Carbon Free Boston Transportation Technical Report 2019 Project Team Cambridge Systematics Xiao Yun (Jane) Chang Scott Boone Christopher Porter Martin Milkovits Institute for Sustainable Energy (ISE), Boston University Cutler J. Cleveland Principal Investigator Professor, Department of Earth and Environment, ISE Peter Fox-Penner Co-Principal Investigator Director, ISE Professor of Practice, Questrom School of Business Michael J. Walsh Technical Lead, ISE Research Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Environment Margaret Cherne-Hendrick Senior Policy Associate, ISE Kevin Zheng Research Fellow, ISE Sucharita Gopal Professor, Department of Earth and Environment, ISE Robert Perry Administrative Coordinator, ISE Joshua R. Castigliego Research Fellow, ISE Taylor Perez Graduate Research Assistant, ISE Laura Hurley Communications Manager, ISE Olivia Simpson Web Site Developer, ISE Adam Pollack PhD Student, Department of Earth and Environment, ISE Carbon Free Boston Steering Committee Janet Atkins Ridgeway Philanthropy Richard McGuinness Boston Planning & Development Agency Carl Spector City of Boston Vineet Gupta City of Boston Bud Ris Boston Green Ribbon Commission Kathleen Theoharides Commonwealth of Massachusetts Green Ribbon Commission Staff John Cleveland Amy Longsworth Green Ribbon Commission Carbon Free Boston Working Group Mindy Lubber Ceres (Chair) Amos B. Hostetter, Jr. Barr Foundation Marcy Reed National Grid Robert A. Brown Boston University Katherine Lapp Harvard University Israel Ruiz MIT Christopher Cook City of Boston Alexandra Liftman Bank of America Al Scaramelli Beacon Capital Partners Bill Fahey Veolia Penni McLean-Conner Eversource City of Boston Staff Alison Brizius Kat Eshel Lexi Smith Vineet Gupta Project Support The work of Carbon Free Boston was made possible by the generous support of these organizations: Sherry and Alan Leventhal Family Foundation Barr Foundation The Grantham Foundation William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Henry P. Kendall Foundation City of Boston Commonwealth of Massachusetts National Grid Eversource Bank of America C40 Microsoft Orsted Carbon Free Boston Technical Report Transportation Carbon Free Boston: Transportation Technical Report Christopher Porter,1 Martin Milkovits,1 Xiao Yun (Jane) Chang,1 Scott Boone,1 Michael J. Walsh,2,3 Joshua R. Castigliego,2,3 and Cutler J. Cleveland2,3 Cambridge Systematics Inc., Medford, MA, USA Institute for Sustainable Energy, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA 3 Department of Earth and Environment, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA 1 2 Please cite this report as: Porter, Christopher, Martin Milkovits, Xiao Yun (Jane) Chang, Scott Boone, Michael J. Walsh, Joshua R. Castigliego, and Cutler J. Cleveland. 2019. Carbon Free Boston: Transportation Technical Report (Boston University Institute for Sustainable Energy, Boston, MA, USA). Available at Part of a series of reports that includes: Carbon Free Boston: Summary Report Carbon Free Boston: Social Equity Report Carbon Free Boston: Technical Summary Carbon Free Boston: Buildings Technical Report Carbon Free Boston: Waste Technical Report Carbon Free Boston: Energy Technical Report Carbon Free Boston: Offsets Technical Report Available at © 2019 by the Boston University Institute for Sustainable Energy This work and its associated results are made available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Boston University Institute for Sustainable Energy i Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Carbon Free Boston Technical Report Transportation CONTENTS 1 Overview.....................................................................................................................................................1 2 Summary of Key Findings ...........................................................................................................................1 3 Introduction................................................................................................................................................3 4 5 6 3.1 Boston’s Transportation System ...........................................................................................................3 3.2 Existing City, Regional, and State Plans and Policies .............................................................................4 Baseline Inventory and Forecast ...........................

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