近零能耗建筑规模化推广 政策、市场与产业研究 Research on Scale Promotion, policies, market and industry of Nearly-zero Energy Building 中国建筑科学研究院 2020.9.24 China Academy of Building Research Sep 24, 2020 1 自制资源展示网站 摘 要 我国近零能耗建筑自2011年起步试点,目前建成和在建项目已经接近1000 万平米,已经完成的近零能耗建筑项目其室内环境品质大幅提升、建筑能耗大 幅下降,目前已经初步呈现从单体到规模化推广的态势。为推动近零能耗建筑 从单体向规模化发展,本报告开展既有激励政策研究、市场化评价体系建设研 究、产业发展预测和最佳案例研究4项工作。 (1)研究了截止2020年6月,10个省及自治区,16个城市共47项超低能耗 建筑相关政策文件,对各类文件特点、内容和颁布数量与地区进行分析,从政 策体系、激励力度、发展目标、级别提升、覆盖范围等方面分析各地超低能耗 政策发展趋势,通过对各种具体激励方法的有效性和可复制性分析,结合各地 区具体情况,提出超低能耗建筑十四五政策建议。 (2)研究国际超低/近零/零能耗建筑评价标识技术体系,推动《中国建 筑节能协会近零能耗建筑测评管理办法》出台,编制《近零能耗建筑测评标 准》,完成2019年首批12个项目测评,包括6栋超低能耗建筑、5栋近零能耗 建筑、1栋零能耗建筑。 (3)收集既有64栋示范建筑增量成本信息,结合我国人口发展、城镇化 水平提升、近零能耗建筑应用比例稳步增加、既有建筑近零能耗改造等,对 未来我国近零能耗建筑产业发展方向进行预判,对产业规模进行预测,根据 估算,到2050年近零能耗建筑规模化推广会带来7-15万亿的GPD增量。 (4)对高碑店列车新城超低能耗建筑规模化推广案例进行研究,通过对 项目的区域划分、组织方式、建设周期等进行分析,为未来其他地区区域性 推广近零能耗建筑形成技术参考。 关 键 词:规模化推广、政策研究、评价标识、产业预测、最佳案例 项目组成员:徐伟、张时聪、陈曦、吕燕捷、傅伊珺、王珂、杨芯岩、刘常 平、沈莹、汪佳丽 Abstract Since 2011 when the nearly-zero energy building (NZEB) has been initialized, about 10 million square meters of built and under-built projects have been established. The indoor environment quality of NZEB demonstration projects has been greatly improved, together with sharpe decline in building energy consumption. NZEB development has shown the tendency of large-scale promotion from single building. In order to impel this large-scale-popularization of NZEB, this report carries out four main tasks, which are respectively: research on existing NZEB incentive policies, research on market-oriented evaluation system, industrial development forecast and best case study. (1) 47 NZEB-related incentive policies on from 10 provinces and autonomous regions, 16 cities have been studied and subusumed into 3 categories according to the publishing department property, policy coverage and content of the documents, which are respectively: governmental documents, developing documents of construction field and building science, and special supporting documents for NZEB. Therefore, this report analyzes the characteristics, contents, quantity and regions of all kinds of documents and the development trend of NZEB policies from the aspects of policy system, incentive strength, development objectives, level promotion and coverage. Furthermore, through the analysis of the effectiveness and replicability of various specific incentive methods, combined with the specific situation of each region, policy recommendations of the 14th-five-year plan period have been proposed for different regions. (2) International technical system for NZEB evaluation and identification has been studied in order to support the promulgation of the evaluation management measures of NZEB by China Building Energy Conservation Association. The NZEB evaluation standard has been organized and published which allowed the accomplishment of the evaluation of the first 12 projects in 2019, including 6 ultra-low energy buildings, 5 nearly- zero energy buildings and 1 zero energy building. (3) Incremental cost ubformation of 64 existing demonstration buildings have been collected, combined with China's population development, improvement of urbanization level, steady increase of the NZEB application proportion, and transformation of existing buildings to nearly-zero energy consumption, this report forecasts the developing direction of China's NAEB industry in the future, and the industrial scale. According to the estimation, the scale promotion of NZEB will bring of 7-15 trillion yuan by 2050 GPD increment. (4) Large-scale promotion case of NZEB in Gaobeidian train new city has been studied so as to analyze regional division, organization mode and construction cycle of the project, providing technical reference for the regional promotion of NZEB in other regions in the future. Key words:Policy study Management measures for evaluation marks Industry forecast Best case study 致 谢 报告在中国建筑科学研究院专业总工、环能院徐伟院长的指导下完成,政策 和省市数据收集工作得到了北京市住房和城乡建设科学技术研究所用能研究室田昕 主任、河北省建筑科学研究院郝翠彩所长、山东省建筑科学研究院绿建院王昭院 长、河南五方集团崔国游董事长、中德生态园被动房建筑科技有限公司韩飞总经理 的帮助;《近零能耗建筑测评标准》编制得到了中国建筑节能协会武涌会长、李德 英秘书长、吴景山秘书长、付宇副秘书长、谢骆乐主任、荣雅静工程师的帮助;政 策研究和未来展望得到了中国建筑节能协会建筑节能规划专委会胥小龙主任委员的 指导;近零能耗建筑最佳案例收集得到了各项目方的支持;产业研究和最佳案例研 究得到了河北奥润顺达创业集团邓滨涛副总裁、魏贺东总工的帮助,在此一并表示 衷心的感谢! 目录 摘 要 ......................................................................................................................... 1 致 谢 ..................................................

pdf文档 低碳建筑报告:政策、标准体系、产业与最佳案例(近零能耗建筑规模化推广政策-市场与产业研究)

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