WX【baomafenxiang520】 ZERO CARBON BUILDINGS 2050 SUMMARY REPORT JULY 2020 WX【baomafenxiang520】 自制资源展示网站 WX【baomafenxiang520】 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report is the outcome of a six-month long endeavour of deep analytical work conducted by CE Delft, with support from Climact. Its aim is to highlight the importance and urgency of decarbonising the building sector in order to achieve net-zero economy targets in line with the EU’s commitment under the 2015 Paris Agreement. It assesses the policies and innovation needed to achieve a fully decarbonised EU residential building sector by 2050, making the case for new policies targeting the sector at the EU, national and local levels. The researchers have not undertaken new modelling, but instead used existing modelling results (as found in the 2019 ECF report “Towards Fossil Free Energy in 2050”) as the basis for the development of a policy and innovation roadmap that takes an integrated perspective on the residential building sector. This report was prepared by: CE Delft: Katja Kruit, Joeri Vendrik, Pien van Berkel, Fenneke van der Poll, Frans Rooijers Climact (modelling): Quentin Jossen, Hugues de Meulemeester Project coordination (European Climate Foundation): Renée Bruel, Stijn Carton, Adeline Rochet, Ting Zhang The European Climate Foundation wishes to thank the following individuals and organisations: Pallas Agterberg (Alliander), Meredith Annex (BloombergNEF), Antoni Bielewicz (ECF), Andreas Graf (Agora Energiewende), Erica Hope (ECF), Clemence Hutin (Friends of the Earth Europe), Femke de Jong (Eurima), Quentin Jossen (Climact), Alexandra Langenheld (Agora Energiewende), Brook Riley (Rockwool), Paola Mazzucchelli (EUREC), Audrey Nugent (World Green Building Council), Thomas Pellerin-Carlin (Institute Jacques Delors), Theodora Petroula (CAN Europe), Oliver Rapf (BPIE), Jan Rosenow (RAP), Stefan Scheuer (Stefan Scheuer Consulting), Peter Sweatman (Climate Strategy & Partners), for the valuable feedback they have provided on the project. The willingness of these organisations and experts to be consulted in the course of this work should not be understood as an endorsement of its analysis and conclusions. Report design: www.noble.studio DISCLAIMER This report commissioned by the European Climate Foundation (ECF) as part of the Net-Zero 2050 series, an initiative of the ECF with contributions from a consortium of experts and organisations. The series aims to build a vision and evidence for the transition to net-zero emission societies in Europe and beyond by mid-century at the latest, in line with the Paris Agreement objectives. The ECF is funded solely by private philanthropic organisations and does not have any financial ties to EU political bodies or to private entities. With acknowledgment of the source, reproduction of all or part of the publication is authorised, except for commercial purposes. For more information, please contact: ting.zhang@europeanclimate.org WX【baomafenxiang520】 CONTENTS 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 8 INTRODUCTION 9 KEY FINDINGS 20 BUILDING ENVELOPE FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS 22 SWITCHING TO ZERO-CARBON HEATING 25 REDUCING EMBEDDED EMISSIONS OF BUILDING MATERIALS 26 TIMELINE 26 STIMULATING INNOVATION TO ACHIEVE DECARBONISATION 29 REFERENCES /3 WX【baomafenxiang520】 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Paris Agreement commits countries around the world to limiting global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, with an aspiration target of limiting the temperature increase to 1.5°C. The cost of failing to reach these targets would be catastrophic, and considerably higher than the investment needed to deliver them. The EU must fully decarbonise its economy by 2050 in order to fulfil its commitment to the Paris Agreement objectives. This requires bold action across all sectors, and in none more than buildings. Energy use in buildings currently accounts for 36% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the EU (European Commission, 2019) making buildings one of the largest contributors to EU GHG emissions. In its long-term strategy for 2050 (2018), the European Commission recognises the need for a near-complete decarbonisation of the EU’s building sector to meet its climate goals. At the same time, European citizens have a lot to gain from the decarbonisation of buildings, including employment, health, lower household energy bills and system cost savings (Element Energy & Cambridge Econometrics, 2019). Despite the necessity, benefit

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