CLEAN DEVELOPMENT MECHANISM AR-AM0014 A/R Large-scale Methodology Afforestation and reforestation of degraded mangrove habitats Version 03.0 Sectoral scope(s): 14 AR-AM0014 A/R Large-scale Methodology: Afforestation and reforestation of degraded mangrove habitats Version 03.0 Sectoral scope(s): 14 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 3 2. SCOPE, APPLICABILITY, AND ENTRY INTO FORCE ........................................... 3 2.1. Scope ................................................................................................................ 3 2.2. Applicability ....................................................................................................... 3 2.3. Entry into force .................................................................................................. 3 3. NORMATIVE REFERENCES .................................................................................... 4 4. DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................. 4 5. BASELINE AND MONITORING METHODOLOGY .................................................. 5 5.1. Selection of carbon pools and greenhouse gases accounted ......................... 5 5.2. Identification of the baseline scenario and demonstration of additionality ....................................................................................................... 5 5.3. Stratification ...................................................................................................... 6 5.4. Baseline net GHG removals by sinks ............................................................... 6 5.5. Actual net GHG removals by sinks ................................................................... 6 5.6. Leakage ............................................................................................................ 8 5.7. Net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks ..................................................... 8 5.8. Calculation of tCERs and lCERs ...................................................................... 9 MONITORING PROCEDURE .................................................................................... 9 6.1. Monitoring plan ................................................................................................. 9 6.2. Monitoring of project implementation ............................................................... 9 6.3. Precision requirements ..................................................................................... 10 6.4. Data requirements under the methodology ...................................................... 10 6. 2 of 11 AR-AM0014 A/R Large-scale Methodology: Afforestation and reforestation of degraded mangrove habitats Version 03.0 Sectoral scope(s): 14 1. Introduction 1. This methodology allows afforestation and reforestation of wetland that constitutes degraded mangrove habitat. The methodology allows use of mangrove species and nonmangrove species but in case of more than 10 per cent area being covered by planting of non-mangrove species it prohibits changes in the hydrology of the project area. The methodology restricts the extent of soil disturbance in the project to be no more than 10 per cent. Project activities applying this methodology may choose to exclude or include accounting of any of the carbon pools of dead wood and soil organic carbon, but cannot include the litter carbon pool. 2. Scope, applicability, and entry into force 2.1. Scope 2. This methodology applies to afforestation and reforestation (A/R) project activities implemented in degraded mangrove habitats. 2.2. Applicability 3. This methodology is applicable under the following conditions: (a) The land subject to the project activity is degraded mangrove habitat; (b) More than 90 per cent of the project area is planted with mangrove species. If more than 10 per cent of the project area is planted with non-mangrove species then the project activity does not lead to alteration of hydrology of the project area and hydrology of connected up-gradient and down-gradient wetland area; (c) Soil disturbance attributable to the A/R clean development mechanism (CDM) project activity does not cover more than 10 per cent of area.1 4. A project activity applying this methodology s

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