0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 00 MANIFESTO 2030: AUTOMOTIVE GROWTH FOR A ZERO EMISSION FUTURE Supported by: June 2023 INTRODUCTION A CRITICAL DECADE FOR UK AUTOMOTIVE TRANSFORMATION, AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THE NEXT GOVERNMENT UK Automotive plays a critical role in the economy and society – keeping Britain on the move. We are a major contributor to the nation’s economic wellbeing, investing in and developing technologies to advance zero emission mobility, and providing well-paid skilled jobs in businesses and their supply-chains in all regions across the UK. Society, communities and individuals would be left in the slow lane without the benefits automotive brings today and will continue to bring in the future. Mike Hawes, Chief Executive The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) But we are at a critical moment. Automotive must carry the greatest burden of the decarbonisation of transport. We need to meet accelerated government mandated zero emission vehicle targets from 2024 and end of sale dates for specific technologies in 2030 and 2035. We must do this while taking consumers (and voters) on this journey – delivering affordable, sustainable mobility solutions and creating high paid, rewarding jobs and economic value for the UK. Whichever party forms the next government, the next parliament will be critical to achieving the UK’s net zero targets and the long-term future of the UK’s automotive sector in the transition to zero emission vehicles. All parties and all stakeholders must make binding commitments to ensure the UK continues to thrive and prosper in a future driven by green industry and clean technologies. Automotive is at the heart of this. The next government must recognise the strategic importance of automotive to the UK economy, maintain its diversity and strong heritage, and its strengths as a global leader in advanced manufacturing and technology. All parties should commit to five key pledges: 01 A Green Automotive Transformation Strategy for a stronger economy 02 Net Zero mobility for everyone 03 Green skills for a greener future 04 Made in Britain – Made for the world 05 Powering the UK clean tech revolution Finally, we call on all parties to enshrine our shared 2030 vision: To develop a UK automotive ecosystem fit to deliver a zero emission future. An ecosystem which delivers a healthy market and vibrant domestic production footprint, founded on a resilient supply chain successfully evolved to meet current and future technological needs for a zero emission future. An ecosystem which delivers the affordability, mobility and charging solutions for everyone. Only together can we achieve success. CONTENTS: 02 Introduction 03 UK Automotive: A production powerhouse with a global reputation 04 Summary Pledge Card  critical decade for UK A automotive transformation: 05 A Green Automotive Transformation Strategy for a stronger economy 07 Net Zero mobility for everyone 08 Green skills for a greener future 11 Made in Britain / Made for the world 13 Powering the UK clean tech revolution Case Studies: 15 JLR 16 Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK) 17 Hydrogen Vehicle Systems (HVS) 18 Halfords 19 LKQ Euro Car Parts 2 THE SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS UK AUTOMOTIVE ECONOMIC IMPACT VEHICLE OUTPUT AND EXPORTS £16 billion in GVA to the UK economy, we are home to everything from OEMs and supply chain to potential unicorns and high value start-ups £34 billion UK AUTOMOTIVE: A PRODUCTION POWERHOUSE WITH A GLOBAL REPUTATION UK has Europe’s second largest car and van markets – a healthy domestic market is seen as key driver of inward investment JOBS AND SOCIETY Driving the economy and providing mobility solutions for all – from passenger to commercial vehicles – with a huge opportunity for delivering growth and prosperity in the net zero economy. THE SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS 1 3  inished vehicles are among Britain’s most F valuable exports, delivering revenue of £24 billion, £10 billion of which was for electrified vehicles 80% 8 0% of the vehicles produced in the UK are exported, more than half to the EU SUPPLY CHAIN AND AFTERMARKET Every part of the UK is involved in electric vehicle or component manufacturing 25% EV supply chain growing by more than 25% in the past five years The UK automotive manufacturing supply chain currently employs 134,000 people More than 2,500 automotive-specific companies Automotive manufacturing wages that ar

pdf文档 SMMT-2030年宣言:未来的汽车零排放增长(英文原版)

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