PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY 化学进展 DOI:10. 7536 / PC201128 中国制氢技术的发展现状 曹军文  张文强  李一枫  赵晨欢  郑  云  于  波 ∗ ( 清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院  北京 100084) 摘  要  氢能是一种高效清洁的二次能源,在实现“ 碳中和” 目标中起重要作用。 随着制氢规模不断扩大、 制氢成本不断降低,氢能将有望与电能共同成为二次能源主体,通过氢电互补推动我国能源结构转型、降低 碳排放、保障我国能源安全。 目前,我国已成为世界第一大产氢国,主要有三类工业制氢路线:化石燃料重整 制氢、工业副产氢和清洁能源电解水制氢。 依托清洁能源发展起来的其他制氢新技术,如太阳能光解水制 氢、生物质制氢、核能制氢等也受到广泛研究和关注。 此外,制氢系统组成复杂,建模和优化难度高,人工智 能在制氢系统的预测、评估和优化方面表现出独特的优势,受到国际学者的关注。 本文结合最新研究进展, 对上述制氢路线的发展情况进行了综述,并通过技术成熟度、经济性和环保性比较,结合国情对我国未来氢 气供应结构做出展望。 同时,本文综述了人工智能在制氢系统中的最新应用进展,以期为我国制氢工艺发展 提供新思路。 关键词  制氢  化石能源重整  工业副产氢  电解水  其他制氢新技术  人工智能 中图分类号: TQ116. 2; TK91  文献标识码: A  文章编号: 1005⁃281X(2021)12⁃2215⁃30 Current Status of Hydrogen Production in China Junwen Cao, Wenqiang Zhang, Yifeng Li, Chenhuan Zhao, Yun Zheng, Bo Yu ∗ ( Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China) Abstract  Hydrogen energy is an efficient and clean secondary energy that plays an irreplaceable role in realizing " carbon neutral" . With the continuous expansion of hydrogen production scale and the reduction in hydrogen production cost, hydrogen energy will become a competitive alternative energy, which can further promote the transformation of China’ s energy structure, reduce carbon emissions, and improve China’ s energy security and resilience. China is the world’ s largest producer of hydrogen, and there are three main industrial hydrogen production routes in China: fossil fuel reforming, industrial by⁃product hydrogen and the electrolysis of water. Other new hydrogen production technologies, such as hydrogen production from solar photolysis, hydrogen production from biomass, hydrogen production from thermochemical circulation, etc., have attracted extensive attention and investigations. In addition, hydrogen production system is complex, which is difficult for modeling and optimization. Accordingly, artificial intelligence ( AI) shows unique advantages in the prediction, evaluation and optimization for hydrogen production system, which is promising and attractive. Based on the recent progress, this article summarizes several critical hydrogen production technologies into four main categories, and 收稿: 2020 年 11 月 23 日, 收修改稿: 2021 年 3 月 22 日, 网络出版: 2021 年 7 月 29 日 国家自然科学基金项目( No.91645126 和 21273128) 、清华大学自主科研计划( No.2018Z05JZY010) 和清华⁃MIT⁃剑桥低碳能源大学联盟种 子基金项目( No.201LC004) 资助 The work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( No. 91645126 and 21273128) , the Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program ( No.2018Z05JZY010) , and the Tsinghua⁃MIT⁃Cambridge Low Carbon Energy University Alliance Seed Fund Program ( No.201LC004) . ∗Corresponding author e⁃mail: cassy_yu@ http: / /    Progress in Chemistry, 2021, 33(12) : 2215 ~ 2244 Review 化学进展 further proposes some perspectives for the future development of hydrogen supply structure in China. Finally, this article also reviewes the latest application of artificial intelligence in hydrogen production system to provide new insights for the development of hydrogen production technology in China. Key words  hydrogen production; fossil fuel reforming; industrial by⁃product hydrogen; electrolysis of water; hydrogen production from other new technologies; artificial intelligence production system 8  Conclusion and outlook 1  引言     作为全球最大的能源消费国,我国石油、天然气 等优质能源短缺,对外依存度高,严重威胁我国能源 安全。 2018 年,我国原油进口量为 4. 6 亿吨,对外     Hydrogen energy plays an irreplaceable role in realizing " carbon neutral " . Several critical hydrogen production technologies and the development are reviewed meaning of AI for hydrogen Contents 1  Introduction 2  Hydrogen 依存度高达 71%;天然气进口量为 1200 亿立方米, 对外依存度高达 43% [1] ;煤炭资源丰富,探明储量 世界排名第 2 位,但发展粗放,污染较大,不利于未 来的可持续发展。 面对日益严峻的碳排放问题,我 国于 2020 年提出 “ 碳达峰” 、 “ 碳中和” 的目标 [2] 。 氢能是一种零碳排、应用形式多样的清洁能源,是实 现能源体系低碳化转变的理想储能介质,可加速电 production fuel reforming from conventional fossil 力、工业、交通、建筑等领域的深度脱碳。 氢能的开 发和利用是推动我国能源结构转型,保障国家能源 2. 1  Hydrogen production from coal 安全,实 现 “ 碳 达 峰 ” 、 “ 碳 中 和 ” 目 标 的 重 要 途 3  Industrial by⁃product hydrogen 7 月中石化邀请专家举办了“ 氢能发展战略研讨 3. 2  Low temperature separation 国氢能产业发展迅速,基本完成了氢能全产业链的 径 [3, 4] 。 为推进我国氢能产业高质量发展,2020 年 2. 2  Hydrogen production from natural gas 会” 。 中国工程院院士干勇在会上指出,近几年我 3. 1  Pressure swing adsorption 3. 3  Membrane separation 布局,形成了京津冀、华东、华南、华中、华北、东北六 4  Hydrogen production from water electrolysis of 运、加注、利用等环节与国外的技术差距正在日益缩 3. 4  Metal hydride separation clean energy 大氢能产业集群 [5] 。

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