分类号 TU985.12 UDC 711 学校代码 10129 学 号 2018222030089 基于生态修复下的武汉沌口奥山国际运动旅游山体公园设计 Research on Landscape Planning and Design of Mountain Park Based on Ecological Restoration -- Taking the design of Wuhan Zhuankou Aoshan International Sports Tourism Mountain Park as an example 申 请 人:陈明奕 学生类别:非全日制专业学位硕士 学位类别:风景园林硕士 领 域: 指导教师:王雷 教授 论文提交日期:二〇二二年十二月 内蒙古农业⼤学 研究⽣学位论⽂独创声明 本⼈申明所呈交的学位论⽂是我本⼈在导师指导下进⾏的 研究⼯作及取得的研究成果。据我所知,除了⽂中特别加以标 注和致谢的地⽅外,论⽂中不包括其他⼈已经发表或撰写过的 研究成果,也不包括为获得我校或其他教育机构的学位或证书 ⽽使⽤过的材料,与我⼀同⼯作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡 献均已在论⽂中作了明确的说明并表示谢意。 申请学位论⽂与资料若有不实之处,本⼈承担⼀切相关责 任。 论⽂作者签名: ⽇ 期: 2022.12.6 内蒙古农业⼤学研究⽣学位论⽂版权使⽤授权书 本⼈完全了解内蒙古农业⼤学有关保护知识产权的规定,即: 研究⽣在攻读学位期间论⽂⼯作的知识产权单位属内蒙古农业⼤ 学。本⼈保证毕业离校后,发表论⽂或使⽤论⽂⼯作成果时署名单 位为内蒙古农业⼤学,且导师为通讯作者,通讯作者单位亦署名为 内蒙古农业⼤学。学校有权保留并向国家有关部⻔或机构送交论⽂ 的复印件和电⼦⽂档,允许论⽂被查阅和借阅。学校可以公布学位 论⽂的全部或部分内容(保密内容除外),采⽤影印、缩印或其他 ⼿段保存论⽂。 论⽂作者签名: 指导教师签名: ⽇ 期: 2022.12.6 摘 要 随着我国城市化进程的加快,人口和产业的集聚效应使得城市山体生态系统生 态问题开始凸显,伴随着新时代更加强调推进生态文明建设的新理念,依托原生态 山体景观生态修复建设而成的山体公园逐步发展起来。 城市山体公园作为构成城市与自然过渡地带重要的独特景观之一,对于改善整 个城区生态环境与塑造城市风貌显得十分重要,因此,依托原生态山体景观生态修 复建设而成的山体公园势在必行,但目前关于基于生态修复理念下山体公园的研究 成果十分有限,仍处于发展的初期,在建设中还存在许多不足之处。本文从生态修 复角度出发,探讨规划建设一个满足市民运动休憩“生态修复型山体公园”的新途 径、新方法。 本文总体思路以生态修复视域下的山体公园为出发点,通过查阅相关文献研究 对生态修复与山体公园相关概念与理念进行探讨,通过总结现有山体公园建设的优 缺点,并借鉴优秀案例的基础上总结凝练生态修复山体景观的相关设计手法,最 后,通过武汉市的案例设计,进一步验证其可行性。本论文分为以下五个部分,第 一部分为总论,阐述了研究的内容、背景、目的意义及方法框架。第二部分研究生 态修复与山体公园的国内外现状及发展的趋势。第三部分阐述了生态修复与山体景 观理论基础。第四部分通过案例分析,总结和提炼出可供参考的设计方法。第五部 分利用上述研究成果对武汉市沌口山体公园进行规划设计,进行实例论证,依托现 状优越的自然山体条件,在维持现状的基础上,对景观节点位置稍作精致化处理, 在尽可能保留山体原貌的基础上对影响游人活动的不稳定山作修复处理,打造一山 环一水,两环六园八大功能分区,以期打造集亲子娱乐、山体运动、公园休闲、企 业发展、生态绿心于一体的城郊山地公园户外度假消费现代化综合体,以期对相关 山体公园实现可持续发展提供借鉴意义。 关键词:山体公园;生态修复;山体景观 Abstract With the acceleration of China's urbanization process, more and more urban problems have begun to emerge with the continuous improvement of people's living standards. The tension between people and land, and some ecological problems have emerged. With the new era more emphasis on promoting the principle of ecological civilization, mountain parks, which rely on the ecological restoration of the original mountain landscape, have gradually developed. As one of the important unique landscapes constituting the transition zone between city and nature, urban mountain park is very important for improving the ecological environment of the whole urban area and shaping the urban landscape. Therefore, it is imperative to build a mountain park relying on the ecological restoration of the original ecological mountain landscape. However, the research results of mountain park based on the concept of ecological restoration are very limited, and it is still in the early stage of development, There are still many deficiencies in the construction. From the perspective of ecological restoration, this thesis discusses the new ways and methods of planning and constructing an "ecological restoration mountain park" to meet the needs of citizens' sports and recreation. The general idea of this thesis is to take the mountain park under the vision of ecological restoration as the starting point, discuss the concepts and concepts related to ecological restoration and mountain park through consulting relevant literature research, summarize the advantages and disadvantages of the existing mountain park construction, and summarize the relevant design techniques of ecological restoration of mountain landscape on the basis of drawing on excellent cases. Finally, further verify its feasibility through the case design of Wuhan. This thasis is divided into the following five parts. The first part is a general introduction, which describes the content, background, purpose and significance of the study and the methodology framework. The second part studies the current situation and development trend of ecological restoration and mountain park at home and abroad. The third part expounds the theoretical basis of ecological restoration and mountain landscape. The fourth part summarizes and refines the design method for reference through case analysis. The fifth part makes use of the above research results to plan and design the Zhuankou Mountain Park in Wuhan, and demonstrates with examples. Relying on the superior natural mountain conditions, on the basis of maintaining the status quo, the landscape node positions are slightly refined. On the basis of preserving the original appearance of the mountain as much as possible, the unstable mountains that affect the activities of tourists are repaired to create one mountain, one water, two rings, six parks a
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