师,博士。 E-mail:liuwenge@ coal into.net.cn     引用格式:刘文革, 徐鑫, 韩甲业,等. 碳 中 和 目 标 下 煤 矿 甲 烷 减 排 趋 势 模 型 及 关 键 技 术 [ J] . 煤 炭 学 报,2022, 47(1) :470-479. LIU Wenge,XU Xin,HAN Jiaye,et al. Trend model and key technology of coal mine methane emission reduction aiming for the carbon neutrality[ J] . Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(1) :470-479. 移动阅读 第1期 刘文革等:碳中和目标下煤矿甲烷减排趋势模型及关键技术 471 emissions by surface coal mining and abandoned coal mines are on the rise. The total amount of China’ s coal mine methane emissions is still large. The statistic peak coal mine methane emissions calculated based on T3 approach is 5. 916 million tonnes. The accelerated demand side of coal consumption reduction under the carbon neutrality goal will lead to rapid decline in coal production, reduction in coal mines numbers, and further adjustment in the structure of coal production. The proportion of high gas mines,coal and gas outburst mines and other disaster⁃stricken mines will gradually decrease. It is predicted that by 2060,China’ s total coal mine methane emissions will be 3.65 million - 5.42 million tonnes. In the future,it is necessary to strengthen the management and control of key emission parts such as underground coal mining,post⁃mining activities,and methane emissions of abandoned coal mines. In accordance with the technology⁃economy⁃policy synergetic development roadmap,the deep R&D of key technologies for gas utiliza⁃ tion is expected such as high⁃efficiency gas purification technology for low concentration methane,catalytic oxidation and waste heat utilization technology for ultra⁃low⁃concentration VAM. It is also suggested to establish abandoned coal mine gas emission monitoring and utilization technology system to achieve the target to promote the comprehensive utilization and utilization ratio of coal mine methane. Key words:carbon neutrality;coal mine methane;emission history;emission model;emission reduction technology     应对全球气候变化目前已经成为国际社会广泛 漏量达 4 000 万 t [3] 。 对于我国来说,能源和农业领 共识,根据《 巴黎协定》 提出的到 21 世纪末全球平均 域都是甲烷减排的重点领域,目前油气、农业等领域 制在 1

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