Life cycle assessment 2021 — Carbon footprint of Polestar 2 variants Life cycle assessment — Disclaimer This report is informational only and (1) is based solely on an analysis of Polestar 2 (model year 2020), the additional variants “Long range Single motor” and “Standard range Single motor”, and Volvo XC40 petrol Internal Combustion Engine (model year 2020), and does not include information regarding any other Polestar or Volvo Cars vehicle and (2) does not create any commitment regarding current or future products or carbon footprint impacts. Life cycle assessment — Content Executive summary  Authors and contact  Terms and definitions  7 11 13 1 General description  1.1 Introduction  15 15 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Methodology and data  Changes in methodology and data since Polestar 2 original LCA Added material categories  Update of composition of average filled polymers  Update of share of wrought versus casted aluminium  Update of GaBi-professional and Ecoinvent database  Transport and manufacturing emissions (inbound/outbound)  Electricity mix used in manufacturing and use phase  17 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 3 Results  21 4 Discussion  25 5 Conclusion  27 Appendix: Background data  29 Life cycle assessment — Executive summary Tonne CO₂e XC40 ICE 60 58 50 Polestar 2 Long range Dual motor 50 40 Polestar 2 Long range Single motor 46 42 45 39 27 30 ← Figure 1 Polestar 2 Standard range Single motor Carbon footprint for Polestar 2 variants and XC40 ICE, with different electricity mixes in the use phase used for the Polestar 2 variants. Results are shown in tonne CO₂ -equivalents per functional unit (200,000 km lifetime range). 38 26 25 20 In 2020, a carbon footprint of Polestar 2 was published. The carbon footprint presented in this report is a continuation of that work. Two new Polestar 2 variants, “Long range Single motor” and “Standard range Single motor” are assessed and compared with the original Polestar 2, the “Long range Dual motor”, and with the internal combustion engine petrol vehicle Volvo XC40 ICE. The carbon footprint presented in this report is, as the previous Polestar 2 carbon footprint, based on a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The LCA is performed according to ISO LCA standards1. In addition, the “Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard”² published by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol has been used for guidance in methodological choices. These choices and data sources are described in the previous Polestar 2 LCA report. Some small methodological and data changes were made, which are described in this report. To get a full understanding of the methodology used to calculate the carbon footprints in this report, it is recommended to also read the previous Polestar 2 LCA report. The carbon footprint includes emissions from upstream supplier activities, manufacturing and logistics, use phase of the vehicle and the endof-life phase. The functional unit chosen is “The use of a specific Polestar vehicle driving 200,000 km”. 10 0 Petrol Global  Production and End-of-life EU Wind Global EU Wind Global EU Wind All three variants, including the Polestar 2 Long range Dual motor, have been calculated according to any new methodology and data, to make results comparable. The XC40 ICE has not been re-calculated, since data is not controlled by Polestar.  Use phase As shown in Figure 1, the carbon footprint is 50-27 tonne CO₂e for the “Long range Dual motor”, 46-26 tonne CO₂e for the “Long range Single motor”, and 45-25 tonne CO₂e for “Standard range Single motor”. The range in results is caused by differences in electricity mix scenarios, where the highest value reflects that a global electricity mix is used in the vehicle use phase while the lowest value reflects that wind power is used. Compared with the XC40 ICE, all the Polestar 2 variants have a lower cradle-to-grave carbon footprint, spanning from a 14% reduction for “Long range Dual motor with global electricity mix” to 57% reduction for “Standard range Single motor with wind power”. 1 ISO 14044:2006 Environmental management – Life cycle assessment – Requirements and guidelines” and ISO 14040:2006 “Environmental management – Life cycle assessment – Principles and framework” 2 default/files/standards/ProductLife-Cycle-Accounting-ReportingStandard_041613.pdf 7 8 9 The number of kilometres needed to be driven to reach

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