About this template Create your own GRI content index using one of the templates in this document. The GRI content index tem This document includes two templates: 1. Content index in accordance: This template can be used to prepare the GRI content index when reporting 2. Content index with reference: This template can be used to prepare the GRI content index when reporting Please note that the reporting organization is responsible for the resulting GRI content index. Prepare a GRI content index in accordance To prepare a GRI content index in accordance, customize the template in tab 1 where needed and include th - The title: GRI content index and the title of GRI 1 used - already included in the template. - The statement of use - adjust the information in brackets. - The title(s) of the GRI Sector Standard(s) that apply to the organization’s sector(s) - also indicate if n - The list of the organization’s material topics - delete the topics that are not material. Add the material to - The list of the topics in the applicable GRI Sector Standard(s) determined as not material and an ex - The list of the reported disclosures, including the disclosure titles - delete the disclosures from the G sources that have been reported for the material topics. - The titles of the GRI Standards and other sources that the reported disclosures come from - delete for the material topics and the other sources that have been used to report on the material topics. - When the organization does not report GRI Topic Standard disclosures for a material topic from th - The GRI Sector Standard reference numbers for the disclosures from the applicable Sector Standa - The location where the information reported for each disclosure can be found. - The reasons for omission used - select one of the permitted reasons for omission from the dropdown lis Additional information: - A gray cell indicates something that does not apply. This only relates to the ‘Omission’ and ‘GRI Sector Sta - Reasons for omission are not permitted for Disclosures 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, and 2-5 in GRI 2: General Disclo - GRI Sector Standard reference numbers are not available for the disclosures in GRI 2 and Disclosures 3-1 - The sentence ‘A gray cell indicates that reasons for omission are not permitted for the disclosure or that a Prepare a GRI content index with reference To prepare a GRI content index with reference, customize the template in tab 2 where needed and include th - The title: GRI content index and the title of GRI 1 used - already included in the template. The statement of use - adjust the information in brackets. The list of the reported disclosures from the GRI Standards, including the disclosure titles - delete The titles of the GRI Standards that the reported disclosures come from - delete the GRI Standards t The location where the information reported for each disclosure can be found. Additional information: - An organization reporting with reference to the GRI Standards is recommended to explain how it manages - If an organization reports on more than one topic and uses Disclosure 3-3 in GRI 3 to explain how it mana covers and where the information for each topic can be found. Alternatively, an organization can include Disc Additional information: - An organization reporting with reference to the GRI Standards is recommended to explain how it manages - If an organization reports on more than one topic and uses Disclosure 3-3 in GRI 3 to explain how it mana covers and where the information for each topic can be found. Alternatively, an organization can include Disc Additional resources For more reporting support, please visit: GRI Academy GRI Services © GRI 2021 Version 1.0 (November 2021) GRI content index templates include the revised GRI Universal Standards 2021 and the adapted GRI Topic Standards. nt index when reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards. nt index when reporting with reference to the GRI Standards. t index. e needed and include the following information: template. or(s) - also indicate if none apply. rial. Add the material topics that are not included in the template. Please note that the topics included in the template can be renam not material and an explanation for why they are not material - if there are no applicable GRI Sector Standards available, the t disclosures from the GRI Topic Standards that have not been reported for the material topics (except when the disclosure is listed es come from - delete the

xlsx文档 GRI标准(2021版)内容索引表-英文

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